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<razzy> hmm, why is (history) so convoluted and precompiled?
<aw-> ?
<Regenaxer> razzy: (in '("sh" "-c" "cat .pilrc |fzf") (while (read) (eval @]
<Regenaxer> Hi aw-!
<razzy> aw-: (history) just gives list of previously used lines in repl. I would expect simple list.
<razzy> Good morning everyone!
<Regenaxer> Yes, (history) is a list of strings, one per line
<razzy> no, history is convoluted function that gives list of strings.
<Regenaxer> : (history) ?
<razzy> yep
<Regenaxer> Yes, returns a list of strings. But what is convoluted?
<razzy> I do not get insides of (history). I also do not understand how doc/rc.sample recognise initial history and initial commands
<razzy> *i do not understand insides of (history)
<Regenaxer> the rc.sample can be put into ~/.pil/rc
<Regenaxer> It reads history from the text following, and then looks in the current directory for .pilrc to read that too
<Regenaxer> In this way you get a global and a local history
<razzy> is $./pil rc best way of executing?
<Regenaxer> I don't know. It is a proposal, a sample
<Regenaxer> It is exactly what I have here
<razzy> ok
<razzy> so #Initial history is all executed, yes?
<Regenaxer> I see! What you mean is *not* that 'history' is concoluted, but the *call* to 'history' in the sample?
<Regenaxer> Yes, #Initial history is read as immediate data
<razzy> both work together.
<Regenaxer> no, 'history' is simple
<Regenaxer> just takes a list
<Regenaxer> only a single list argument
<razzy> * so all #Initial history is normally evaluated, yes?
<Regenaxer> N
<Regenaxer> No
<Regenaxer> Not evaluated at all
<Regenaxer> Just *strings*
<Regenaxer> lines
<razzy> right efter that are initial commands
<Regenaxer> Yes, after that it is evaluated
<razzy> that are normally evaluated yes?
<Regenaxer> Try to understand what the 'history' call does
<Regenaxer> (make ...)
<razzy> how do pil recognise that initial history are strings and initial commands need to be evaluated
<Regenaxer> That's the question :)
<razzy> yes. i am asking. I am confused
<Regenaxer> (make ... (line T) ... (eval ...) ...
<Regenaxer> It is even commented
<razzy> i do not know (line) well. so it is using end of line to recognise initial history? seriously?
<Regenaxer> (line) reads a single line, that's all
<Regenaxer> We need lines for the history
<razzy> sure
<razzy> but how do system "know" difference, when system cannot see #comments
<razzy> between initial history and initial comments
<Regenaxer> (while (line T) (link @)) # Global history
<Regenaxer> Note: 'line' returns NIL for an empty line
* razzy is thinking hard
<Regenaxer> good
<razzy> so, empty line is needed between initial history and initial commands to recognise
<Regenaxer> Exactly
<razzy> do i need empty line between initial commands?
<Regenaxer> Check the code please!
<Regenaxer> You are close
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* razzy is back to thinking
<Regenaxer> :)
<razzy> i save this problem for later.
<Regenaxer> It is no problem
<razzy> ;)
<Regenaxer> double meaning ;)
<razzy> hmm weird. (in '("sh" "-c" "cat .pilrc | grep doc") (while (read) (print @] is not recorded in history
<razzy> also (in '("sh" "-c" "cat .pilrc | fzf") (while (read) (print @] does not work. because fzf need interaction back and fort with user.
<Regenaxer> History is what you type in readline()
<Regenaxer> Sigh
<Regenaxer> You wanted a pipe!!
<razzy> am I a trouble?
<razzy> I was not sure about a pipe.
<Regenaxer> No trouble ;)
<Regenaxer> ok, what exactly do you want to do?
<Regenaxer> You should understand what a pipe is in Unix, and what a terminal
<razzy> Regenaxer: first thing first. some commands are not recorded in REPL interactive history. is it ok?
<Regenaxer> man readline
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<Regenaxer> history is a readline feature
<razzy> soo, either bug or feature of readline, yes? nothing to do with pil
<Regenaxer> Why should it be a bug?
<Regenaxer> readline() reads from the terminal, right?
<razzy> i would expect history to record evrything i write
<Regenaxer> You read from a pipe
<Regenaxer> yes
<razzy> command (+ 1 2) is saved in interactive history and in .pilrc. command (in '("sh" "-c" "cat .pilrc | grep doc") (while (read) (print @] is not saved in interactive history not in .pilrc. I can live with that. I want to know if it is not deeper bug.
<Regenaxer> No bug at all
<Regenaxer> How should readline know what you read from a pipe?
<razzy> lets leave with that. next issue.
<razzy> Regenaxer: fastest way for you to know what i want is "$apt install fzf" than "$cat .pilrc | fzf" and than start typing some function from history than hit enter.
<Regenaxer> No
<Regenaxer> As I understand, fzf reads from terminal. So it is fzf that has a history
<razzy> fzf has no internal history. fzf read standart input, make interaction with user to select one line from standart input, returns this one line.
<razzy> to standart output
<Regenaxer> Please try to understand what that is
<Regenaxer> Processes, stdio, terminals in Unix
<razzy> I will have to study it.
<Regenaxer> A terminal is a very special beast. A tty
<Regenaxer> It is a device with special attributes
<Regenaxer> readline interacts with the terminal
<Regenaxer> stdin and stdout are just files
<razzy> i am working on suboptimal batch/not-interactive version now. maybe could be usefull
<razzy> using pipe as was shown
<razzy> My naive idea was, that linux terminal just print ~60-ish lines with ~60 characters every 50ms and i can read that. and process in picolisp
<Nistur> mornin'
<Regenaxer> Hi Nistur!
<Nistur> o7
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<hunar> Hello everyone :) I forgot what function gives me a portion of a list
<Regenaxer> (head) and (tail)
<Regenaxer> more useful is (member) or (memq)
<Regenaxer> head and tail need a number which is normally not known
<hunar> Is there a function like head but with a custom starting index
<Regenaxer> custom?
<hunar> I want (3 4 5) from (range 1 10)
<hunar> (sublist 3 5) something like this
<Regenaxer> (head 3 (member 3 Lst))
<Regenaxer> (head 3 (tail 3 Lst))
<Regenaxer> (head 3 (cddr Lst))
<Regenaxer> Depends
<hunar> Ah so i need two functions :) I thought there was one function that does this .. no problem though :D thanks
<Regenaxer> There are dozens if ways
<Regenaxer> I think no single function
<Regenaxer> This is very seldom needed
<Regenaxer> especially with numeric access
<Regenaxer> Normally you access a list by content
<hunar> I'm trying to create a pentiTrainer program that introduces the letters one by one, i'm inspired by which I used to learn touchtyping in a week
<Regenaxer> assoc, member, rank, nth, ...
<Regenaxer> Good idea
<hunar> I'm trying to get this: there is a list (1 2 3 4 5 6 etc...) i want to loop through them and each time get batches of three along with the last three, so first iteration (1 2 3) (1 2 3) next iteration (1 2 3 4 5 6) (4 5 6)
<Regenaxer> Is it numbers? Why not generate them?
<hunar> They are letters
<Regenaxer> I do net understand "batches of three along with the last three"
<Regenaxer> (for (L Lst L (cdd L)) ... ?
<hunar> My English is not very clear sorry :/ ... (setq L (chop "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")) first iteration i want ("a" "b" "c") second iteration i want ("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f") etc...
<Regenaxer> So always 'head'?
<Regenaxer> (head 3 L) (head 6 L)
<Regenaxer> You can also cut
<Regenaxer> and conc
<Regenaxer> but head is better I think
<hunar> I think I got how i should do it, I'll write it and come back
<Regenaxer> ok
<hunar> (for I (range 3 10 3) (println (head I (chop "abcdefghi")))) this outputted what i want, the chop here is only for the example, i don't calculate it everytime
<Regenaxer> I would not use 'range', it is a waste
<Regenaxer> creates a garbage list
<Regenaxer> (for (I 3 (>= 9 I) (+ 3 I)) (head I
<Regenaxer> or
<Regenaxer> (for I 3 (head (* 3 I) ...
<hunar> (for (I 3 (>= 9 I) (+ 3 I)) (head I this one looks fine to me :D
<hunar> It looks like C style loops
<Regenaxer> yes
<Regenaxer> Looks wrong in Lisp
<Regenaxer> Numeric loops are seldom
<hunar> But I personally hate the (>= 9 I) notation, i prefer (<= I 9) It takes me more thinking to understand
<Regenaxer> Better prepare the data in another way
<Regenaxer> I avoid (<= and (< because the < is easily confused with another (
<Regenaxer> (>= is just visually better
<Regenaxer> but otherwise <= is fine
<hunar> Ah, that's the reason then :)
<Regenaxer> Yes, depends on the font
<hunar> Which font are you using, It didn't occur to me
<hunar> I have one more small question, I only looked at database a little bit, did you document the file format of the .db file and how it's structured? Before I opened it I expected to see an ASCII file but it was binary (I think)
<Regenaxer> Termux
<Regenaxer> or xterm
<Regenaxer> It is the so-called PLIO format
<Regenaxer> it is what (pr) and (rd) use
<Regenaxer> (out "a" (pr 123 'abc "def" '(g 7 h)))
<Regenaxer> (hd "a")
<Regenaxer> It is a byte-stream
<hunar> Thanks :D
<Regenaxer> No docs I'm afraid ;)
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<hunar> No problem :) I sometimes find questions in the log of this chat through google search too
<Regenaxer> ok :)
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<hunar17> I opened this chat through and suddenly got disconnected, now when i reconnect it said my name is already in use :/ weird
<Regenaxer> It takes some time for the old session to time out
<Regenaxer> 256 secs I think
<hunar17> Ah, no problem then :D By the way, how can i set my real name
<Regenaxer> Oh, I never did, no idea
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<hunar17> Yours is set to (Baldur Regenaxer )
<Regenaxer> oh
<hunar17> I got confused :/ Is it Baldur Regenaxer or Alexander Burger
<Regenaxer> both :)
<Regenaxer> It is an anagram
<Regenaxer> I set the name on the command line
<Regenaxer> in my irc clien
<Regenaxer> t
<Regenaxer> And my client passes it as host:name it seems
<hunar17> How is it an anagram :)
<Regenaxer> I use also Gerard Belnareux
<hunar17> :/
hunar17 is now known as hunar
<hunar> Ahaaa, I googled anagram and mistakenly understood it as Palindrome, my bad
<Regenaxer> :)
<hunar> Which one is the actual passport name
<Regenaxer> Alexander Burger
<hunar> :)
<hunar> I wasted enough time :D I'll go back to programming, let's see if I can finish it before tomorrow
<Regenaxer> No waste :)
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<hunar> I finished creating the first version of pentiTrainer currently only the lowercase letters, I'll add all the other keys in the future, this first version is not very dynamic and will change alot in the next version
<Regenaxer> Congratulation! :)
<Regenaxer> May I suggest simplifications?
<Regenaxer> (for C Text (prin C)) -> (mapc prin Text) -> (prin Text)
<Regenaxer> So just (prinl Text)
<Regenaxer> The for loops in beginner, they have no effect?
<hunar> Thanks :D
<hunar> wait, there is an extra beginner function which i didn't use
<hunar> (beginner)
<Regenaxer> yes
<hunar> Oh, I didn't realize (prin Text) works
<Regenaxer> Yeah, prin works practically with any kind of argument
<Regenaxer> like 'pack'
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<hunar> I also needed to remove the last element of a list and couldn't find (butlast) so i (cdr (flip ed it
<Regenaxer> yes, that's fine
<Regenaxer> or (cdr (rot ..))
<hunar> Did you run it :D do you think the training method is good?
<Regenaxer> I have not tried
<Regenaxer> it suggest "a aaaa"
<hunar> Yeat, it trains 3 letters at a time by repeating it, then mixes them to learn finger transition.. then the next 3 letters
<hunar> Yeah*
<Regenaxer> if I hit 'a' nothing happens (?)
<hunar> really :/
<hunar> It should start printing the same a aaaa below the printed one as you type
<hunar> Mine works on computer and termux
<Regenaxer> How do you start it?
<hunar> just pil perniTrainer.l
<hunar> pentiTrainer.l *
<Regenaxer> same here
<Regenaxer> but it hangs
<hunar> Does escape close it?
<Regenaxer> yes
<Regenaxer> or ^C
<Regenaxer> so it waits in (key)
<hunar> Yes, waits forever for either escape or the correct letter
<Regenaxer> if I do (trace 'key)
<Regenaxer> a aaaa
<Regenaxer> key = "a"
<Regenaxer> key :
<Regenaxer> key :
<Regenaxer> a
<Regenaxer> after hitting 'a'
<Regenaxer> 'ask' does not succeed
<Regenaxer> I traced also 'ask'
<Regenaxer> ask : ("a" " " "a" "a" "a" "a")
<Regenaxer> a aaaa
<Regenaxer> key :
<Regenaxer> key = "a"
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<Regenaxer> Strange, (T (= Key C) (prin C)))))
<Regenaxer> (= Key C) seems to succeed
<Regenaxer> but the loop does not terminate?
<hunar> I'm not sure whats happening at your side, can you try the (pkg install pil) version in termux?
<hunar> sorry (pkg install picolisp)
<Regenaxer> The termux version is very old
<Regenaxer> I have in the global install
<Regenaxer> but would not recommend to use it
<Regenaxer> it is pil64
<hunar> My PC uses the latest version and works, but I failed the installation on termux
<Regenaxer> that explains it, pil21 uses readline()
<Regenaxer> Termux is easy I think
<Regenaxer> You need to install make clang llvm readline libffi openssl pkg-config
<Regenaxer> But the script works on pil21 on a PC?
<hunar> I'll try installing those
<hunar> Yes works on PC
<Regenaxer> So not a pil21 issue
<Regenaxer> In 'ask', the loop should wait for 3 keys?
<Regenaxer> (for C Text
<Regenaxer> Text is ("a" " " "a" "a" "a" "a")
<Regenaxer> So you need to type these letters?
<hunar> If you run (ask ("a")) then it waits for one key press a and stops
<Regenaxer> It works if I press exactl a, space and 4 a's
<Regenaxer> So I misunderstood the usage
<hunar> Yes :) you press what's printed above the cursor, wrong keys are ignored
<Regenaxer> I get:
<Regenaxer> Press Esc (or - #-#-) to exit at any time
<Regenaxer> Hint: a is # --#-
<Regenaxer> a aaaa
<Regenaxer> Hint: SPACE is # ----
<Regenaxer> a aaaa
<Regenaxer> b bbbb
<Regenaxer> Hint: b is # -##-
<Regenaxer> b bbbb
<Regenaxer> Hint: c is - #-#-
<Regenaxer> c cccc
<Regenaxer> ok, sorry :)
<hunar> No Problem :D I should add a sentence before it begins to explain it :)
<Regenaxer> :)
<Regenaxer> Ah, I have a penti trainer too
<Regenaxer> but did not use it a long time
<Regenaxer> It is for advanced users, as it also asks for punctuation
<hunar> Really, I made it before i couldn't find anything else
<Regenaxer> I did not publish
<Regenaxer> just for fun
<Regenaxer> I measures the time
<hunar> I'll organize them in levels, the first level is the lowercase alphabet, next will be upercase + cotrol etc.. hopefully everything in the future
<hunar> Aaah I figured out how to use it.. its a very compact code :)
<hunar> I don't know how to share the error message from termu when make ing in src/
<Regenaxer> I recommend to use tmux in termux
<hunar> undefined reference to `natRetBuf`
<Regenaxer> Then copy/past from tmux
<Regenaxer> oh
<Regenaxer> did you extract pil21.tgz and then (cd src; make)?
<hunar> Yes
<Regenaxer> `natRetBuf` is in the pre-built base.ll
<Regenaxer> define i64 @natRetBuf(i64, i8**) align 8 {
<Regenaxer> hmm
<hunar> I'll re-download it
<hunar> It worked :/
<Regenaxer> It is not the tarball, it must be the libs
<Regenaxer> crtbegin.c
<Regenaxer> oh!
<Regenaxer> how that?
<hunar> Maybe it was an old one, but i don't remember downloading an old one
<Regenaxer> Perhaps some garbage left over?
<Regenaxer> ok, anyway :)
<hunar> As long as it's fixed :)
<Regenaxer> yes, lets see it pragmatically
<Regenaxer> It is a pity that PicoLisp is no longer updated on Termux
<Regenaxer> Fredrik Fornwall, the maintainer of Termux, used to update it always very quickly
<Regenaxer> But then the Google trouble started
<Regenaxer> and Termux is available only on F-Droid
<Regenaxer> and Fredrik never upgraded to pil21 :(
<Regenaxer> He used to answer my mails alway fast
<Regenaxer> but now he dropped completely silent
<Regenaxer> Did not answer my last 8 mails
<hunar> What is the reason :/
<Regenaxer> I don't know. Perhaps he is frustrated
<hunar> :(
<Regenaxer> I understand that. Termux is practically forbidden by Google
<hunar> Is there a website where people submit picolisp libraries?
<Regenaxer> tankf33der has one
<Regenaxer> But I don't know of any "libraries"
<Regenaxer> I feel libraries are often not needed, as you can call native C and external programs so easily
<hunar> Thanks :) Is there a reason that you dont use github or gitlab, how different is
<Regenaxer> I dislike git and similar source systems because they destroy the file meta data
<Regenaxer> My work style completely depends on e.g. time stamps
<Regenaxer> And they are lost when you check out a file
<Regenaxer> So no option for me
<hunar> I'm not familiar with metadata, do you mean the creation/edited dates?
<Regenaxer> yes
<Regenaxer> most of all modificatio date
<Regenaxer> Try this : (vi "pil21")
<Regenaxer> and go to the end
<Regenaxer> pil21/src/balance.c (3) 2005-07-06 05:29:49
<Regenaxer> I edit all directories this way, always the newest on top
<Regenaxer> And my source management is all based on mod timestamp
<Regenaxer> i.e. replication between machines, incremental backups
<Regenaxer> 'make' of course too
<hunar> Aaaaa
<hunar> Now I get it
<Regenaxer> tar preserves the mod time
<Regenaxer> scp -p too
<Regenaxer> and rsync
<Regenaxer> but *not* get at al
<Regenaxer> Very strange, as the stamps are sooo important
<Regenaxer> "but *not* get at al" -> I mean "not git"
<hunar> Strange :/
<Regenaxer> yeah
<Regenaxer> all of them, sccs, rcs, mercury and whatnot
<Regenaxer> I used them all if needed
<Regenaxer> but *never* for my own files
<hunar> Do you use the Release section? .. people may want to download old versions ;)
<Regenaxer> Mike Pechkin takes care of it
<Regenaxer> His site checks for a new pil21.tgz every 10 mins or so, and downloads it
<hunar> What is the address :o
<hunar> Ah, so the Commit s are each different releases from your pil21.tgz
<Regenaxer> right :)
<hunar> Cool :D
<Regenaxer> It chages every day on the average
<hunar> By the way, i saw this _PI_co Lisp is not _CO_mmon Lisp is that the original idea behind the name pico?
<Regenaxer> haha, no, this word play was later
<hunar> :D
<Regenaxer> pico is just for "small"
<hunar> :)
<hunar> Is operator overloading possible in Pil? or you consider it unnecessary ;)
<Regenaxer> Sometimes it is useful, sure
<Regenaxer> I do overload usually by inheriting and overriding methods
<Regenaxer> Many built-in functions *are* overloaded
<Regenaxer> eg the above 'prin'
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<Regenaxer> most functions take many types and do something with them
<hunar> Do you have a very small example :)
<Regenaxer> (fifo 'X Val) puts Val into a fifo, (fifo 'X) retrieves from the fifo
<Regenaxer> so it is both put and get
<Regenaxer> I think the majority of the built-ins are overloaded this way
<Regenaxer> Not the majority, but many
<Regenaxer> Look at 'for' or 'let'
<hunar> Is that function overload? I mean the function name is different
<hunar> Ah, you mean how (for has three forms
<Regenaxer> I understand overload as if e.g. '+' also concabnenates strings (this is not in }il)
<Regenaxer> yes
<Regenaxer> depending on the arg it behaves differently
<Regenaxer> (formay 'num) -> sym
<Regenaxer> (formay 'sym) -> num
<Regenaxer> that is overloading, no?
<hunar> Yeah
<Regenaxer> Basically two conversion functions
<Regenaxer> (format 'sym) -> num
<Regenaxer> t and y are close :)
<hunar> Great :)
<hunar> Last question :) what function is used like C's printf, i'm currently using (println "a = " a) style for joining strings and variables..
<Regenaxer> 'println' is not usefcl here, it prints Lisp data
<Regenaxer> better 'prinl'
<hunar> Right, It shows quotes around the final text
<Regenaxer> (prinl "This is " (+ 3 4) " or " (format 123 2))
<Regenaxer> yes
<Regenaxer> print is so that (read) gets it back
<Regenaxer> print, printsp, println
<Regenaxer> vs prin and prinl
<Regenaxer> (pr ..) is PLIO output
<Regenaxer> used in DB and RPC or IPC
<Regenaxer> PLIO is used a lot internally
<Regenaxer> e.g. 'tell' and 'hear'
<Regenaxer> or in 'later'
<Regenaxer> also 'udp'
<hunar> :)
<Regenaxer> the canvas.js lib also uses it in one direction
<Regenaxer> There is PLIO for Java, Js and C
<Regenaxer> the reflection in PilBox uses PLIO
<Regenaxer> So I think pr/rd is more often used than print/read
<hunar> I haven't heard of plio prior to this conversation so i'm a little bit lost :)
<Regenaxer> It is often not so visible
<Regenaxer> not used on the application level so much
<Regenaxer> But internally lots of places in Pil use it
<hunar> I remembered another question :/ I ask too many questions sorry .. I read somewhere where you said (picolisp wasn't designed to performance) or something like that .. does that mean there is still room for improving the performance after all those years?
<Regenaxer> No problem!
<Regenaxer> yes, the interpreter has some overhead
<Regenaxer> You can improve by writing critical functions in PilSrc and compile them
<hunar> What is PilSrc :)
<Regenaxer> In fact, pil21 is a *little* slower than pil64
<Regenaxer> pil64 was hand-optimized assembly
<Regenaxer> PilSrc is the source Pil21 is written in
<Regenaxer> pil21/src/*.l
<hunar> Aha
<Regenaxer> in pil64 it was assembly in src64/*.l
<hunar> I thought It's something like PilAsm (which I didn't find too much information about it)
<Regenaxer> yes, pilAsm is the lang for pil64
<Regenaxer> PilSrc is compiled to LLVM code
<Regenaxer> src/*.ll
<hunar> I want to take a peek at pil64 :) where can i find it
<Regenaxer> The last version is
<Regenaxer> or, I think you have it already in PilOS
<hunar> Yes :)
<hunar> Thanks for all the answers :D Good Night Regenaxer
<Regenaxer> Welcome! Good night :)
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