One sort-of argument against the find() function that I just proposed is that maybe we should move toward type-specific methods.
Thus, e.g., [1,2,3].find(2) would return 1, while "aardvark".find("dv") would return 3.
Maybe that last isn't a good example; maybe it should be a different verb. But the idea would be that we move toward namespace that is tied to the particular type and so does not conflict with either other types or with user functions.
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JordanBrown1: That would open up more options. For example, lists really need a .findf that takes a comparator function.
JordanBrown1: It kind of needs that because you might have a list of function references to search by equality (regular .find) or a list of other elements you'd want to apply a comparator too (float values with range check, or a list of strings to do search-within)
JordanBrown1: I see you attempted to address that with your free function proposal with a hackier list of function references proposal, but that again goes down the search rabbit hole of magic type-specific behaviors.
And then suddenly you can't find a list of function references in a list of lists of function references.
And granted, that's maybe a rare thing to want to search, but it'd be better to take the opportunity to do this right and clean and consistent this time.
Also .findall would be an option, for returning a list of result indices.
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InPhase Maybe I'm not following, but the only magic type-specific behavior in the find() proposal is that a pattern that is a function is called, not searched for.
Yes, that means that you can't search for a function in a list of functions, but that seems like a really narrow case.
You (the caller, not the implementation) can work around that, if you really want to, by wrapping both the pattern and the search list entries in arrays.
That is, find([f], [for (f=flist) [f]])
then you are searching for a list of one function, in a list of lists of one function, and don't get the magic function behavior.
So the rabbit hole doesn't get any deeper.
If one thought that was a real problem, the signature could change to find(list, val, f), where you are expected to supply either val or f and would supply f as a named parameter.
(We really need a better way to describe function signatures.)
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for my find() example above, I probably shouldn't have reused "f": find([f], [for (e=flist) [e]])
JordanBrown1: Yeah, I stipulate it's a lot less magic behavior, and thus better.
But I think zero magic behavior would probably be best for this, considering the past experiences. A separate function parameter could work, if we wanted the free function.
I see an appeal though to an object call version of this. Maybe we'd even want different find parameters for different input types.
e.g., case_insensitive=true
Or ignore_case
v.findall(is_nan) would be pretty cool. :)
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is there a version of minkowski that keeps the bounding box of the larger shape?
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linext: No, but it's trivial to do for simple shapes.
Like, on cube you just do resize afterward.
Although I typically do everything by precalculating the dimensions to use.
Also 2D has negative offset, which achieves this.
yea, for a cube and sphere it's not hard to calculate
but for combinations of odd shapes it might be nice to have
It's just really hard to implement that sort of thing for 3D, as it doesn't have obvious definitions in all cases. But offset3d is probably achievable.
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maybe it could be done with scale()
For 2D the offset capabilities are pretty potent. e.g., random demo shape: $fs=0.4; $fa=1; rotate_extrude() intersection() { square(20); translate([5,0]) offset(3) offset(-6) offset(3) { square([15, 8]); square([8, 20]); } }
instead of scale by a factor, scale to a dimension
That's what resize is, scaling to a dimension.
But this does not always have the desired effect, especially on non-convex shapes.
e.g., if you have two cubes 20 units apart inside of a box forming the outer parts of the bounding box, minkowski by 5, and then resize back down to the original bounding box, and those cubes are not 20 units apart anymore.
i didn't know about resize
The core problem is that minkowski is in the direction of the normals, while resize is with respect to absolute coordinate position.
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InPhase, linext: note also that resize() has an implied render() and so is not as performant as scale. It also loses color.
Performant in preview, that is.
Hmm, that does a render? I never noticed...
it's got to
I guess I almost never use it on anything big.
you can't calculate the bounding box of a general geometric object without rendering.
In union the bounding box of the result is always the union of the bounding boxes of the children, so is easy.
But not so with difference and intersection; there you have to actually do the work.
I suspect that the bounding box of a minkowski sum is the minkowski sum of the bounding boxes of the children, but I'm not absolutely sure.
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I wasn't sure that it lost color, because it doesn't need to - it could render, get the bounding box, discard the render result, and then preview the children, but I confirmed that it does lose color.
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it would be nice if there was a button in openscad next to STL export that could launch a slicer with the file as the argument
there's a button that says "3D Print"
i have to keep saving to STL, switch to slicer, reimport STL file
takes about 15 seconds
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you can setup the 3D print button with the command you need linext
including direct slicing and printing
does it require restarting after editing the preferences?
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3d print button only supports octoprint and a 3d printing service of which I forgot the name