The name has 8 bytes per cell and 7 in the last CDR
So we need a terminator
okay, makes sense
thats like the only bit that invalidates the "RFC8259-compliant" thingie :(
but its 99.9% compliant, so good enough :D
ive posted about the wiki page
am i a contributor yet
btw, why is name of a symbol encoded in last cdr of its plist and not the first car instead?
property access should be faster than name access, because the name is needed mainly for I/O which is slow anyway
And a minimal system of one cell has only a CAR (value) and a CDR (name)
fair enough
what is actually better - reading char by char or trying to read everything into memory?
im guessing first one uses less memory but maybe slower and second one the opposite way
What reading do you think of? Sexprs?
mostly json, but also applies to sexprs i guess
or, what *can* be read into memory?
'read' reads into memory first (buffer)
yeah and then you can operate on it
just byte by byte
buffer is only for efficiency
read does only a single-byte look-ahead
with (peek)?
(peek) is just a function to access this single char
the global $Chr
haha, ofc its a global
(vi 'llvm~$Chr)
when implementing my own "unread" functionality in python i had to have a variable for the latest char too
q: does it mean when you do (char) it actually just returns you whatever was in $Chr and read a new char into there, available for (peek) again?
Yes, exactly
is that how peeking in C works as well?
plus additional byte
I don't know a C peek fun
nvm, its got ungetc instead
a char in pil may he up to 4 byte
T, stdio
i would guess it works in a similar way, just storing it in some variable upon doing ungetc and un-storing it when you read 1 char
I think so too
how large is $Chr overall?
Just an int
it holds only one byte
so (char) or (peek) may trigger further fetches
but yeah, utf-8 chars can be up to 4 bytes...
For the look-ahead a byte is enough
ASCII only
read should return 'abc'
next read the list (def)
is ungetting vs peeking largely a preference thing?
Depends what ungetting can do
Can you unget more than one?
i think no
So it is the same
why is (char) when called on top level of a script not reading from stdin?
or more like, should i be doing (in 0 (char))?
When 'load'ing a file, the current input channel is the file itself
worked with (in 0 ...)
yes, or (in NIL ...)
(pp 'private)
calls (read)
so it reads the *next* expression
(load "file") is basically (in "file" (while (read) (eval @]
that's fun
gotta go, have fun
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