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<abu[7]> Hi viaken! You can use internal or transient symbols
<abu[7]> (cookie "myKey" (someValue))
<abu[7]> You retrieve it like (cdr (assoc "myKey *Cookies))
<abu[7]> With an internal (cookie 'myKey (someValue))
<abu[7]> you can (get 'myKey *Cookies)
<abu[7]> sorry! I mean (get *Cookies 'myKey) of course
<abu[7]> (someValue) may be a number, a transient, internal or external (DB) symbol, or a list of such atoms
<abu[7]> You can pass optional args to (cookie ...) for expires, domain, secure and HttpOnly (I forgot what that means)
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<viaken> Hi abu! After looking at it some more, I think my issue was that I was trying to put it in the Prg of a +Button. I believe I'll need to use onclick if I want to set it in response to a button click.
<abu[7]> No, the prg of a +Button is good. You can put in anywhere in a 'http' response.
<abu[7]> What was the error message?
<abu[7]> BTW, a +Button has an "exe", not a "prg" ;)
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<abu[7]> Simple demo:
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<abu[7]> : *Cookies
<abu[7]> -> ((OK . "OK"))
<viaken> I'll have to check it in a bit, but thank you for the demo!
<abu[7]> ☺
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<abu[7]> For the records: The somewhat complicated redirect is not needed here (only for apps that call JavaScript already on the first page)
<abu[7]> Here a simple (app) is sufficient
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