most options involve tons of overhead by allocating closures
or wrapping a lot of stuff in first class functions
that's why im not really looking into tco for my interpreter currently, cause its supposed to be a pure interpreter xd
i love that in compilers you get to write the language in itself and it can be very efficient
llvm-ir is a good middle ground, but its not exactly the same language
the same as what?
pilsrc vs pil
It needs different semantics
operates on different data structures
i mean, dont most compilers operate on ast?
and lisp is pretty much pure ast
Yes Syntax
the thing is semantics
Lisp can't manipulate the stack for example
PilSrc maps to a CPU
not syms and cells
The syms and cells are the product
no stack for us
On the semantic level, PilSrc is C and not Lisp
Only syntax is Lisp
do you gain much from going to llvm instead of just writing C?
stack manipulation
and CPU flags
(mainly carry flag)
afaik llvm is incredibly complex though
probably worth it in some cases, maybe not in other
Yes, but I don't use it. Only llvm-ir
llvm-ir is a generalized assembler
so more powerful than C
so you get assembly with at least somewhat familiar interface and its portable
are cons cells on the stack only possible cause of llvm?
like new cells i guess
No, in C you can have them too
cell structs
But in C you cannot decrement the stack pointer in a loop, or create and jump between stack segments (needed for coroutines)
llvm~stack can get the current hardware stack pointer, and it can also set it to another value
you can probably do it with some inline assembly
but again, rip portability
Yes, assembly
Thats why the first versions of pil were asm, then C, then asm again and then llvm~ir
AFAIK only Forth gives you such full control over the stack
(RP here)
return stack pointer?
yeah, manual tco :D
SP and RP in Forth
i doubt you can write an amazingly fast lisp interpreter in forth though
probably not, frequent stack operations are expensive
as opposed to registers
A hardware Forth CPU would be the best
think itd be comparable to x86 performance?
At least a bit closer, if the stacks are in very fast internal memory (like the registers of a normal CPU)
Execution may be slower, but the code be more compact, giving better cache efficiency
oh that's fun
ik some of the better forths use cache for a few of the top stack items
sorry, registers*
thats why treating the stack as an array is not recommended
But this keepinp TOS and some more entries in register has other overhead
can't you just allocate a chunk of memory for the stack and "stack-allocate" in there?
cause memory is already allocated it should be fast
or stack manipulation is more about what usually happens behind the scenes in C
Yes, you can do such tricks (in fact I had coroutines in lifo (in C)), but this always implies assumptions which are not guaranteed because C hat no concept of the stack in the language)
do you have examples of those assumptions?
We have a model of a large array on the stack, but the compiler may optimize it away
model in our mind I mean
i bet thats part of the reason the phrase "no compiler to mess with your code, you get what you see" has been said in regards to picolisp :D
We allocate a big struct, but *mean* "please decrement the stack"
Exactly :)
what's faster, (quote X) or a symbol constant, like T?
to defer
A symbol value
inline 'eval'
and if there wouldn't be inline eval?
a single machine instruction for a symbol, but a complex function call for 'quote'
okay fair
but one more call
one more call for quote?
eval as function and then quote
ah yeah
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So the inline eval handles num and sym directly
test and jump
"directly" like removing 1 function call?
eval is used a lot so probably more than worth it