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<abu[m]> tankf33der: I made a release today (22 11 19) with some low-level changes to coroutine mechanics. The reson was that an error exit from coroutines did not work correctly. When you have time, can you run your checks?
<tankf33der> All passed.
<abu[m]> Very good! Thanks a lot!
<beneroth> thanks to both of you!
<abu[m]> ☺
<abu[m]> I noticed this problem because I use Vip all the time while debugging an application. Vip always runs in its own coroutine, but if the application goess into an error break, this happens in the Vip coroutine if the editor is in front
<abu[m]> Then, when exiting the error REPL (the one with the "!"), the whole application crashed mysteriously
<abu[m]> The coroutine was not properly cleaned up, and the namespaces were that of Vip and not that of the application
<abu[m]> Now all looks good ☺
<beneroth> nice illustration of who "eat your own dog food"-principle (use your own products in real work) results in better quality :)
<beneroth> s/who/how
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