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<perdent> Hey how would you solve this?
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<d_bot_> <darrenldl> is this a ctf thing?
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<d_bot_> <darrenldl> how does dune determine what `runtest` should do in absence of (rule (alias runtest) ...)?
<d_bot_> <darrenldl> (trying to get it to either not add runtest to the opam file, or make runtest do nothing)
<sim642> All the "test" stanzas are also part of runtest
<sim642> Why wouldn't you want the tests to run?
<d_bot_> <darrenldl> cause they are (very) expensive, and dune tries to pick the wrong tests to run
<sim642> opam runs tests only with --with-test, assuming you use the dune-generated opam file
<sim642> Also, "wrong tests"? It just does all the tests
<d_bot_> <darrenldl> opam ci fails me atm (and i dont want to run 217 tests every time i make a commit)
<sim642> I suppose you could put some more expensive tests under a different alias that you'd only run manually
<d_bot_> <darrenldl> it tries to run the "global" test suite when installing a sub package, and as a result the sibling packages would be missing etc
<d_bot_> <darrenldl> i removed runtest alias i believe, maybe im being silly...let me double check...
<d_bot_> <gantsev.denis> Alcorest explicitelt allows marking tests to be Quick ans Slow, and then you can run whatever (or even those matching a regex)
<d_bot_> <gantsev.denis>
<d_bot_> <gantsev.denis> Not sure if that fits your case
<d_bot_> <gantsev.denis> Alcotest*
<d_bot_> <darrenldl> i dont know if it passes that to qcheck in some way
<d_bot_> <darrenldl> (a lot of the tests are qcheck
<sim642> qcheck has some long flag I think
<sim642> But you'd probably want to turn down the default iteration count and have the long match the current, for example
<d_bot_> <darrenldl> i think ill just patch the opam files generated in some way at this rate
<d_bot_> <darrenldl> thanks for the inputs!
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