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<Regenaxer> (
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<beneroth> Regenaxer, got 5min now? or later.. not urgent
<beneroth> Guten Morgen =)
<Regenaxer> Hi beneroth!
<Regenaxer> Yes, fine now
<beneroth> I've did the following, using match instead of split. So then I want to ensure that each Pat only has a integer number in it, and not (format "1.1") -> 1
<beneroth> (match '(@A "." @B "." @C "." @D) (chop Str))
<beneroth> (and
<beneroth> (format (val E) NIL NIL)
<beneroth> (fully '((E)
<beneroth> (<= 0 @ 255) ) )
<beneroth> '(@A @B @C @D) )
<beneroth> I've found that (format Arg NIL NIL) works as desired, but if you say this is not intended and not guaranteed for later pil versions, then I guess I go better with split :)
<Regenaxer> I though of match too, but I think my proposal yesterday is better
<Regenaxer> not an issue of format behavior
<Regenaxer> You are right that NIL results in no delimiter
<Regenaxer> But why use it this way?
<beneroth> so same in pil21 ?
<Regenaxer> I don't know how it was in pil64
<beneroth> it behaves so in my pil64 version
<Regenaxer> I looked (vi 'format) in pil21
<beneroth> 20.7.4 ugh
<Regenaxer> then clicked on firstByte
<beneroth> ah
<Regenaxer> it returns 0 for NIL
<Regenaxer> But isn't (mapcar format (split (chop S) ".")) more clear and easier?
<Regenaxer> Check 4 numbers
<beneroth> firstCharE_A in pilASM
<beneroth> but shift+K didn't work on it for me here
<Regenaxer> hmm, should work
<beneroth> Regenaxer, yeah, then I halso have to check for 4 numbers :)
<beneroth> (head -4 (chop S) -> invalid :)
<beneroth> hmmm
<Regenaxer> Why are the NIL argments needed?
<beneroth> try (format "1.1") without
<beneroth> gets parsed as scale number, and because *Scl not set, results in 1
<Regenaxer> yes, but with split the dots are gone
<beneroth> T, only a problem with match
<Regenaxer> so (split (chop S) ".") must have length 4
<beneroth> s/with/when using
<beneroth> T
<Regenaxer> match is perhaps too permissive
<Regenaxer> it matches other dots then
<beneroth> well it eats the rest into the last possible @Pat
<beneroth> yeah exactly
<beneroth> good for tolerant parsing
<beneroth> bad for explicit validation
<Regenaxer> right, you need further checks, as you do with formay
<Regenaxer> format
<beneroth> see, there are some cases where Regex is simpler than universal list matching :)
<beneroth> exactly
<beneroth> so question is
<beneroth> match + format with NIL arguments VS. split + list check + format check
<beneroth> very minor detail, in any case =D
<Regenaxer> yes, both are possible
<beneroth> so my previous question is answered with yes: format handling NIL arguments is well defined and guaranteed
<Regenaxer> Not really "defined" ;)
<beneroth> when I saw this, I was not sure if this was indeed intended or implementation luck :)
<Regenaxer> it behaves the same
<beneroth> ok, in pil21, but maybe not in pilOS or pil128 :D
<Regenaxer> I did not think of format with NIL
<beneroth> ok, so it's undefined, and the observed behaviour is kinda accidental implementation
<Regenaxer> We *could* define it this way
<Regenaxer> But isn't split better?
<Regenaxer> check length
<beneroth> I tend to think that nothing should be undefined, C proofed that it's messy
<Regenaxer> then fully format each list
<beneroth> yeah two separate topics :D
<Regenaxer> and then format each list
<beneroth> I switch to split, no need for variables then
<Regenaxer> yeah
<Regenaxer> the split list must have length 4, then each of the sublists fully format, then format
<Regenaxer> I think this is the full check
<beneroth> but I would like to define the NIL behavior. I think in PicoLisp, function calls with NIL arguments fall into two categories: functions which only care about value/NIL (NIL same as no argument), and functions which first care about presence of arguments and only secondary about their value (NIL is a specific value and not same as missing argument)
<beneroth> most functions fall into 1. category
<beneroth> (collect) is example for 2. category
<beneroth> question: into which category do we place format? current implementation implies 2. category
<Regenaxer> It is a good question, what is defined for each function?
<Regenaxer> yes, 2nd
<Regenaxer> Are there not 3 categories?
<Regenaxer> or more?
<Regenaxer> Some functions eval conditionally
<beneroth> respective to handling of NIL arguments?
<Regenaxer> also
<Regenaxer> args may be ignored
<beneroth> hmmm... then the argument is still not NIL when it's passed
<Regenaxer> 'and' for example
<beneroth> true
<Regenaxer> or '+'
<beneroth> and ?
<Regenaxer> (and (= 3 4) (mist))
<beneroth> oh I was not aware of that. (and) ignores undefined function calls?
<Regenaxer> sure
<Regenaxer> (if ..) etc
<Regenaxer> many funs ;)
<beneroth> wow. I was never aware. or I forgot.
<beneroth> so they all do practically (when (fun? Arg) (eval ...)) in a way?
<Regenaxer> no
<Regenaxer> Evaluation simply stops
<Regenaxer> like '&&' in C
<beneroth> ah, breakage.
<beneroth> I see.
<Regenaxer> In Pil there are many
<Regenaxer> Each function has its own behavior
<Regenaxer> So what is guaranteed?
<Regenaxer> I think all versions preserved behavior
<Regenaxer> (mostly I hope)
<beneroth> I would say: you are right this is also a categorizations of functions, but another dimension that the "categorization of function by how they handle explicitly passed NIL arguments"
<Regenaxer> yes
<beneroth> many ideas for Mias blog ;-)
<Regenaxer> (de f @ vs (de f (A B C)
<Regenaxer> '@' evaluates all
<beneroth> but probably not really helping the beginner xD
<Regenaxer> T
<Regenaxer> Like Unix commands
<Regenaxer> each has its own argument interpretation
<beneroth> (de f (A B C) ....) (f A B C D), so in this function call, D gets never evaluated, because the evaluator checks the target parameter first?
<beneroth> makes sense.. the checking is to detect mixed handling, eh?
<Regenaxer> yes, most importantly for FEXPRs
<beneroth> Regenaxer, re unix commands: T. though its kinda nice that -v being verbose or version and -r being recursive is somewhat consistent. same with -quiet and -h
<beneroth> yes of course, I understand
<Regenaxer> An extreme case is 'up' iirc
<Regenaxer> (up [cnt] sym ['val])
<beneroth> (unix commands: and theeen you use Solaris or Apple without GNU coreutils, and everything is confusingly different again)
<Regenaxer> yeah, true
<beneroth> ah, up combined with set
<beneroth> I never used that form xD
<beneroth> ok
<Regenaxer> I think set is not concerned in 'up'?
<Regenaxer> ah
<Regenaxer> you mean the any arg
<Regenaxer> I meant the cnt vs sym
<beneroth> about format, so what do we conclude? enshrine the NIL behaviour? if so, I would say we should put a note for that into the reference too, and maybe add a test
<beneroth> yeah I meant the 'val arg
<Regenaxer> ok
<Regenaxer> So yes, NIL is defined behavior for format
<Regenaxer> I just never thought of that use case
<Regenaxer> never needed it
<Regenaxer> But in that regard format is quite normal
<Regenaxer> NIL means "no separator char"
<beneroth> yeah so I thought
<Regenaxer> format is "defined" like all other functions
<Regenaxer> via the source
<beneroth> TTTTT
<Regenaxer> and all Pil versions were simple translations
<Regenaxer> into other implementation languages
<Regenaxer> more or less ;)
<beneroth> <3
<beneroth> meeting now, so less active here now
<beneroth> many thanks for the nice discussion :)
<Regenaxer> Thanks for the contemplation
<beneroth> you know I like it, maybe sometimes too much ;-)
<Regenaxer> :)
<beneroth> I find it's an important point to stress, that people should read source
<beneroth> this is different to other languages/stack where it's often hopeless to read the source
<beneroth> this kind of transparency & control is an explicit PicoLisp feature
<Regenaxer> Exactly
<Regenaxer> Mia "ordered" me to write an article about reasons to use PicoLisp. This kind of transparency will be an important point
<beneroth> it is for me.
<beneroth> minimal dependency on third party
<beneroth> MS or Siemens or AWS cannot ruin my business
<Regenaxer> T
<beneroth> dev fashion cannot ruin my business (see javascript)
<beneroth> and I can inspect and give guarantees about third party software I use
<beneroth> (see NPM)
<beneroth> Regenaxer, you can send me your list for Mia, then I review/extend it and send it back to you, if you like :)
<beneroth> I guess Mia has also more knowledge about general programming mainstream than you (from school) ? did she already work in software industry?
<Regenaxer> I have no list for Mia. She thought it up by herself
<Regenaxer> She worked as an engineer in an automobile supplier, but now also finished batchelor in computer science ("Informatik")
<Regenaxer> and yes, she has quite a broad knowledge from that
<beneroth> I see
<beneroth> yeah no critic on you. that bubble is a privilege :)
<Regenaxer> I did not see it as a critique
<Regenaxer> no problem
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<beneroth> Regenaxer, on one ubuntu machine (accessed via SSH) I've still got the problem of backspace not working in psh console
<beneroth> in normal (non-psh) repl it works
<beneroth> psh seems to be in raw mode
<Regenaxer> I never saw this. Seems a terminal setting
<Regenaxer> $ stty -a
<beneroth> exact same output in shell, repl and psh
<beneroth> very weird
<beneroth> after the call to (ctty ...) I do (off *Run) (on *Dbg) (load ...) (off *Err) (setq *Prompt "myapp")
<beneroth> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<beneroth> cannot be my code. exact same app has well-behaving psh on other host
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<Regenaxer> beneroth, iirc psh does also 'raw'
<Regenaxer> hmm, no
<beneroth> well that app will move to another server soonish anyway
<beneroth> I will test on new server
<Regenaxer> good
<beneroth> (different ubuntu versions, different virtualization)
<beneroth> let's hope there it works better. if not, I have to investigate deeper. but tty is archaic magic.
<Regenaxer> Perhaps it is virtualization
<beneroth> weird thing is, pil repl works well
<beneroth> also when I restart whole application and fork a repl right away
<beneroth> but not psh
<Regenaxer> so it is readline()
<beneroth> cannot be, it's still pil64 :)
<Regenaxer> ah, right
<Regenaxer> It must be terminal
<beneroth> good point, you just say I must update like a enterprise vendor :D
<Regenaxer> what is sent at BS
<beneroth> yeah
<Regenaxer> either ^H or ^?
<beneroth> ^H
<Regenaxer> 8 or 127
<beneroth> and this is correct, according to stty -a
<beneroth> (call 'sttty -a)
<beneroth> no change in shell, pil repl, or psh repl
<Regenaxer> My stty says "^?"
<Regenaxer> 127
<beneroth> (sys 'TERM) -> xterm
<Regenaxer> DEL char in ASCII
<beneroth> ssh client is MobaXterm on windows
<Regenaxer> : (key)
<Regenaxer> -> "^?"
<beneroth> ^H
<beneroth> ah
<beneroth> right, good idea with the key
<beneroth> ^H gets printed when I press backspace in psh
<beneroth> so not interpreted.. so not cooked?
<Regenaxer> But pil64 @lib/led.l checks (("^H" "^?")
<Regenaxer> so both should work
<Regenaxer> line 271 in @lib/led.l
<beneroth> T
<beneroth> pil repl TAB-autocompletion works
<beneroth> it gets weirder and weirder
<beneroth> (key) -> "^H"
<Regenaxer> Terminal messes
<beneroth> T
<beneroth> anyway, don't mind
<beneroth> I check new host
<Regenaxer> ok :)
<beneroth> :)
<beneroth> thank you
<beneroth> if it persists, I study led.l and debug it
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