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Regenaxer has joined #picolisp
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Regenaxer has joined #picolisp
<tankf33der> Summury of all my software repos is 600MB. Insane.
<Regenaxer> :)
<Regenaxer> Termux is now also on Pil21, but it is broken
clacke has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
wineroots has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<tankf33der> i am running tests time to time, all passsed.
<Regenaxer> Very good
<Regenaxer> Pil21 changed a lot recently
<Regenaxer> I hope it will be perfect now ;)
<Regenaxer> I'm playing around with a Matrix client library
<Regenaxer> Would like to understand what is needed to build a bridge, e.g. to IRC, but the Matrix docs are really hard to handle
<Regenaxer> A *huge* html file in a format very bad to handle on text level
<Regenaxer> And it is only the spec, I don't find any guide about what is really needed to write a bridge
<Regenaxer> This is what I have so far:
<Regenaxer> Line 8 is the link to the spec (the monster site) I used so far
tankf33der[m] has joined #picolisp
<tankf33der[m]> Ping
<tankf33der> tankf33der: pong
<tankf33der[m]> I see both.
<Regenaxer> The [m] one is from matrix?
<tankf33der> So now i have two matrix room for picolisp
<tankf33der> yes
<Regenaxer> good
tankf33der has left #picolisp [the lounge -]
<tankf33der[m]> This tutorial helped
<Regenaxer> "First, join some bridged room in your Matrix client"?
<Regenaxer> *some* ?
<Regenaxer> I suspect there is no #picolisp room on
<tankf33der[m]> Thats why libera did they own bridge
<tankf33der[m]> To create room in matrix i must be a matrix user.
<Regenaxer> So where to join? The example says
<Regenaxer> there is no right?
<tankf33der[m]> Right
<Regenaxer> I did once join #picolisp irc
<Regenaxer> from matrix
<Regenaxer> but from my other account
<tankf33der[m]> Try
<Regenaxer> I see
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AlexanderBurger[ has joined #picolisp
<Regenaxer> Cool, I see
<Regenaxer> I see myself at least ;)
<Regenaxer> Is that all that's needed?
<tankf33der[m]> I think so because i was first
<AlexanderBurger[> So you did create the room on libera?
<Regenaxer> So why does the above tutorial say "First, join some bridged room in your Matrix client,"? What is it for?
<Regenaxer> And why does it work without authinticating this user at Libera?
<Regenaxer> *authen
<tankf33der[m]> I can not answer these questions
<AlexanderBurger[> OK, no problem! Anyway it works ☺
<Regenaxer> So tankf33der[m], did you do anything to set this up? Or did you *only* joain and it worked right out of the box?
AlexanderBurger[ is now known as abu[m]
tankf33der has joined #picolisp
<Regenaxer> So tankf33der, once more for my understanding, you did not do anything to set this up, right?
<tankf33der[m]> I did minimal steps describe in link above. Nothing special!
<Regenaxer> ?
<Regenaxer> The link does a lot of things
<Regenaxer> which make no sense to me
<Regenaxer> And *I* did not do them and it works (?)
<tankf33der> summary
<tankf33der> :
<tankf33der> i opened session to to join #picolisp
<tankf33der> thats it.
<abu[m]> This seems not necessary. I did not do that.
<abu[m]> I only joined
<tankf33der> because i did and channel became available in dictionary
<abu[m]> Ah, I see!
<tankf33der> first time matter.
<tankf33der> next:
<abu[m]> OK, makes sense
<tankf33der> if i would be a user of network i would did the same and alias would be available too.
<tankf33der> since i am from, I could create only local aliases.
<tankf33der> copy paste from FAQ:
<tankf33der> You can currently reach any channel on by joining #<channel_name>
<tankf33der> main point is join.
<abu[m]> That's what I did
<tankf33der[m]> This is my session with libera bridge for first join
<abu[m]> So joining appservice: libera.cht created an alias to #picolisp in IRC?
<tankf33der[m]> afk.
<tankf33der[m]> Yeap
<abu[m]> Thanks!
<Regenaxer> Cool! So I can leave here, replacing myself with abu[m] ☺/
<Regenaxer> Bye!
Regenaxer has left #picolisp [#picolisp]