nah, Thonny is the give-away. Googling for pico thonny gave that link. MicroPython-IDE for Raspberri Pico.
makes sense
so I guess all we could have told him is that he could use PicoLisp as a more efficient interpreter and environment that python :P
T ☺
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ohhhhh RPi Pico
beneroth: hi
i was completely confused about that one
i should have known haha
aw-, hi :)
no worries! I only realized because i googled
is the pico just a smaller RPi, or is it not a full SOC and more like Arduino?
it's more like an arduino
oh wait
yes yes, the pico is like an arduino
it's not intel or arm
the "smaller" RPi is the 'zero'
which has an arm CPU, it's insane how tiny yet how powerful that thing is
it's moore's law, aw-.
if they wanted to make 8086's today, it would be so tiny you could inhale it.
and not notice.
next on hackaday: biohacking with an 8086
aw-, thanks
aw-, there is a research group using biological brain cells to control a video game agent...
you talking about that Facebook VR thing?
In my experience everything RPi has the quality of the cheapest Chineese clones. Both RPi and Arduino are dishonest and trecherous. In case of Arduino I don't see how there could be room for their obstructions, and who could possibly care. Evidence: setup & ""loop"" and ""pinMode"" & "digitalWrite".
DKordic: it's the right price point for many projects though.
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Bjorkintosh: Seems more like a punishment to me.
perhaps you have an alternative recommendation to arduino and rpi with the same utility and price?
https://svelte.dev/blog/runes is a rediscovery of Lisp Macros, with a very limited understanding as ecpected. DHH recently remarked: ""Perhaps that's the wheel of life"".
bjorkintosh: Teensy and BlackPill are very affordabe DevBoards. Those two Cargo Cults can have an infinite price. What am I missing?
okay. never heard of it.
I'll check it out.
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