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hi borneoa__ , I would like to ask, will will be +1 from Thomas be counted for merging, even when it was lost during pushing rebase patchset? Thanks.
gamiee, just a short review here: would be nice to have the comments about unsupported devices also in the openocd.texi. Also there are some variable assignments that have an unnecessary large scope (see coding style)
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zapb_ : Thanks for feedback! About openocd.texi , so mention chips which might be supported in future (due similar IP core), but are not implemented yet?
About variable assignments, I will take look on it.
zapb_ I checked TCL crash coure and stuff, but I am not sure what exact variable assignments you are thinking of? :/
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gamiee, yes, list also unsupported features / devices. Normal users check the docs rather than the source code files