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<abu[m]> The picture is also visible here in my profile
<abu[m]> ("here" means in Matrix)
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<KomiaPoika> Nistur: Ghost in the Shell is a real movie in a manga coating. a classic
<KomiaPoika> beneroth: probably a lame ersätz
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<KomiaPoika_penti> c ed h h t
<KomiaPoika> how do you hit "enter" key in penti?
<KomiaPoika> The keys RETurn, ESCape, TABulator and BS (backspace) are needed relatively
<KomiaPoika> often, so they have their own combination. Pressing middle and then index
<KomiaPoika> finger quickly gives a backspace, while index and then middle gives a TAB.
<KomiaPoika> doesn't say how to hit RETURN
<abu[m]> Return is arpeggio index+middle
<abu[m]> Opposite of ESC
<abu[m]> You see it on the help screen on the top right
<abu[m]> RET/ESC
<Nistur> beneroth: I may take a look into that version, although to be honest, I haven't had time to watch any movie or TV show in the past... 2 years... apart from sneaking out to watch Dune... so it's probably fairly low down the list at this point
<Nistur> KomiaPoika: It's the coating that annoys me :P As I've said, I've been forced to watch so much in that style that I just have this heavy dislike for it at this point. It might be that Ghost in the Shell would be a thing that might have enjoyed, but I think trying now will just annoy me more :P
<Nistur> also g'mornin' all :)
<beneroth> g'morning Nistur :)
<beneroth> Nistur, do you like Dune? have you seen Blade Runner 2049 ?
<Nistur> I've not seen Blade Runner 2049 (yet) although I've obviously seen the original. I've also read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
<Nistur> Dune... I have mixed opinions... I have tried so hard to like it. It is everything that I _should_ like in a franchise. The old movie is, I think, the only movie which I've fallen asleep during as an adult. I have tried three times to read the book but just been absolutely incapable of doing. I did in the end force myself to listen to the whole of the audiobook and... I didn't much enjoy that. I have now
<Nistur> watched the new movie and read a graphic novel of it and... I appreciate both of those a bit more... but... still... I don't love it as much as some people seem to
<Nistur> I think the thing is, I really love the world building, and the whole universe that Frank (and to a lesser extent Brian) Herbert have created... I just am not a fan of the plot at all, and the characters just feel a bit dull to me
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<beneroth> Nistur, understandable. I've found the Blade Runner 2049 a true successor to the original movie, it has the same "soul", and does not "destroy" the original movie (which usually happens, that a successor decades later changes the meaning of the original movie so much it's not good with the additional context).
<beneroth> I've read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, and I find it stands well beside the Blade Runner movies. It's different stories but they can stand next to each other, the theme is the same.
<beneroth> Blade Runner 2049 has similar aesthetics than the new Dune movie, but I found 2049 much better than Dune.
<beneroth> There is also a german-made Dune miniseries from early '00s, containing the story of the first 3 Dune books. Some stuff I've found they made better than the new Dune movie, though they produced with an incredibly low budget and it shows.
<beneroth> I've read all the Dune books from Frank (not the ones from Brian), and I like them. I like that the narrative style in each book is different (well the first two are most similar) while still clearly sharing the universe and philosophical topics. But i can understand if you don't like them, it's though material. I like the 4th book most, but even die hard Dune fans either love or hate it, it's quite
<beneroth> particular.
<Nistur> I _really_ struggled with Dune. I'm not sure if I could force myself to go through the sequel really. I just didn't like it. I will admit that it's well written, and well thought out... but good != entertaining. As I've said, I have very little free time at the moment as it is, so I'd prefer bad but entertaining to good and dull :P
<Nistur> One example was, many moons ago, a friend who studied film at university, kept trying to make me watch 'good' movies. He had me sitting through Lawrence of Arabia and really wanted me to watch Gandhi... I struggled with Lawrence of Arabia and just shot down Gandhi entirely... I am very happy to admit that they are good movies, even great movies. Probably better than almost every movie that I own/watch...
<Nistur> but... smeg it was boring... I think when he went home I just stuck on Dude Where's My Car, arguably one of the most mind numbingly stupid movies that I own, and definitely _not_ a good movie... but yeah... I needed something that didn't need any braincells to appreciate, and find funny :P
<Nistur> audiobooks at the moment, I'm listening to a whole range of scifi and fantasy (mostly) some of them easier to get, some harder... but I am listening to a _lot_ of Warhammer 40,000 books, because while it is very derivitive (a lot of it from Dune actually...) it's very low effort. They're not very nuanced or deep
<beneroth> haha, I love Dude Where's My Car, and I don't usually like the US comedy movies (well certainly naked gun & co, but not these childish newer movies)
<beneroth> it's a trash movie, but a very good one :D
<Nistur> yup
<beneroth> quality has many dimensions
<Nistur> possibly :P I would hardly rate Dude Where's My Car high on many of them, it's just that the cost to watch it (mostly in brain capacity and attention) is so low, that it gets away with a lot :P
<beneroth> 40k.. yeah good stuff. I find the Eisenhorn and Ravenor trilogies especially good. And the whole horus rising series... it's mostly just swallow entertainment, but not only.
<Nistur> One of my friends recently described the 40k stuff being like fast food, and I think that is applicable to the movie stuff too. It's definitely not great, but it takes so little effort to consume that it has its place
<beneroth> I forgot the name, but there is one book in the Horus Rising series which is just a lose collection of shorter stories, which are all just swallow action entertainment, and then in the middle there was the emperor destroying the last church on earth and having a deep theodizee discussion, that was an awesome mindfuck
<Nistur> Horus Heresy?
<beneroth> yeah
<Nistur> yeah... that was the first collection of short stories
<beneroth> I consider 40k universe much higher quality than Star Wars. Star Wars is fantasy fairy tale, 40k is scifi, mostly entertainment but also some philosophical and societal reflections.
<Nistur> The Last Church on Tales of HEresy
<Nistur> s/HE/he/
<Nistur> I think the problem with Star Wars is that so much of the canon is constantly rewritten and retconned because of the whole Disney stuff. It used to be better (or maybe this is nostalgia here) but rather than growing since the 70s, it's just gotten changed and rewritten so many times until it's lost a lot of the good bits to be more 'mass market' whereas 40k... while they _have_ changed things since the
<Nistur> beginning of the lore, they've put a LOT of work into growing it into an absolutely gigantic universe which is (mostly) coherent and consistent
<beneroth> T
<Nistur> Also, yes, Ravenor and Eisenhorn are great. Only listened to... three of them in total so far, but I think that they're more approachable than the HH books because, while they are still set in the totally alien universe of 40k, the characters in it are far far more relatable than towering space marines, especially in HH where almost everyone in the books (at least as far as I've read) is on the side of
<Nistur> Horus in one way or another, and therefore are, by design, acting based on influences which are totally different than anything we ourselves face
<Nistur> although, based on recent events, that may be somewhat debateable
<beneroth> afaik Star Wars was already a incoherent mess in the very first script and just mostly rescued by heroic cutting efforts
<beneroth> @Horus: yeah, in some way true, in other it's just a boy craving for his dad's attention ;-)
<Nistur> (also, the reason that I'm listening to audiobooks, is that I can listen to them while working in the garden, driving, or doing a bunch of other things... and just sitting down and reading is a luxury I rarely have at the moment, certainly not for long enough to justify reading actual novels, hence my mention of the Dune Graphic Novels above)
<Nistur> have you seen the cinematic trailer for the new Horus Heresy models?
<beneroth> I also like the illustration of how a person is a result of the upbringing and environment in the primarchs.. the origin source of the horus heresy was the priest primarch who was forbidden to worship the emperor as god and so looked elsewhere for gods to worship
<beneroth> I don't follow it closely anymore, but I believe I saw it. but didn't work so well on me because my other time I spend researching/doomscrolling about real wars xD
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<Nistur> [Quit: User was banned]
<Nistur> :-O
<beneroth> I'm listening to youtube interviews and podcasts whenever I do chores. it's already hard for me to not do that when I have free brain energy xD
<beneroth> WTF
<beneroth> question is, if from IRC end or matrix end?
<beneroth> Nistur, if you like poetic dark scifi, I recommend you "Hyperion Cantos".
<Nistur> I've definitely listened to the first one
<Nistur> Audible keeps recommending The Fall of Hyperion to me, so maybe I'll pick it up :)
<beneroth> I've read Cantos and the fall, I liked both.
<beneroth> the ending of "fall of Hyperon" is a bit too hippy for my taste, but otherwise a good work
<Nistur> I can't recall much of Hyperion, apart from that it was a bit odd :D
<beneroth> then start with the cantos first again xD
<beneroth> I found the epic landscapes the stories play in remarkable.. like ocean of windy high grass, or the forest with electrically loaded burning trees
<beneroth> epic, but not completely impossible
<Nistur> according to Audible I have 144 books in my library :S I've listened to... most of them... recently I went on a bit of a buying binge, and have stocked up on quite a few books (in sales etc) so I have a backlog still to listen to... 12 after my current book (Street Freaks by Terry Brooks)
<Nistur> wonder how many of those are scifi, how many are fantasy, and how many are "other" :P
<beneroth> another huge work I recommend is Night's Dawn Trilogy, starting with "The reality dysfunction". clearly more space opera than scientific scifi, but really huge universe with many intertwined story arcs. Extremely detailed universe. Some characters look a bit flat at first, but have some deeper developments over time. And there are scenes which are just pure horror literature, and a number of adult scenes.
<beneroth> But all in all this was the last big book where I had many moments where like.. fuck what a twist! so obvious in hindsight! but didn't saw it coming!
<beneroth> has a log of "crisis happening, people make stupid decisions".. and then showing in detail how the stupid decisions play out too, not just glancing over it :)
<beneroth> and has some quite fun stuff in it :)
<Nistur> ok, added to my list :P
<beneroth> s/log/lot
<Nistur> Oh, something far far more light hearted, but very entertaining, I recommend Redshirts
<beneroth> oh I don't know that one
<beneroth> related to Star Trek (I'm not really familiar with Star Trek)
<beneroth> ?
<Nistur> it's... not comedy... but it's a lot lighter. It's quite tongue in cheek and forth wall breaking
<beneroth> by John Scalzi ?
<Nistur> yup
<Nistur> it's related to Star Trek, but you don't really have to know that much to appreciate it
<beneroth> noted :)
<Nistur> just knowing of its existence is enough :P
<beneroth> thanks
<Nistur> Again, I wouldn't call it _great_ scifi, but it had a lot of "aha, I see what you did there" moments which I found entertaining
<beneroth> I believe I know what you mean :)
<beneroth> different moods/purposes ask for different stuff :)
<beneroth> i'm just rereading Asimov's robot series once again, great whodunit stories with some deep topics in it :)
<beneroth> starts with "The Caves of Steel"
<beneroth> mandatory read before discussing AI ethics. these are the books about the "laws of robotics", how they work, and how they don't work. and in the books there is the advantage of having the premise of the laws implemented and it's not possible to build AI without the laws.. which is kinda the biggest issue irl.
<Nistur> I guess for other scifi recommendations: a lot of Neal Stephenson for well thought out scifi (Snow Crash, The Dimond Age, Cryptonomicon* Anathem, Reamde, Seveneves) Willian Gibson obviously, Brandon Sanderson's Skyward series is quite good, if aimed at a young adult audioence so perhaps not so deep, Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars Trilogy is great for a kind of long term look at terraforming Mars, and
<Nistur> potential politics involved in that, Richard Morgan's Takeshi Kovacs Trilogy (Altered Carbon et al) are pretty good, but quite dark, and this is coming from someone who has got through a lot of 40k stuff, oh, and I've started with Iain M Banks' Culture series and Isaac Asimov's Foundation a while back, but I haven't listened to any more than the first 1 or 2 of them, and I can remember very very little
<Nistur> about them, apart from that I enjoyed them
<beneroth> great recommendations. Yeah Gibson and Stephenson I have read most, though not all of it yet.
<Nistur> I *'d Cryptonomicon because it's not _really_ scifi, nor is Reamde... or, if it is, it's very near future scifi... but Cryptonomicon is partially set in WWII I think and partially in the "near" future (at least, when it was written) but I loved the whole thing and is probably close to my favourite book
<beneroth> Foundation: maybe you like the robot series more, as it's detective stories and less dune-like-societies-changing-stories
<Nistur> ok :)
<beneroth> yeah I've read Cryptonomicon. I believe the term is "speculative fiction" or "historical fiction"
<Nistur> :)
<Nistur> I'm trying to find another book/series in my library but can't find it... thousand suns or something like that
<beneroth> robot series: follows kinda the Miss Marple formula with adventures to gather evidence and than a big resolution show at the end
<Nistur> not 40k thousand sons :D
<beneroth> ring world? :P
<Nistur> sounds great :P Crime whodunnits are another favourite of mine
<beneroth> a bit flat, but interesting
<beneroth> yeah
<Nistur> flat hah :D
<Nistur> I have ringworld but... again, I think it's a case of enjoying the world building more than the story
<Nistur> House of Suns
<Nistur> I have to admit that I don't remember a huge amount of that one, but what I do was definitely interesting and different
<beneroth> if you don't like to start with the big Nights Dawn trilogy (3 books, but each over well a thousand pages, so I guess the audio version is also quite endless).. there is a short story collection of the same universe, most stories in it are a bit dark/depressing but it has the titular "A Seccond Chance at Eden" story which is a whodunit
<beneroth> and it's kinda the foundation/origin story for one of the main factions in the Night Dawns trilogy playing hundreds of years later
<Nistur> oh, and of course, we've already talked about PKD
<beneroth> PKD?
<Nistur> Philip K Dick
<Nistur> I didn't much enjoy the heavily drug themed books, but the more straight scifi ones were great
<beneroth> ah yes of course
<beneroth> I think we talked previously about Valis?
<beneroth> I have a collection of his works, but haven't read much yet except for the most well known ones
<Nistur> possibly. I forget. I can't even remember if I have listened to them. I listened to most of PKD stuff well before I got Audible... so 7 years ago or so
<beneroth> quite a troubled philosopher, Mr. Dick
<beneroth> I see
<Nistur> I do remember some of them, but VALIS I don't... so it's possible that I haven't listened to that one
<beneroth> I found Valis a very thrilling read. not sure about what to take from it.
<beneroth> you've read/listened to Robert Anton Wilson stuff?
<Nistur> There's one more scifi/fantasy series that I _really_ enjoyed the setting of... but I think needs a bit more of a preamble before I mention what it is...
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<Nistur> I heard about this series back when I was in university, and it was kind of a "ooh, there's this edgy community built around these edgy books" and I thought it sounded a bit... I don't know...silly? So I grabbed the first book. It was very short and, arguably not very well written, but the setting intrigued me, so I went through I think 6 or 7...
<Nistur> I stopped because one book was basically just fully glorifying rape, from what I remember - which definitely does tar the whole series. I have no idea if things got better again after that, he released a _lot_ more books... but yeah, that was too much for me...
<beneroth> ?
<Nistur> the series was Gor. The community is kind of a subset of BDSM community... although not promoting actual rape in the community...
<aw-> Nistur: hey!
<aw-> beneroth: hi
<beneroth> Robert A Heinlein maybe? classic scifi, but books are a bit full of his politics which went from leftist hippy to hedonistic conservative weirdo...
<beneroth> "stranger in a strange land" is said to have been a major influence on the hippies and sexual revolution
<Nistur> The premise is that there is a 'counter earth' behind the sun, perfectly in cync with earth, and some fancy aliens ("Priest Kings") occasionally abduct people to live on Gor... and through scifi plot devices, they keep the technology level for most of the population to being very limited
<beneroth> Nistur, so it is actual BSDM and not the 50shades-pseudo? I get you. probably not for me :)
<Nistur> o/ aw-
<beneroth> aw-, hey :)
<beneroth> Nistur, a that is a conspiracy theory trope. so it might come from that book?
<aw-> interesting discussion going on here
<beneroth> Nistur, from the more unhealthy corners of conspiracy theory world, e.g. world leaders are all alien snake people and whatnot xD
<beneroth> aw-, thanks. OT but I hope OK as long nobody has a picolisp topic :)
<beneroth> aw-, you got some comments or recommendations? :D
<Nistur> beneroth: well, there is a very strong class system, with the lowest class being slaves, the males are usually used for labour and similar stuff, and the women are usually pleasure slaves... and _most_ of the books try to put a reasonably positive spin on it, such that I can disagree with the idea of slavery, and it's not _that_ prevalent in the story... I can just kind of move on (I mean, again, there's
<Nistur> a lot of killing and other nasty stuff happening in other books, so I can't judge that _too_ harshly) but like I said, one book was pretty much just glorifying the rape of the slaves so... yeah no.
<Nistur> it's a real shame, because I enjoyed the whole premise of this mixture of scifi in the Priest Kings' machinations, and the fantasy in the technology restricted world. It worked really well, even if it wasn't amazingly well written... but
<Nistur> ahh well
<Nistur> aw-: apologies for rambling off topic a lot here :P
<beneroth> all good
<beneroth> Nistur, I see. sometimes such stuff is also good.. I mean better explore such stuff in fantasy and then reject it on that basis than doing it the real scientific way... but then it can go wrong with some people
<beneroth> I mean I still mostly like the fantasy novels by Marion Zimmer Bradley (the queen of fantasy she was long referred too), but then it just recently turned out that she was probably one the worst rapists and child abusers I have ever heard of. Makes some scenes in her books look a bit different.
<Nistur> yeah, I can definitely differentiate fantasy from reality (otherwise some of the books I've read would be even more disturbing...) but I think it was just the... I guess way the author approached the whole thing that made me decide not to read any more
<Nistur> in similarly off topic news, I recently bought a USB CCTV camera to watch my allotment gate (we think someone may have been breaking into it) and I tried to find a raspberry pi to run it... but the only one I could find was already sort of being used for something (well, I hadn't started it up in years...)... I was going to rip it out and do a clean install but... then I thought... my shed could do with
<Nistur> blinkenlights, right?
<beneroth> usually people can differentiate very well. most confusions are made by critics who just don't like the stuff even when they never consume it themselves (hand so have bad understanding anway=
<beneroth> )
<Nistur> so my CCTV stuff is being processed by a simulated 1960s minicomputer
<beneroth> haha, this is awesome!
<Nistur> I have another PiDP-8 kit that I still need to build. I forget who I got it from... but it's the slightly newer version that has more accurate switches
<Nistur> I might build it next week and switch it over on the pi
<Nistur> I would love the PiDP-11 kit too... but I can't really justify $260 for it right now... even though the injection moulded case calls to me
<beneroth> :D
<aw-> Nistur: i have and built the PiDP-11 kit
<aw-> it's awesome
<Nistur> <3
<aw-> +350 solder points though
<aw-> my goal is to replace the RPi with an FPGA and code a whole new OS based on the PiDP-11 instruction set.. one day hahaha
<Nistur> one day :P
<aw-> Nistur: btw i bought/built a second 3D printer because i was really unhappy with the Creality CR-10
<beneroth> what was the issue? performance? quality?
<Nistur> also, what did you go for?
<Nistur> My Ender 3 decided to clog up in its last print :(
<aw-> beneroth: too slow. I wanted faster prints, MUCH faster.
<Nistur> Voron?
<aw-> i got a RatRig V-Core 3
<Nistur> ahh
<Nistur> knew it'd be corexy when you said faster :D
<aw-> i'm literally printing 5x to 6x faster now, still with minimal tuning
<aw-> haha yeah
<Nistur> nice :)
<aw-> cost was outrageous though
<Nistur> I kind of want to build a Voron Zero just for quick small prints
<Nistur> not that I have the space for it :P
<Nistur> but that's why the zero
<aw-> Nistur: building AND sourcing components from scratch is a huge time sink though
<Nistur> because I can pretend I have the space and stuff it in a corner :P
<Nistur> yup
<Nistur> I'm in the process of (still) tidying my shed... if I Can get it semi-tidy and clear (I just moved my resin printer to a better place, so I have a workbench again) then I may start trying to source the parts for a Voron slowly :P
<aw-> Nistur: brave.
<Nistur> I quite like the idea of tricking a little Voron out to do as many different materials as possible, as quickly as possibnle - I think it should be possible for it to be able to handle much higher temperature materials much easier than it'd be to modify my Ender 3... and keep the Ender 3 for larger builds which would probably just be in PLA, PETG and ABS
<aw-> i can't wrap my head around a tiny 3D printer though. Seems expensive for what it can do.
<aw-> and sourcing parts.. it was hard enough figuring out what hotend/extruder to get.. can't imagine having to find the exact perfect screws and nuts etc
<aw-> DIY for the brave
<aw-> Nistur: don't you have a kid too? it'll take you a year to build hahahaha
<KomiaPoika> Nistur: that's too bad, yea there are so many bad mangas out there that the great classics are punished. Akira, Ghost in the Shell, and a few others are not just manga but their own genre.
<KomiaPoika> the new Dune is a disgrace, despite amazing sound, music and visual effects. It's a piece of trash when it comes to acting and dialogs.
<KomiaPoika> I also have yet to watch the Blade Runner 2049
<KomiaPoika> I've seen the David Lynch's Dune, and the mini-series. Both great adaptations of Dune
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<Nistur> aw-: part of the point is I like long term projects that I can chip away at :P And as I have both a resin and FDM printer already, it's not that I have a time pressure to get it finished :P
<aw-> ah that makes sense
<aw-> Nistur: I don't have that kind of patience, at all. I like quick short term projects I can finish quickly and move-on. Although I do have a couple long-term that i slowly chip away at, i have no plans to EVER finish them haha.
<Nistur> KomiaPoika: eh, I far preferred the new Dune to the David Lynch one. Haven't seen the mini series.
<Nistur> aw-: oh yeah, I have a few that I doubt I'll ever finish too :D
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<Nistur> I did print the tricopter that did the rounds on thingiverse a while back, along with a quad body, and the V-tail for it... with the intention to slowly buy the guts for the 'copter...
<Nistur> so far I bought the motors for it
<Nistur> the problem there is, my Dad bought me a DJI Mavic Mini for my birthday... which is definitely appreciated... but it's kind of sapped my enthusiasm to build one myself now... despite them being entirely different beasts...
<aw-> hahahaa yeah kinda hard to compete with a DJI
<aw-> tricopter link?
<aw-> wow awesome
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<Nistur> abu[m]: no longer banned?
<aw-> Nistur: i'm looking into this for my next build, maybe use some picolisp to command the machine:
<Nistur> oooh nice
<Nistur> I have a telescope and I was looking at motorising the mount so I could take photos with a DLSR... buuuuut it looked too much hassle at the time :P
<Nistur> the thing is, it's almost pointless doing it here
<Nistur> while it's not as bad as central Birmingham here... Coventry ain't great :P
<aw-> oh wow
<aw-> that's a lot of light pollution
<aw-> well if you can drive to a dark location and build a battery into your motorized mount
rob_w has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Nistur> see above regarding free time ;)
<beneroth> great map
* beneroth bookmarks
<beneroth> KomiaPoika, I find Lynch's version trash. popcorn cinema surely, but made a comical farce of the book
<Nistur> Where I'm visiting next week with the hope of _maybe_ getting a job offer isn't much better... but it's a little less egregious :P
* beneroth notes one should put "work location has low light pollution" on hiring page :D
<Nistur> oh, I'd love to go and move to the highlands
<beneroth> great point to get the right people
<Nistur> but no jobs there :P
<beneroth> yeah
<beneroth> why not? Internet connection should not be the problem, should it?
<beneroth> probably the whole social network "silicon valley"-effect thingy
<Nistur> _some_ of my job offers are fully remote and would be fine with me moving there
<Nistur> but the one around Aachen wants me to be there, plus I would have to at least move to Germany in order to have a permanent contract
<Nistur> but more generally, gamedev jobs do, more than other dev jobs, prefer people in studios it seems
<beneroth> maybe easier to share creative visions
<beneroth> then again gaming clans can do quite some stuff without ever meeting irl
* Nistur shrugs
* beneroth shrugs
<Nistur> I've got 3 offers right now, and 2 more I'm expecting, plus the one in Aachen, and apart from the latter, they are all "remote first" meaning that they have studio space for people that want to, but set up to be predominantly working remotely... but one of them expects you to be available to be in the office when required too, and most expect you to be available occasionally for big meetings or just team
<Nistur> gettogethers every 3-6 months... I was going to mention some that wanted more, but I realised that I've already turned them down for other reasons
<beneroth> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<beneroth> well good luck in any case :)
<Nistur> Thanks :)
<Nistur> I already have more offers than I can shake a stick at (more due to the shortage of programmers than any particular skill on my behalf :P) so it should be fine. I just need to find the best option for me...
<beneroth> I guess you will want to stay in gamedev, right?
<Nistur> Um, part of the problem is, I'm not _in_ gamedev right now, I'm doing what my boss calls "non-game games"
<Nistur> training simulations and visualisations using game tech
<Nistur> so, I want to get back into gamedev
<beneroth> isn't serious gaming a thing?
<Nistur> that is what it is, yes :P
<Nistur> the company (sort of) used to be called Serious Games International
<Nistur> and... it's ok... but it's not really that interesting for me
<Nistur> for a number of reasons
<beneroth> I don't see how that is a difference in the programming. in the business model sure, and maybe in the gamedesign but even there I would believe a good gamedesigner can craft mechanics for serious and fun games ?
<beneroth> or is it that different culture?
<Nistur> yeah, a different culture, plus I am the only person working on these projects, so there's no real team for anything
<Nistur> and it's always a minimum viable product thing
<Nistur> just make something which answers the question the client wants answering
<Nistur> no design decisions on what makes it fun
<beneroth> ah ok, so not a real game, just slightly better adware crap?
<Nistur> I just... don't care at all about the products
<beneroth> my condolences :(
<Nistur> no, not adware
<Nistur> it's things like VR training simulations for factories
<Nistur> and I'm spinning up a render farm for photorealistic product renders
<Nistur> some interesting stuff... I just... don't care :P
<beneroth> my comment was more about the MVP tackle.. sounds like "make it as minimum and cheap with still gets accepted".. and that is always crap, even in business software
<Nistur> yup
<Nistur> my current options for gamedev are all great though... which makes it much more difficult to choose :D
<beneroth> I mean even such a training sim could probably benefit of being fun and something that the "user" is euphoric about afterwards, should also make training stick better if well made
<beneroth> I see, great :)
<beneroth> hell I try to make business applications UX friendly and somewhat fun :D
<Nistur> I have the one in Germany which would be my absolute dream job, working on my favouritest game series evererer... but I'd have to relocate to Germany (or, maybe Belgium) in the near future... and while I'm ok with this in theory... I'm not sure if it's the best option for my family (which is why we're going over to visit from Friday, to see if we could imagine living there)
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<beneroth> well the longterm perspective within EU should be better than UK, no? but of course it's a big move and big cultural change, and leaving friends and relatives further away
<Nistur> then I have the option of Sumo Digital, I know quite a lot of people there, and I'd be in charge of a new project... buuuuut it's a free to play mobile title... which is mostly what that studio does
<beneroth> yeah... I'm still not sure if we already changed to accepting mobile games as "real games" yet :D
<Nistur> then there's Panivox... I know the founders pretty well... and it aligns with how I'd want to make games - make tech and tools for making interesting narrative games... but the caveat is that they dont' actually make the games, just the tech
<beneroth> and the freeloading / ad business is ruining gaming
<beneroth> I see, the old "build an engine or build a game, you will not do both" :D
<Nistur> and then... there's a studio down near Guildford that the name escapes me right now... as you can tell, I'm a touch less enthusiastic about this, buuuuut on the plus side, it's a proper premium console title
<Nistur> it's just... and I'm sure this is in part because I haven't had an in-person interview and tour of the studio... I don't feel any connection with them
<beneroth> makes sense
<Nistur> and then I'm expecting an offer in the next couple of days from... DR Studios. It is almost precisely my ideal job, basically software architect under the project lead (as he's doing the management side of things) on a pretty interesting looking game... it _is_ free to play, but it's a console/PC one, and seems at first glance at least, to be a lot less egregious than mobile titles. There certainly
<Nistur> appears to be a proper game, and from my conversation with them, it seems like it will be fully playable for free and doesn't pressure you to pay to win or anything
<beneroth> btw you keep in mind this talk here is public and logged, yes? just in case :)
<beneroth> that one sounds good then
<Nistur> I'm also surprised that I haven't had an offer through from Ubisoft... benefits are that the studio is local and I know a bunch of people there from when it was FreeStyleGames... and that I could easily relocate within Ubisoft to EU
<beneroth> I used to know some people who are at BlueByte
<beneroth> but lost contact kinda
<Nistur> I'm not sharing anything that I've been told under NDA, so the only people who might have an issue with me discussing this are the jobs in question with me comparing them - and all of them are aware I have other offers, so I think it would just be that it were made public that I was comparing them... and my boss... who will find out in 2 weeks anyway, but I doubt would be searching on IRC logs for me
<Nistur> anyway
<Nistur> so it _should_ be ok
<beneroth> yeah, if someone signals you that they follow this log here..they're either very creepy or very good :D
<beneroth> I just love the self-selecting filtering of people even managing to come into this channel :P
<Nistur> :)
<Nistur> if any potential prospectve employees find this: Hello! I have absolutely nothing really bad to say about you! My problem is that you're all too good! :D
<Nistur> if my boss finds this: I'm sorry! But I have purposefully delayed this process a bit, so we could recover from having lost J***** and getting K**** up to speed as his replacement! And I did heavily suggest you should continue looking for devs after we hired him too
<Nistur> I think that should cover it :D
<beneroth> hehe, I feel you
<Nistur> (regarding NDA: I don't _think_ I've said anything that was covered by the NDA. I think I've only mentioned things that were publically available knowledge... I did try to be purposefully vague. If that's not the case, I'll get the neuraliser out)
* beneroth blinks
<beneroth> wait what were we talking about? shrubberies?
<Nistur> Ni!
<beneroth> How dare you to say Ni! to an old woman!
<abu[m]> tankf33der:here?
<beneroth> abu[m], you are back?
<beneroth> how did you managed to get kicked/banned before? was this from IRC or matrix? :P
<abu[m]> We have UA.l in loc/ - that Ukraine, right? Where does it come from? And I find no language file for it (?)
<beneroth> in the morning I had: * abu[m] hat die Verbindung getrennt (Quit: Bridge terminating on SIGTERM).
<beneroth> but there you rejoined quickly
<beneroth> and then this around 13:05 * abu[m] hat die Verbindung getrennt (Quit: User was banned).
<abu[m]> Cool! I did not notice ☺
<abu[m]> But it still works
<abu[m]> This Matrix stuff is all a bit suspect
<beneroth> yeah
<abu[m]> I could use (locale "UA" "ru") probably
<beneroth> I guess both (locale "UA" "ru") and (locale "UA" "ua") can be a valid use case?
<abu[m]> yes, but it seems I don't have "ua"
<abu[m]> Thinking about it, I need (locale "DE" "ua")
<beneroth> hm.. not sure, I mean then you practically also should not restrict any other combination :)
<beneroth> well it is not restricted, it just loads multiple separate definitions, right?
<beneroth> I mean it's probably already standard in CH with (locale "CH" "fr") and (locale "CH" "de") no?
<abu[m]> No, just one, ua (which I don't have)
<beneroth> yeah I guess you need to find an Ukrainian who can provide ua :D
<abu[m]> yeah. But why do I have UA.l then? I don't remember
<abu[m]> Ah! Constantine Bitensky
<abu[m]> It is "uk"
<abu[m]> I misunderstood as United Kingdom
<abu[m]> Cool, all good
<beneroth> ah, right I remember
<beneroth> country abbreviation vs language abbreviation
<beneroth> and UK is even GB in iso 2 alpha code, not UK xD
<abu[m]> So I have to use (locale "DE" "uk") here in Germany
<beneroth> even when GB is a smaller geographical area than UK
<beneroth> yeah
<beneroth> damn standards :D
<abu[m]> indeed
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<tankf33der> I am here and sleep, lets contact tomorrow.
<abu[m]> Yes, sure! No hurry, I understood the issue meanwhile.
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