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<Boarders__> in dune how do I turn off unuxed-value-declaration
<companion_cube> in your library stanza: (flags :standard -w -32)
<Boarders__> thank you!
<Boarders__> I am new to ocaml, I just wasted tons of time because I was getting a type error that went away after I did dune clean and then re-built, I wouldn't expect that is necessary, what is the typical workflow?
<companion_cube> hmm, you shouldn't need to `dune clean`
<companion_cube> I personally keep a tab with `dune build -w` (it watches and recompiles on changes)
<companion_cube> also, LSP is a must have
<Boarders__> ah ok, I am not sure what it was - something about the .mli file changing and that not getting picked up - might be that I have the dune file badly configured
<Boarders__> is the lsp easy to set up in emacs, I have been using tuareg
<companion_cube> idk, I don't use emacs
<Boarders__> fair enough, I must say merlin plus tuareg is already quite nice and better than any tooling I have in haskell
<companion_cube> oh right! merlin is basically the same as ocaml-lsp
<companion_cube> then you have most of the critical tooling I think
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<d_bot> <NotFlawffles> I use both neovim and emacs
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<d_bot> <dinosaure> I tried to use a long time emacs but I'm too familiar to quit & open files and directly use my shell. And emacs is too slow when you open it (compared to vim)
<haesbaert> dinosaure: some (if not most) jsut have one emacs session and use emacsclient to openfiles+focus
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<d_bot> <dinosaure> yeah, I tried that too :/ but I think I'm soo deep with vim (and I switch many times between my server/computer) that I prefer to use a tool which is _"everywhere"_
<d_bot> <dinosaure> in anyway, I learn by constraints to only use vim without any extensions (even `merlin`)
<haesbaert> also, if you use both, you go to hell, just so you know
<haesbaert> at $PREVIOUSJOB people only used vi, not vim
<haesbaert> cause vim was "bloated" :D
<d_bot> <dinosaure> :D, soon `ed`
<d_bot> <dinosaure> and `opam-ed`
<haesbaert> actually, one guy used ed a lot :D
<d_bot> <VPhantom> I have to admit, my current Vim setup is by no means lean. Although at 24MB per instance it still beats my old experiments with VScode by well over an order of magnitude. 😛
<haesbaert> my emacs takes almost 10seconds to boot tbh
<d_bot> <NotFlawffles> on emacs gui version it instantly load but the terminal mode takes forever to load
<d_bot> <NotFlawffles> by the way I'm new to ocaml i know literally nothing about ocaml and I'm interested in it
<d_bot> <NotFlawffles> I'm setting up the environment and tools as the setup introduction tell
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<d_bot> <darrenldl> emacs boot up is pretty fast by OS standard
<d_bot> <darrenldl> @dinosaure ive found tmux + nvim to be pretty good - cant be arsed to setup merlin and friends similarly, especially when the ocaml toolchain lives in a container
<companion_cube> so you use containers but you don't have LSP? :/
<d_bot> <darrenldl> nop
<d_bot> <darrenldl> i use either utop or the doc
<d_bot> <darrenldl> (i vagurly recall i should switch to down or whatever is newer(?))
<d_bot> <darrenldl> but otherwise just a compiler message in a box somewhere is good enough
<d_bot> <darrenldl> though perhaps lsp within container is easier than thought (vscode does this for user i believe), so perhaps i should revisit my setup
<d_bot> <VPhantom> tmux+vim here, with merlin. It "just works". 🤞
<companion_cube> nvim + terminal tabs + lsp :p
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<d_bot> <darrenldl> i just refuse to do dev work outside of container these days, just in case of dodgy makefile clean that wipes too much, or ssh key stealing packages (usually in other lang granted)
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<companion_cube> hmm interesting
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<companion_cube> you mount the container into your repo to access your files?
<d_bot> <darrenldl> correct
<d_bot> <darrenldl> git+ssh remains on host
<companion_cube> do you use a custom docker image for that?
<d_bot> <darrenldl> usually build one off one of the opam images
<d_bot> <darrenldl> timere uses <>
<d_bot> <darrenldl> i use an alpine one for one other project for static builds, etc
<d_bot> <darrenldl> did the same for a haskell prover, cause building it once on each machine is just very slow
<companion_cube> that's interesting, I guess…
<companion_cube> do you install dependencies inside the image? or do you build a custom image with dependencies already baked in?
<d_bot> <darrenldl> latter
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<d_bot> <darrenldl> tend to just chug the dockerfile into project repo these days
<companion_cube> so you just start by doing a docker build, then you run the image with a local mount, and you exec vim inside?
<d_bot> <darrenldl> vim outside
<d_bot> <darrenldl> dune etc inside
<companion_cube> ah right, your vim doens't need to talk to anything inside… because no LSP
<d_bot> <darrenldl> yep, unless i replicate whatever vscode is doing
<d_bot> <rgrinberg> it's easy to use the lsp inside the containers
<d_bot> <darrenldl> do i just port forward?
<companion_cube> I think it's just stdio based?
<d_bot> <rgrinberg> socat or some such
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<d_bot> <darrenldl> will have to try it myself later, havent found a very definitive guide yet
<d_bot> <darrenldl> vscode also runs an agent inside container, so that gives it some flexibility in file pathing
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<d_bot> <darrenldl> (somewhat reminded by the discussion thread on forum): what's the "fallback" or "catch all" representation people use these days for when you want to serialise but the dara lacks a (good) standardised format?
<d_bot> <darrenldl> (not necessarily with ocaml ecosystem)
<d_bot> <darrenldl> s/dara/data/
<reynir> the output when scp'ing an opam repository is fun to watch
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<companion_cube> I guess the (bad) catch-all is json
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<d_bot> <Bluddy> json is indeed the de facto serialization format nowadays, in just about any language
<d_bot> <Bluddy> sexp is probably the ocaml favorite due to its higher efficiency and dune's usage of it
<d_bot> <jumpnbrownweasel> in 5 or 10 years json will be on its way out, just like xml, and I'll be smiling
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<companion_cube> I doubt that, what would be the replacement?
<d_bot> <Et7f3 (@me on reply)> yaml gain in popularity
<companion_cube> idk if people would favor yaml to json _for serialization_
<companion_cube> for a start, I don't see javascript becoming less popular, and it has JSON as its natural format
<d_bot> <Et7f3 (@me on reply)> for serialization bson might compete
<d_bot> <Et7f3 (@me on reply)> like http1 and 2 is textual why http3 is binary
<companion_cube> but there's no BSON module in javascript.
<companion_cube> (and besides it's the weird one, right? it's super bad compared to CBOR or msgpack)
<companion_cube> I wouldn't mind seeing CBOR becoming a lot more popular, but I don't think it's going to happen
<d_bot> <Bluddy> Question: which is more efficient in ocaml: consider the problem of a simulation running many steps. sometimes, mutable members of a record are updated functionally (i.e. reallocated). is it more efficient to
<d_bot> <Bluddy> a. Always update the mutable elements of the record, whether the member is changed or not
<d_bot> <Bluddy> b. Use a pointer test (==) to check if the element was reallocated, and only update when it was
<d_bot> <Et7f3 (@me on reply)> msgpack is retro compatible ?
<d_bot> <Bluddy> Consider also that most steps in the simulation will have the member remain identical (i.e. not reallocated).
<companion_cube> @Et7f3: what do you mean exactly by retro compatible?
<companion_cube> @Bluddy == is super cheap
<d_bot> <jumpnbrownweasel> well, something new! i'm only saying that formats seem to all have a very limited lifetime
<companion_cube> idk, xml has had its time for a while, and json has been the "standard" for > 10y at this point
<companion_cube> and there's no obvious replacement
<d_bot> <jumpnbrownweasel> at one point it seemed certain that asn.1 would be the final one
<companion_cube> did it? I thought it was really only a thing for crypto
<d_bot> <Bluddy> Is it worthwhile to use == to avoid the write barrier costs?
<companion_cube> it can be I think
<d_bot> <Bluddy> the alternative is to hit the write barrier every step
<companion_cube> if == should be a handful of instructions at most
<d_bot> <Bluddy> if so, this could be an important pattern for efficient applications
<d_bot> <NULL> Especially a `if (==) then return` should be just two ?
<companion_cube> @Bluddy tbh, maybe the most efficient way is to use struct-of-bigarrays :p
<companion_cube> (inconvenient but well)
<d_bot> <Bluddy> nah I need ocaml values
<d_bot> <jumpnbrownweasel> i thought the write barrier was only for mutation, but you said you're reallocating? anyway, not allocating is always good for frequent operations
<d_bot> <Bluddy> yes I'm mutating a member of a record, that happens to be immutable
<d_bot> <Bluddy> the member is updated rarely, but the outer record is updated frequently
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<d_bot> <Bluddy> on godbolt, it does look like the effect of the comparison is minor: essentially a compare and jump
<d_bot> <Bluddy> vs. calling caml_modify at each step
<d_bot> <Bluddy> so I think this is my new pattern
<d_bot> <rgrinberg> Can you make your fields immediates? That would give you the best of both of worlds
* dh` sighs
<dh`> oops, wrong window
<companion_cube> I just wish the story of rust bindings was better
<companion_cube> rust makes it easier to write certain kinds of high-perf code
<companion_cube> (but of course OCaml is more convenient overall…)
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<d_bot> <jumpnbrownweasel> This is something i had a question about. In Real World OCaml there is a benchmark showing that mutation of immediate fields is slower than reallocating the record due to the write barrier, and I didn't understand why since I thought immediate fields wouldn't have a write barrier:
<d_bot> <jumpnbrownweasel> under: The Mutable Write Barrier
<d_bot> <jumpnbrownweasel>
<d_bot> <jumpnbrownweasel> Perhaps this is outdated? Or are fields like int and float only treated as immediate if annotated as immediate?
<d_bot> <jumpnbrownweasel> Oh wait, float is not immediate, that must be it.
<d_bot> <rgrinberg> when did floats become immediate?
<d_bot> <jumpnbrownweasel> you're right
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<d_bot> <rgrinberg> companion_cube, where did the zig go?
<companion_cube> zig is cool too, don't worry
<d_bot> <rgrinberg> but more seriously, what's wrong with writing rust bindings today?
<companion_cube> but rust is prod ready
<d_bot> <rgrinberg> i thought there was a lib from ahrefs for making it easy
<companion_cube> hmm, what's the proposed thing to write rust bindings?! the existing one is unsound, and I think Laurent Mazare is writing a new one
<companion_cube> sure, but the core bindings library it relies on is not always correct
<companion_cube> it's been through a lot of work and my understanding is that it's still not entirely stable
<companion_cube> (and besides, you have to juggle unholy things to have it work inside dune and opam)
<companion_cube> (because cargo wants network access, etc.)
<d_bot> <rgrinberg> Laurent Mazare's janestreet effort?
<d_bot> <rgrinberg> AFAIK there's people working on it at ahrefs and tezos. I guess jst as well?
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<companion_cube> I didn't know people at ahrefs were working actively on it
<companion_cube> afaik it's been years
<companion_cube> but anyway, besides that, juggling cargo vendor + writing stubs is just not nice, at least it wasn't a few years ago :/
<d_bot> <rgrinberg> you've seen this?
<d_bot> <rgrinberg> I'd like to see improve the {cargo,cmake} + dune story but I'm not entirely sure what's the way to go
<companion_cube> hmm I haven't looked into that one
<companion_cube> only ocaml-rs
<companion_cube> thanks for the pointer
<d_bot> <Anurag> <> looks interesting as well!
<sim642> Obviously the solution is to invent a new meta build tool that juggles dune and cmake
<companion_cube> it'd be neat to have dune be able to directly call cargo to build a `cdylib` crate, but even then it's a pain
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<d_bot> <Bluddy> No, the state is quite complicated with records of records, each representing different parts. For performance, the frequently modified stuff (e.g. every cycle) is mutable, while the rarely-modified stuff is immutable.
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