Although, I think I only tried it via the Tcl RPC port and not the Telnet port. But I don’t think that should matter.
I figured it out.
(I don't have much openocd experience on unknown targets/without pre-provided configurations)
I had to define a target manually and once I did so it was able to use read_memory
Ahhh, gotcha. Yeah if you don’t define any targets you’ll get JTAG TAPs or whatever, but you won’t be able to do much useful with them because OpenOCD won’t know what they are (what type of CPU or whatever) and therefore how to access memory (or if they even *have* memory).
Yeah, I though since it identified it `JTAG tap: cortex_a.cpu tap/device found: 0x4ba00477 (mfg: 0x23b (ARM Ltd), part: 0xba00, ver: 0x4)` that it would use that target
I think that’s just decoding the bits of the IDCODE.
So a table of manufacturer IDs or something.
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skmagiik: and for the reference, the documentation is maintained along with the source code so if you have openocd binary you should have corresponding Info manual along with it.
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