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<d_bot> <darrenldl> imo ocaml is **very** good at making languages and solving search or graph problems etc
<d_bot> <darrenldl> namely backtracking reads like a pita when you dont have persistent data structure
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<d_bot> <froyo> \> Hmm ok so its some advanced thing ig
<d_bot> <froyo> nah it's just that OCaml's REPL takes freeform and unformatted input (including newlines), so the only way to let it know you're done writing stuff is to terminate with a `;;`
<d_bot> <froyo> but non-interactively, you usually don't use `;;` at all. OCaml files are a series of toplevel declarations, no expressions. So if you want to write a standalone expression, you need to at least make it look like a declaration, by binding it to a throwaway name like `_`, or matching it to its output, like `()`
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<d_bot> <froyo> I think the reason you can't mix declarations with expressions without a clear separator like `;;` is because doing so would introduce ambiguity: what's `let x = f <newline> 5`? is it `f` applied to `5` then bound to `x` or is it just `f` bound to `x` and `5` is a standalone expression? etc..
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<Anarchos> hello
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<Duns_Scrotus> Is there a way to stop vscode from underlining an entire half-written function because you have an inexhaustive match (because the function is half-written)?
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<d_bot> <leviroth> Kind of a dumb hack, but you could add a `_ -> .` case. Then the error should just be on that bit.
<Duns_Scrotus> ty leviroth
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<d_bot> <cheeze> hello, are these two equivalent?
<d_bot> <cheeze> ```ocaml
<d_bot> <cheeze> let is_lucky n =
<d_bot> <cheeze> match n with
<d_bot> <cheeze> 7 | 8 -> true
<d_bot> <cheeze> | _ -> false
<d_bot> <cheeze>
<d_bot> <cheeze> let is_lucky n =
<d_bot> <cheeze> match n with
<d_bot> <cheeze> | 7 | 8 -> true
<d_bot> <cheeze> | _ -> false
<d_bot> <cheeze> ```
<d_bot> <NULL> That `|` is completely optional yes
<d_bot> <cheeze> thank you
<d_bot> <NULL> (or should be)
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<d_bot> <Pluton> Can i like do more stuff in like a else or do i need to always do let () = e do e2
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<d_bot> <NULL> I don't understand the question
<d_bot> <NULL> OCaml has `if then else` and you can have any expression in the three arguments of the construction
<d_bot> <NULL> (Before considering typing)
<d_bot> <Pluton> Like can i put print_int 1 and print_int 2 in the else part
<d_bot> <NULL> Yes, but `;` has lower priority than `if then else` so you need to wrap it in either parentheses or `begin end`
<d_bot> <NULL> (Or use `let () = ... in ...` which has a higher priority)
<d_bot> <Pluton> Whats most recommended / considered the best code
<d_bot> <NULL> All can be fine in some situations, but I personally prefer `begin end`
<d_bot> <NULL> Especially if you return unit in the end
<d_bot> <Pluton> I mean nesting let () = ... in ... seems like bad code to me
<d_bot> <Pluton> Is it considered bad code tho,m
<d_bot> <NULL> If by bad you mean ugly, I tend to agree
<d_bot> <Pluton> Yes ugly
<d_bot> <NULL> When you use monadic operators, you sometimes have to use `let* () = ... in ...` so it's still sometimes a reasonable alternative
<d_bot> <NULL> (Advanced stuff)
<d_bot> <Pluton> let () = e in e2
<d_bot> <Pluton> Is equal to
<d_bot> <Pluton> ```
<d_bot> <Pluton> let f e = e2
<d_bot> <Pluton> f (let () = e)
<d_bot> <Pluton> ```
<d_bot> <Pluton> Right?
<d_bot> <NULL> If by equal you mean behaviourally equivalent, I think so
<d_bot> <Pluton> I see keywords kinda confusing
<d_bot> <Pluton> like
<d_bot> <Pluton> `string_of_int`
<d_bot> <Pluton> `in`
<d_bot> <NULL> `string_of_int` isn't a keyword, it's a simple function name
<d_bot> <Pluton> Oh yea well basically a built-in function
<d_bot> <Pluton> I think int_to_string would be more understandable
<d_bot> <NULL> More like defined in the standard library, and in the part which is always accessible
<d_bot> <NULL> If you see a function as something which takes its input on the right and gives out an input on the left (for the next function), it makes sense to use the `of` order
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<d_bot> <NULL> But that is moreso a choice that was made a long time ago which it is far too old to be changed
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<yilin> Hello, I'm trying to use dune to include some generated C files but I'm having quite a few issues with user actions. I want to assign the stdout of a `run` to some variable and then reuse that in a later `run`.
<yilin> I think I can redirect the stdout to a file and then substitute using %{read:file}, but it feels really odd to do it like this.
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<d_bot> <geoff> If you are using in a later run, you can put the generated file in your `deps` for the second rule
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