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Regenaxer, got 5min now? or later.. not urgent
Guten Morgen =)
Hi beneroth!
Yes, fine now
I've did the following, using match instead of split. So then I want to ensure that each Pat only has a integer number in it, and not (format "1.1") -> 1
I've found that (format Arg NIL NIL) works as desired, but if you say this is not intended and not guaranteed for later pil versions, then I guess I go better with split :)
I though of match too, but I think my proposal yesterday is better
not an issue of format behavior
You are right that NIL results in no delimiter
But why use it this way?
so same in pil21 ?
I don't know how it was in pil64
it behaves so in my pil64 version
I looked (vi 'format) in pil21
20.7.4 ugh
then clicked on firstByte
it returns 0 for NIL
But isn't (mapcar format (split (chop S) ".")) more clear and easier?
Check 4 numbers
firstCharE_A in pilASM
but shift+K didn't work on it for me here
hmm, should work
Regenaxer, yeah, then I halso have to check for 4 numbers :)
(head -4 (chop S) -> invalid :)
Why are the NIL argments needed?
try (format "1.1") without
gets parsed as scale number, and because *Scl not set, results in 1
yes, but with split the dots are gone
T, only a problem with match
so (split (chop S) ".") must have length 4
s/with/when using
match is perhaps too permissive
it matches other dots then
well it eats the rest into the last possible @Pat
yeah exactly
good for tolerant parsing
bad for explicit validation
right, you need further checks, as you do with formay
see, there are some cases where Regex is simpler than universal list matching :)
so question is
match + format with NIL arguments VS. split + list check + format check
very minor detail, in any case =D
yes, both are possible
so my previous question is answered with yes: format handling NIL arguments is well defined and guaranteed
Not really "defined" ;)
when I saw this, I was not sure if this was indeed intended or implementation luck :)
it behaves the same
ok, in pil21, but maybe not in pilOS or pil128 :D
I did not think of format with NIL
ok, so it's undefined, and the observed behaviour is kinda accidental implementation
We *could* define it this way
But isn't split better?
check length
I tend to think that nothing should be undefined, C proofed that it's messy
then fully format each list
yeah two separate topics :D
and then format each list
I switch to split, no need for variables then
the split list must have length 4, then each of the sublists fully format, then format
I think this is the full check
but I would like to define the NIL behavior. I think in PicoLisp, function calls with NIL arguments fall into two categories: functions which only care about value/NIL (NIL same as no argument), and functions which first care about presence of arguments and only secondary about their value (NIL is a specific value and not same as missing argument)
most functions fall into 1. category
(collect) is example for 2. category
question: into which category do we place format? current implementation implies 2. category
It is a good question, what is defined for each function?
yes, 2nd
Are there not 3 categories?
or more?
Some functions eval conditionally
respective to handling of NIL arguments?
args may be ignored
hmmm... then the argument is still not NIL when it's passed
'and' for example
or '+'
and ?
(and (= 3 4) (mist))
oh I was not aware of that. (and) ignores undefined function calls?
(if ..) etc
many funs ;)
wow. I was never aware. or I forgot.
so they all do practically (when (fun? Arg) (eval ...)) in a way?
Evaluation simply stops
like '&&' in C
ah, breakage.
I see.
In Pil there are many
Each function has its own behavior
So what is guaranteed?
I think all versions preserved behavior
(mostly I hope)
I would say: you are right this is also a categorizations of functions, but another dimension that the "categorization of function by how they handle explicitly passed NIL arguments"
many ideas for Mias blog ;-)
(de f @ vs (de f (A B C)
'@' evaluates all
but probably not really helping the beginner xD
Like Unix commands
each has its own argument interpretation
(de f (A B C) ....) (f A B C D), so in this function call, D gets never evaluated, because the evaluator checks the target parameter first?
makes sense.. the checking is to detect mixed handling, eh?
yes, most importantly for FEXPRs
Regenaxer, re unix commands: T. though its kinda nice that -v being verbose or version and -r being recursive is somewhat consistent. same with -quiet and -h
yes of course, I understand
An extreme case is 'up' iirc
(up [cnt] sym ['val])
(unix commands: and theeen you use Solaris or Apple without GNU coreutils, and everything is confusingly different again)
yeah, true
ah, up combined with set
I never used that form xD
I think set is not concerned in 'up'?
you mean the any arg
I meant the cnt vs sym
about format, so what do we conclude? enshrine the NIL behaviour? if so, I would say we should put a note for that into the reference too, and maybe add a test
yeah I meant the 'val arg
So yes, NIL is defined behavior for format
I just never thought of that use case
never needed it
But in that regard format is quite normal
NIL means "no separator char"
yeah so I thought
format is "defined" like all other functions
via the source
and all Pil versions were simple translations
into other implementation languages
more or less ;)
meeting now, so less active here now
many thanks for the nice discussion :)
Thanks for the contemplation
you know I like it, maybe sometimes too much ;-)
I find it's an important point to stress, that people should read source
this is different to other languages/stack where it's often hopeless to read the source
this kind of transparency & control is an explicit PicoLisp feature
Mia "ordered" me to write an article about reasons to use PicoLisp. This kind of transparency will be an important point
it is for me.
minimal dependency on third party
MS or Siemens or AWS cannot ruin my business
dev fashion cannot ruin my business (see javascript)
and I can inspect and give guarantees about third party software I use
(see NPM)
Regenaxer, you can send me your list for Mia, then I review/extend it and send it back to you, if you like :)
I guess Mia has also more knowledge about general programming mainstream than you (from school) ? did she already work in software industry?
I have no list for Mia. She thought it up by herself
She worked as an engineer in an automobile supplier, but now also finished batchelor in computer science ("Informatik")
and yes, she has quite a broad knowledge from that
I see
yeah no critic on you. that bubble is a privilege :)
I did not see it as a critique
no problem
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Regenaxer, on one ubuntu machine (accessed via SSH) I've still got the problem of backspace not working in psh console
in normal (non-psh) repl it works
psh seems to be in raw mode
I never saw this. Seems a terminal setting
$ stty -a
exact same output in shell, repl and psh
very weird
after the call to (ctty ...) I do (off *Run) (on *Dbg) (load ...) (off *Err) (setq *Prompt "myapp")
cannot be my code. exact same app has well-behaving psh on other host
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beneroth, iirc psh does also 'raw'
hmm, no
well that app will move to another server soonish anyway
I will test on new server
(different ubuntu versions, different virtualization)
let's hope there it works better. if not, I have to investigate deeper. but tty is archaic magic.
Perhaps it is virtualization
weird thing is, pil repl works well
also when I restart whole application and fork a repl right away
but not psh
so it is readline()
cannot be, it's still pil64 :)
ah, right
It must be terminal
good point, you just say I must update like a enterprise vendor :D
what is sent at BS
either ^H or ^?
8 or 127
and this is correct, according to stty -a
(call 'sttty -a)
no change in shell, pil repl, or psh repl
My stty says "^?"
(sys 'TERM) -> xterm
DEL char in ASCII
ssh client is MobaXterm on windows
: (key)
-> "^?"
right, good idea with the key
^H gets printed when I press backspace in psh
so not interpreted.. so not cooked?
But pil64 @lib/led.l checks (("^H" "^?")
so both should work
line 271 in @lib/led.l
pil repl TAB-autocompletion works
it gets weirder and weirder
(key) -> "^H"
Terminal messes
anyway, don't mind
I check new host
ok :)
thank you
if it persists, I study led.l and debug it
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