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<gbruno> [github] kintel closed issue #4952 (Port to iPadOS / iOS) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4952
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<gbruno> [github] kintel closed issue #4947 (How do I deal with "distutils" being deprecated (?) with macos build?) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4947
<JordanBrown1> kintel, teepee if there is a license issue it would be good to quote chapter and verse, or point at somebody else who has reported and analyzed the problem.
<teepee> JordanBrown1: I feel I'm missing some context
<teepee> the iPad port?
<teepee> as long as you *must* pay for joining the dev program, it's never going to be compatible with GPL
<teepee> I don't know if the EU discussion can force additional but official places, but I have my doubts
<JordanBrown1> Yes, the iPad port.
<JordanBrown1> Why is that incompatible with GPL?
<teepee> because they distribute stuff and impose additional restrictions
<teepee> if there's new interpretations, I have not heard about them
<JordanBrown1> Having to pay to be a developer seems analogous to having to pay for a compiler or for a system to develop on, neither of which seems incompatible. But the redistribution restrictions are a different matter.
<teepee> it's not the payment, it's the restrictions that come along with the program
<JordanBrown1> Right.
<JordanBrown1> As you will have seen, I added a pointer to the FSF article to the iPad request.
<teepee> yeah, it's an old gpl-2 article, but probably still valid
<JordanBrown1> Yes.
<teepee> not sure if gpl-3 brings something totally different in that regard
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<teepee> and it seems the EU stuff may force Apple to only change rules in EU, so that's a non-starter too
<JordanBrown1> I believe that GPL-3 is even more aggressive than GPL-2.
<JordanBrown1> Got any thoughts on the "timestamp the console" request?
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<JordanBrown1> But look, there are GPL Apps on the app store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/gpl-apps/id1037790332
<teepee> yes, there's never a case where legal stuff and real world match up
<teepee> but I'm off to bed anyway ;-)
<teepee> that GPL is certainly not the licence GPL though
<JordanBrown1> I was just amused that there was something called "GPL Apps".
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<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 1 modifications (Removed last trace of VBO feature) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/6552f88ae682e41638422734ba62a4dcfebd39ff
<gbruno> [github] kintel opened pull request #4966 (Move VBO rendering out of experimental) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4966
<gbruno> [github] kintel edited issue #4782 (Move VBO support out of experimental) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4782
<InPhase> teepee: I think I made the sections a little too wide, but it's in place. https://i.imgur.com/Ssg7gFc.jpeg
<InPhase> teepee: Kind of a long print, so I'll probably just live with it like that for a bit. :)
<InPhase> Also while printing it I noticed how absolutely grimey and filthy my 2016 era printer has gotten... It's amazing that thing even works.
<InPhase> My z-axis top stabilizers for example are a custom job I did by printing a PLA rod and a PLA hole, spinning the rod into the hole rapidly with a drill to smooth out the surfaces so they fit snugly but without any burrs, and then adding some lithium grease as a lubricant. That sketchy sounding hack job was 7 years ago, and still works without ever having updated the lubricant...
<InPhase> All of the belts for the printer are covered with a thick layer of sticky dust, but that also still works fine.
<InPhase> The filament holder is a long bolt with masking tape wrapped around it to reduce friction. The masking tape has not been replaced once in 8 years.
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<InPhase> The electronics are in an enclosure half held together by electrical tape, with the other half hanging open from worn electrical tape. :)
<InPhase> The nozzle is still the original nozzle, and has been abused horrendously.
<InPhase> In a rational world, this would be a broken piece of junk. But it keeps on printing...
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<gbruno> [github] coder2999 opened issue #4967 (OpenSCAD renders too slowly in preview mode) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4967
<gbruno> [github] coder2999 edited issue #4967 (OpenSCAD renders too slowly in preview mode) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4967
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<gbruno> [github] remcoder opened issue #22 (Keep camera position between renders) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-playground/issues/22
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<gbruno> [github] kintel opened issue #4968 (Improve VBO support for Nef polyhedrons) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4968
<gbruno> [github] kintel edited issue #4782 (Move VBO support out of experimental) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4782
<gbruno> [github] kintel edited issue #4782 (Move VBO support out of experimental) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4782
<kintel> I think I'm (finally) ready to move VBO support out of experimental: https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4966
<kintel> Let me know if anyone has any concerns
<gbruno> [github] kintel opened issue #4969 (PolySet: Clean up or eliminate quantization where possible) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4969
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<gbruno> [github] kintel opened issue #4970 (PolySet: Output PolySet directly for `extrudePolygon`) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4970
<gbruno> [github] kintel edited issue #4851 (PolySet needs cleanup) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4851
<gbruno> [github] kintel opened issue #4971 (Preserve manifoldness for 3MF import) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4971
<gbruno> [github] kintel edited issue #4851 (PolySet needs cleanup) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4851
<gbruno> [github] kintel closed issue #4851 (PolySet needs cleanup) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4851
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<moonlight> Hi, I installed openscad-playground on local to use as gui on headless server. How can I work with local file and render it? On which path do I need to create the files to be shown on the web file browser?
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<guso78k> Hi, with latest openscad master branch, I got issues to compile.
<guso78k> CMaksLists.txt contains now: find_package(TBB REQUIRED) , but I could not see a cmake/Modules/FindTBB.cmake
<guso78k> is this file available somewhere ?
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<Scopeuk> guso78k I think that is an intel threading library that is called out from manifold
<Scopeuk> moonlight by default I believe openscad-playground uses the browser local filesystem (i.e. it is a sandbox just for the page) it is likely that something can be done in js to embeded content into that from the server but I am not sure if that is done at all in playground, it's a separate project in it's own right
<guso78k> Scopeuk yes I know, but previuosly tbb  was just there and it just worked, but now cmake is instructed to find it without a findscript .. now fails
<moonlight> Scopeuk thanks for the information
<teepee> guso78k: on Debian libtbb-dev installs /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/TBB
<guso78k> teepee thanks for the hint. let me find out whats different in my case XD
<guso78k> i was expecting to see it inside the master branch, but my cmake did not find it   in either place ...
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<guso78k> in fedora, the package tbb-devel includes these  cmake files:
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<guso78k> it does not include a FindTBB.cmake
<kintel> TBBConfig.cmake should be sufficient though
<guso78k> with latest CmakeLists change i get this error: https://bpa.st/GNQA
<guso78k> fedora has always been different remembering back to cryptopp
<kintel> That's just the target not being found, but did it find the package?
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<guso78k> apparently  my understanding is lacking here. when there is findPackage(TBB ... I understand that there must be a findTBB.cmake file ..
<guso78k> what can i test in my system ?
<kintel> find_package has multiple options for locating packages, e.g. using a config macro or a find macro
<kintel> Could you paste your cmake logs?
<kintel> ..and the contents of TBBConfig.cmake
<guso78k> yes i can do that
<guso78k> cmake log: https://bpa.st/WGUQ
<guso78k> TBBConfig.cmake has: https://bpa.st/2ZTA
<guso78k> need to go AFK now
<guso78k> driving home, kids ...
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<kintel> In any case, after find_package(TBB REQUIRED), try to add this line: message(STATUS "TBB: ${TBB_VERSION}")
<kintel> That will tell you what it found. It should be there in any case, so feel free to PR that once things works again
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<kintel> You can also print ${TBB_IMPORTED_TARGETS} to print the targets
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<kintel> pca006132 In terms of the Manifold triangulator: I had some issues with it a while ago, when I attempted to replace OpenSCAD's CGAL triangulator with the Manifold one. ..but I didn't find a convenient way of adding a test case in Manifold. Do you know if any changes has been made since November? I can try to dig up my failing case if you're already looking into that domain.
<gbruno> [github] kintel edited issue #4925 (Strange render lines with manifold option on beta) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4925
<gbruno> [github] kintel edited issue #4825 (Move manifold out of experimental) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4825
<JordanBrown1> My fresh-built OpenSCAD with no relevant changes is consuming 10% of the CPU (about one core, I think) while sitting idle.
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<kintel> JordanBrown Was it you who connected some OpenSCAD folders to a cloud-synced filesystem?
<JordanBrown1> yes
<kintel> -> try turning off Automatic Reload and Preview
<JordanBrown1> but hmm. I just shut it down and restarted it, and it's fine now.
<JordanBrown1> I had two different installs running at the same time; maybe that's relevant.
<JordanBrown1> auto load and preview is already off.
<kintel> hm, thats odd
<JordanBrown1> OK, I had forgotten that I had multiple OpenSCADs running. It's not the fresh-built one that's still running; it's a 2021.01 that I tried to shut down that isn't fully shutting down.
<JordanBrown1> ... experimenting ...
<JordanBrown1> Yeah, it's the 2021.01. I start it, it's fine, I shut it down (using the X button), the undocked editor window stays up (and unresponsive) and it goes to ~10% CPU.
<JordanBrown1> Using the X button on the editor then leads to a Windows "not responding" dialog.
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<JordanBrown1> When the editor window is docked, it all disappears but leaves the process running, so it's not directly related to the undocked editor window.
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<JordanBrown1> Maybe the preferences created by newer versions are giving it indigestion.
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<kintel> JordanBrown Only thing I can think of is that the automatic file locking on Windows trips something up, but it would have to be debugged somehow
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<InPhase> JordanBrown1: Might even be a Qt clean-up goof out of our control.
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<teepee> I think that was an ugly bug
<teepee> which might still not be fixed 100%
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<gbruno> [github] jordanbrown0 opened issue #4972 (Render-save in one keystroke or click) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4972
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<moonlight> Guys, is anyone using solidpython? Is it recommended nowadays to use for automating openscad code generation? I seen there is also solidpython2 but it looks less used
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<guso78k> kintel, this works for me: https://bpa.st/Y4AA
<guso78k> simple TBB_LIBRARIES, but suppose this is not what you were targeting at.
<guso78k> TBB_IMPORTED_TARGETS does not output anything in my place
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<InPhase> moonlight: Using Python to generate OpenSCAD code remains a fairly niche choice, but some people are doing it.
<moonlight> InPhase. I'll go without solidpython, as just a few templates are needed i'll go simply with pure python
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<guso78k> yeah, most famous one is probably sanjeev prakhabar. he has written a hgue python library and his code always creates data to be fed into a polyhedron call ...
<guso78k> his algorithms to create all sorts of facets between different objects are amazing.
<teepee> yep
<teepee> unfortunately they are not general, so they only work for the specific designs
<guso78k> one "general" solution would be to go the "SDF" way. its easy to do facets there, disadvantage here is that it requires a totally different approach
<teepee> not general
<teepee> let me find the very obvious example :)
<guso78k> ok. i am very curious
<guso78k> looks like it was created with sdf. it has the typical artefacts ...
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<teepee> exactly
<guso78k> you increase the grid , and the CPU power, and the result will be smother at the cost of time ...
<teepee> yes, but != general
<teepee> basically SDF can do rounding easily but not edges, CSG the other way around
<guso78k> do you know if this was libfive enginge ... i feel that libfive could have done better
<teepee> 101% sure that's pythonsdf :)
<teepee> yeah, I think libfive has some extra algorithms trying to detect edges
<guso78k> and libfive has very good algorithms to combine lots of triangles to big planar surfaces.
<teepee> doing pythonsdf and openscad talks at conferences
<guso78k> i could not easily find pythonsdf in the net. do you have an url ?
<teepee> no, but I would expect one of the first links on that mastodon page goes there?
<teepee> yep, 3rd post. looks like the package is actually called https://pypi.org/project/sdfcad/0.2.0/ - the text still names it pthonsdf
<guso78k> just found it , too. apparently it was renamed
<guso78k> watching his video now
<teepee> I still think all that stuff should be combined, so you can do both edges and roundings depending on what's needed :)
<guso78k> (y) (y) i have been trying to promote for some time already :')
<guso78k> hmm, das video bricht bei mir immer wieder ab :(
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