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<tankf33der> Morning all
<tankf33der> what the issue?
<abu[m]> Ukrainian localization gs "UA.l" and "uk".
<abu[m]> Can you look at the "Language" field in ? I added Ukrainian. I took the word from google translate so I hope it is correct.
<abu[m]> s/gs/is/
<tankf33der> Works somehow
<m_mans> Hi all
<abu[m]> Hi m_mans:!
<m_mans> abu[m]: How are you?
<abu[m]> Thanks, fine! And you?
<m_mans> me too, thanks!
<abu[m]> Great ☺
<m_mans> I'm just constantly messing around with python job )
<abu[m]> oh ;)
<m_mans> is there anything new regarding custom styles in GUI or generally new in GUI?
<abu[m]> Perhaps the micro templates?
<m_mans> yes
<abu[m]> Did not change recently
<m_mans> ok
<abu[m]> Let's talk later, I must go now ☺/
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<beneroth> hi m_mans o/
<beneroth> is python fun?
<aw-> beneroth: no it's not
<aw-> i know you didn't ask me ;)
<beneroth> nevermind, I'm interest in all comments.
<beneroth> I wrapped some python tools in pil, but haven't done any real python myself.
<beneroth> I would guess it's better than Java, no?
<aw-> anything is better than Java
<beneroth> no. PHP?
<beneroth> always careful with absolutes. Worse is possible :D
<Nistur> intercal?
<m_mans> hi beneroth
<beneroth> Nistur, symbol not found. what is 'intercal' ?
<m_mans> python itself is ok, but my current tasks are not fun, too little about coding and too much about organizational matters
<Nistur> beneroth: the compiler with no pronouncable acronym
<Nistur> *compiler language
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<Nistur> if you want bad languages, I've got you covered :)
<Nistur> I mean... :P
<beneroth> ah I see
<beneroth> xD no thanks
<beneroth> Intercal: great name and even greater versioning scheme
<beneroth> respect!
<Nistur> I especially like in intercal that you have to say please
<Nistur> but you have to say the right amount of please
<Nistur> too much or too little and the compiler complains
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<beneroth> Nistur, I see. A bit like Output: "I want cookie". write "Cookie". program continues.
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<KomiaPoika> Nistur: then you should see the Dune mini-series, it's not a comedy
<KomiaPoika> beneroth: also
<KomiaPoika> the new Dune is utter trash. It has a reference to the mahdi, the imam mahdi, which is islam's next prophet also the antechrist' sidekick in Revelation 13. totally insulting to propagand for islam in a fiction movie. the Dune book has vague references to the Arab world and that's fine, but to throw theology at my face while I'm trying to relax is demagogic and insulting. Also, Momoa's character is a
<KomiaPoika> joke and a disgrace to his GoT epic role.
<KomiaPoika> Lynch's Dune is my favourite, but I understand if you don't like Lynch's humour, you may prefer the mini-series, which is epic
<beneroth> KomiaPoika, I know the miniseries
<beneroth> I mostly like it. The actor changes were quite unfortunate, and the blue eye things was in my understanding wrong in every film version of Dune (including the newest)
<beneroth> Momoa didn't fit for the Idaho role, agreed. The Idaho gola actor from the (second season) miniseries stuck with me as my image of Idaho
<beneroth> I also disliked the genderswitch with Liet-Kynes, because his father has a funny nerdy backstory in the books, and the relation to Chani must then also changed somehow (not shown in Dune move, maybe in next part).
<beneroth> The worst thing I found Arrakeen, the architecture and decoration style is largely unchanged to the building/interiors on Caladan, which are supposed to have completely different cultures and histories. Arrakeen in the newest Dune movie looks just as one big uniform bunker complex, I've found the depiction in the miniseries much closer to the descriptions in the book albeit not perfect (well granted, their
<beneroth> budget was a joke).
<beneroth> on the positive side, my impression was that Villeneuve tried to convey the key scenes of the book truly and show (not tell) the subtle but meaningful and longtime echoing developments/changes taking place
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<KomiaPoi1a> beneroth: yep. Villeneuve meant well, but he was abused by scenarist who wrote dungy dialogs. He's of the "photographer" kind of director who leaves too much of the rest of the film to chance.
<KomiaPoi1a> Zimmer rocked the kasba with sound and music, but in the end it all went to waste because bad actors and lame dialogs.
<KomiaPoi1a> g'nite
<beneroth> KomiaPoika, the Mahdi stuff is original to the book, Paul is called Mahdi by groups of fremen common people at several occasions. Pauls arc is also greatly inspired by the islamic phrophecies, as much stuff in Dune is inspired by islam mysticism. One has to keep in mind that this was before Islam was known much to western audiences (well it kinda still isn't) and before the mujaheddin were the cultural bad
<beneroth> guys made so by world events and western propaganda.
<beneroth> it is rather remarkable what kind of knowledge Frank had about all this stuff, including some (not only islam) mysticism which was not easy available or knowable in his time.
<beneroth> KomiaPoi1a, you might be right about that statement on Villeneuve.
<beneroth> did you watch BladeRunner 2049? I found that was an master piece in all regards.
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<beneroth> re mahdi: also keep in mind, in the books the whole prophecies for the fremen was Bene Gesserit implants exploited by Jessica to survive. And the most important morale Frank clearly intended (and there are interviews with him also stating that), is that Paul as messiah is not the good guy. That blindly following a messiah is dangerous and generally a bad thing. It's of course constructed as a twist, but
<beneroth> that is the whole point: question your heros.
<beneroth> I can see how you like Lynchs movie (where it's more like a superhero story in space with interesting surroundings) if you prefer popcorn cinema over having philosophy and theology in movies
<beneroth> the novels are full of philosophy, theology, sociology and psychology, heavily intertwined. I see the basic theme of the Dune series as "how can a society be ruled and influenced" and how "the rulers are not above human short-sightedness and emotional trappings"
<beneroth> </end> Hope you can read it in the log later or so, would like to discuss further. Didn't know there is a mahdi in revelation 13, thanks for the pointer!
<beneroth> oh yes and of course one must not forget that Frank stressed ecology and environment changes as big driving forces of societies when it was still a mostly fringe topic. for that he certainly deserves credit.