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<abu[m]> I rewrote the start page of, because I think that it needs to tell why anyone should use PicoLisp at all
<abu[m]> Not sure if it makes it clear
<abu[m]> Not sure if it makes it clear
<abu[m]> oops ;)
<abu[m]> I believe that PicoLisp is *very* different from other Lisps, but also noticed that it is hard to explain.
<Hunar> Looks good to me :)
<abu[m]> ☺
<abu[m]> Does this explanation about "data oriented" make sense?
<aw-> abu[m]: fantastic!!
<aw-> you removed that huge block of code
<aw-> however
<aw-> for a programming language, i think it's absolutely necessary to have at least one or two small code snippets on the front page
<aw-> they don't have to be long
<abu[m]> oh, really?
<aw-> yes
<aw-> i always quickly want to see what the language "feels" like
<aw-> before installing anything
<aw-> a few lines of code are usually sufficient
<abu[m]> ok
<abu[m]> I find something suitable
<beneroth> much better than before
<abu[m]> Thanks!
<aw-> hi beneroth
<aw-> abu[m]: perhaps a code example to show how 'code and data are equivalent'
<aw-> unless I misunderstood this sentence: "Code and data are equivalent in Lisp, so you get the latter for free anyway, but the focus should be on data."
<aw-> it's a big vague to be honest
<aw-> abu[m]: also in the code block to install PicoLisp on Linux
<aw-> please remove the $ at the beginning of the line
<abu[m]> I also find this sentence a bit confusing. Will change to "you get functions manipulations for free"
<abu[m]> ok, this part I did not touch from Erik's version
<aw-> oh ok, well the $ makes it difficult to copy the entire line for pasting in a shell (because the line is prefixed with $)
<abu[m]> But I think the '$' is correct. Shell prompt
<abu[m]> Is it difficult to copy from "sudo"?
<aw-> to copy it i have to click then select the line then ctrl+c
<abu[m]> Do you have an idea for a code example for code <-> data?
<aw-> without the $ i can just double-click then ctrl+c
<abu[m]> I'm just collecting examples from #PicoLispREPL btw.
<abu[m]> On a Desktop, I need a triple-click to get a complete line
<abu[m]> Double-click selects "sudo", then drag
<aw-> err sorry
<aw-> i meant triple-click
<abu[m]> ah, ok
<aw-> i like triple-click hahaha
<abu[m]> I see ☺
<abu[m]> I don't use a mouse, so for me it is irrelevant
<aw-> haha, yeah i figured
<abu[m]> Well, code vs. data are often FEXPRs like in the http or svg libs
<beneroth> Hi aw-
<abu[m]> Difficult outside context
<beneroth> abu[m], you are not wrong, but your reader might not even know what lisp is :D
<abu[m]> true
<abu[m]> With this text I address Lispers though, I noticed how different their view on the language is
<aw-> how about this
<aw-> (de mycode Var (println Var)) (mycode 1 2 3)
<abu[m]> As a FEXPR?
<aw-> just a code example
<abu[m]> not so clear for code as data
<abu[m]> More typical is:
<abu[m]> : ((list '(A B) (list '+ 'A '(* 3 B))) 3 4)
<abu[m]> -> 15
<abu[m]> But I find it too confusing for beginners
<aw-> yeah...
<abu[m]> How about these examples (all from Twitter #PicoLispREPL)?
<abu[m]> I could put this as a code block befor "Install PicoLisp"
<abu[m]> Or better at the end of the page?
<beneroth> abu[m], yeah I know most of your texts are aimed at lispers
<beneroth> I never was one. :D
<abu[m]> ☺ and non-Lispers are shocked away from any Lisp page
<beneroth> well I was not
<abu[m]> T!
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