I'm just certain that I have flashed those ICs before with Linux. Unfortunately I don't remember how :-)
for sure it was not flashrom
when I flashed it with something existing back then I was able to break some of those ICs completely; I just don't know if it was the flash tool or the ICs were really dead (they were on a shelf for 7 years). And new ICs don't work reliable either
not reliable / not at all.
mrec: with linux i would take some SBC (RPi?) attach GPIOs or real controller to the ICs
or investigate why flashrom fails to do things. Whak kind of ICs do you use?
it's some Winbond IC. I have written some USB to SPI firmware for the stm32f0 many years ago and wrote my own flash tool which worked reliably; I will just reuse that one.
back then I remember flashrom did not work properly either.
flashrom just states that the support is experimental (still it seems)
I think it's w25q64FV
seems to be supported by linux drivers/mtd/spi-nor/winbond.c driver
still need to check that part... I want the single erase function.
Verifying flash... FAILED at 0x00000000! Expected=0x00, Found=0xff, failed byte count from 0x00000000-0x003fffff: 0x3fe817
Your flash chip is in an unknown state.
Please report this to the mailing list at flashrom@flashrom.org or
Why do you want the single erase function?..
I used another tool for flashing in the past which worked properly, I thought it was openocd
No, flashrom is the tool that works properly. OpenOCD never supported bare flash without a target.
to initially clear the entire flash, I think it's required but not sure (last time I used that was years ago)
I always had issues with flashrom
that's what I know for sure
well I'll report back tomorrow when I'll continue with it.
I should be able to get it work since the correct ID was reported the rest I can check with the oscilloscope in the worst case
It's not required.
Yeah, I never had issues with flashrom...
it can easily be the ftdi combo
30mhz hmm...
30MHz is quite fast, how big is that harddisk ;P~
flash 4mb/32mbit
slow your horses then, drink a coffee ;P~
30mhz is not much even for short wires, I used short wires up to 90mhz already
the poor little electrons :~(
30 MHz is too damn fast
but ya depends on the ftdi how he's driving it I don't know this chinese board and just use the pinouts.
nah 30mhz isn't fast.
it's faster than a pic12f
that's a baby IC
It's not fast if you use proper cable where every second line is connected to ground and where you have at least series termination on each signal line etc.
If you just connected a bunch of jumper wires then it's too fast certainly. Especially without termination.
coat-hanger-grade connection
If you say 30 MHz is fine show oscilloscope captures mrec .
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well I tested it at 7mhz no go either same unreliable as with 30mhz I think my stm32 solution was at around that speed too
ok I give up on that and go back to my stm32f0 flashrom is dangerous and completely breaks the winbond parts
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I disagree, flashrom never breaks winbond parts.
oh it did got a couple of dead chips here
well with the ftdi it certainly doesn't work ...
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