yes, I know about the cadence, I wanted to know about the day, given the particular time of the year.. ok I guess I can update the port on 29th or 30th
yeap, thanks
cool, thanks both :)
abu[7]: i had a question above about how do you know how many frames to pop off of bind stack when function has been run
maybe theres some sort of counter im not seeing
Depends on the use case
In case of 'llvm~evExpr' it is until hitting '@'
ah, basically a magic value for a stop marker
that's neater that what i was thinking
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For 'let' it is either just one
or remembered in 'Q'
what's Q?
A local variable
(vi 'let)
at the end
im honestly not a fan of every argument being named as a single letter where you have no idea what's it supposed to be doing
P and Q are usually pointers in PilSrc
(let (P (val $Bind) Q P)
(? (== Q (setq P ...
(== Anything (setq ...)) is such a C pattern :D
ive seen you use it a lot in gc.c in original picolisp for example
Yeah, same
what's going on in mapcar?
im guessing workarounds for f expressions in some way, shape or form
"going on" in which sense?
its huge and im confused what's actually happening inside
cause typical map function will be like half of that side
It is basisally an "apply"
basically fexps make first class functions less nice to implement?
but give first class macros
is it also basically quoting the arguments before passing them to the function?
No, it is all about evaluating and applying the args
Look at 'apply' first
and doc/structures
apply is even scarier
Mapping lists is applying the elements of all lists to the fun
that i know
i dont know how are you making it work with fexps
cause if mapcar is evaluating, and print is evaluating, then your list is eval'd twice and it doesnt work
(mapcar print '(1 2 3))
(mapcar print '(a b c))
mapcar will eval the list and get (a b c)
if you pass it as is to print, then it'll try to eval a and that's not bound and nothing works
if you quote it beforehand it should work...
see doc/structures
looks like binding stack
It is more
builds an exe
which quotes the elements of the list
by putting into symbols
doesn't sound much different from what i said
except putting into symbols instead of using quote
brb lunch
pil32 indeed used quote's in apply
if you know that the function doesn't evaluate its arguments (or does), you could make apply work with both, no?
just skip quoting step when it doesnt evaluate its arguments
abu[7]: why'd you switch from quote to symbol construction?
sounds like both are 1 pointer reference
A non-evaluating fun (FEXPR) cannot be applied at all
its pretty much the same thing as using (private) or abusing transient namespace though
reinventing the wheel is very fun though
i think you only care about collissions when setting things or evaluating arbitrary forms though
could also write a function that replaces all symbols with transient symbols with same value as current...
for no reason whatsoever!
meta-programming to generate FEXPRs would be a reason
it's an interpreted lisp
though generating FEXPRs is kinda... weird. Probably not using FEXPRs correctly or overdoing metaprogramming
everything we do is meta
when you say generating fexprs i think of (eval (list 'setq thing1 thing2))
in FEXPRs you usually want the parameters and local variables to be transients (or namespaced) to ensure that no name collision/shadowing could happen in the evaluation within the FEXPR
oh yeah
in the first place i started writing this as a resolution to symbol collissions
a fexpr in picolisp is a (de foo X ...) or (de foo (EvalParam1 EvalParam2 . X) ...) function
for my interpreter though
X = unevaluated argument list
yeah i know that much
did you see the file i sent?
so usually you then use (run) or (eval) with it within the FEXPR. unless the FEXPR is a full interpreter iterating through the parameters or whatever
that's like exactly what im doing, just limited to particular symbols
FEXPRs are interpreter-functions, right. That's why they are not compilable (not in all cases), that's why compiled lisps dropped them
just replaces every symbol provided with transients and then evaluates the body
you know about (bind) yes=
im literally using it in with-symbols
ah yes you use it
the idea is, i dont need to rewrite anything but i ensure that Args and other args will never collide with anything else
yeah. you can think of (bind) relation to (let) like the relation of (set) to (setq) ;-)
its arguments are a little different
bind takes an alist, let just a list or even a symbol followed by some exp
s/just a list/flat list
also set can set pairs' car
oh wait
abu[7]: does it work cause car of cons is in same position as value of a symbol?
the CAR ?
(a . b) vs (head . value)
CAR vs. VAl
so in first case pointer points to a, in second to value
the function just sets whatever's directly at the pointer
hence double behaviour
it's efficient
also mind bending
not like i mind that though
apply finally clicked today too
simply elegant :)
well, not the code but what it does in theory
(sorry, we are in Augsburg'c Xmas market, cant follow all the time)
abu[7], enjoy!
family is getting angry ;)
well, logs are there for a reason
ok ☺
(dolist2 (X Args) (prin X) (prinl))
how do i properly destructure it into the X from car, Args from car and rest?
(let (((Var . L) . Body) Args) ...) seems to not be doing L right
without dot before L it's also wrong
actually wait, i forgot to eval it
actually nevermind again, i frogot that i got collissions
I think you forgot a dot
ah no
it's a call, not definition
sorry I'm busy packaging here for a short holiday vacation :)
I can't follow you exactly
X is an atom value or a pair?
i fixed it
if you want to iterate through all arguments you could also do e.g. like (de foo X (while X (case (++ X) (namedParam1 ..) (namedParam2 ..) (T ...)))
ah okay
good :)
i also made the with-symbols function use a transient symbol for param
good :)
you should dolist too, to handle the case when someone calls dolist with the symbol 'Args
dolist is solved using with-symbols
that exact case was the whole reason im even writing this haha
I don't understand the (fill ...) in with-symbols tbh
honestly i dont either, but it works
somehow it just replaces every symbol passed (i.e. (Args Var Body L)) in the body
the (run) is supposed to evaluate the second argument to with-symbols, and the first argument in with-symbols is the argument list you secure into transients before bindings, right?
fexps are amazing honestly
too bad you cant compile them efficiently
you can. efficiency is not the problem. the problem is, some FEXPRs you cannot compile at all, because what they do is completely up to the arguments, which might be complete runtime-dependent (e.g. based on user input) so you cannot know what to do during compile time
how about:
(de with-symbols "Body"
(mapcar '((X) (cons X (name X))) (car "Body"))
(run (car "Body")) ) )
(not tested)
that won't replace the symbols with generated ones
the argument "replacing" is already happening with (bind), I think (fill) is not needed?
you're right, I see
bind here actually only binds Body to "Body" and such
you can probably make it simpler though
or not :)
youll need to alter the (de) call a lot if you dont use fill
just use always transients (or namespaced) symbols for parameter names in every function definition, then you don't need this :)
(though in FEXPRs is enough)
also make sure you dont have collissions in a single file
its not needed per se, just fun
not in picolisp anyway
okay so if you have an interpreter only for fexps, you can implement lambdas with eval and mapcar
see also (===)
FYI a (load) also closes and opens a new transient scope
can give tricky issues if you sprinkle multiple (load)s in your file instead of one at the top
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