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<Zimaabnormal> hello, anyone here to help me with pico?
<aw-> hi
<aw-> what's up
<Zimaabnormal> I have a pico and learning how to progam it. the import machine don't work for me
<Zimaabnormal> I am using thronny
<Zimaabnormal> I mean, thonny
<Zimaabnormal> almost any input don't work but the numeric entries work
<Zimaabnormal> or do you know of a pico channel that does only pico things?
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<Zimaabnormal> guess not... oh well... bye
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<aw-> wat
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<abu[7]> \?/
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<beneroth> not sure if that was even about picolisp or some other picothing...
<beneroth> I guess that was about Raspberri Pico and Thonny IDE:
<abu[7]> Perhaps the pico editor
<beneroth> nah, Thonny is the give-away. Googling for pico thonny gave that link. MicroPython-IDE for Raspberri Pico.
<abu[7]> makes sense
<beneroth> so I guess all we could have told him is that he could use PicoLisp as a more efficient interpreter and environment that python :P
<beneroth> s/that/than
<abu[7]> T ☺
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<aw-> ohhhhh RPi Pico
<aw-> beneroth: hi
<aw-> i was completely confused about that one
<aw-> i should have known haha
<beneroth> aw-, hi :)
<beneroth> no worries! I only realized because i googled
<beneroth> is the pico just a smaller RPi, or is it not a full SOC and more like Arduino?
<aw-> it's more like an arduino
<aw-> oh wait
<aw-> yes yes, the pico is like an arduino
<aw-> it's not intel or arm
<aw-> the "smaller" RPi is the 'zero'
<aw-> which has an arm CPU, it's insane how tiny yet how powerful that thing is
<bjorkintosh> it's moore's law, aw-.
<bjorkintosh> if they wanted to make 8086's today, it would be so tiny you could inhale it.
<bjorkintosh> and not notice.
<aw-> next on hackaday: biohacking with an 8086
<beneroth> aw-, thanks
<beneroth> aw-, there is a research group using biological brain cells to control a video game agent...
<aw-> you talking about that Facebook VR thing?
<DKordic> In my experience everything RPi has the quality of the cheapest Chineese clones. Both RPi and Arduino are dishonest and trecherous. In case of Arduino I don't see how there could be room for their obstructions, and who could possibly care. Evidence: setup & ""loop"" and ""pinMode"" & "digitalWrite".
<bjorkintosh> DKordic: it's the right price point for many projects though.
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<DKordic> Bjorkintosh: Seems more like a punishment to me.
<bjorkintosh> perhaps you have an alternative recommendation to arduino and rpi with the same utility and price?
<DKordic> is a rediscovery of Lisp Macros, with a very limited understanding as ecpected. DHH recently remarked: ""Perhaps that's the wheel of life"".
<DKordic> bjorkintosh: Teensy and BlackPill are very affordabe DevBoards. Those two Cargo Cults can have an infinite price. What am I missing?
<bjorkintosh> blackpill?
<bjorkintosh> okay. never heard of it.
<bjorkintosh> I'll check it out.
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