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<gio123> octachron: morgen
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<d_bot> <ouglop> @everyone join now
<d_bot> <Ulugbek> how would you call a let-binding that's top-level within a module but not file?
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<gio123> hi all
<omegatron> o/
<gio123> octachron are you here please?
<gio123> omegatron: Yesterday I enjoyed speaking with octachron  who is an expert in concurent prorgamming
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<omegatron> well, I'm not him - this isn't an alternative nick for octachron
<gio123> i know
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<octachron> gio123, if you have a question it is better to ask the whole channel rather than request a specific person (and I am very far from being a concurrency export).
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<gio123> octachron : hi
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<d_bot> <NULL> module-level?
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<d_bot> <leviroth> I don't think this page: ever explains local let-bindings, which is kinda weird
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<d_bot> <mseri> You mean these? a number of features is described in the extensions chapter
<d_bot> <mseri> (The complete list is here:
<sim642> I think he means that the coreexamples page never introduces
<sim642> It just introduces let..;;
<sim642> And then out of nowhere in 4.1 uses
<sim642> And from thereon continues using
<d_bot> <mseri> I see. Yeah, that is true. It is just used
<d_bot> <mseri> at some point
<d_bot> <mseri> You could suggest a modification in a PR. A sentence mentioning it and an example, right before `let rec` is introduced could be nice and non intrusive
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<gio123> octachron : hi
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<olle> gio123: Maybe you should join the beginners channel on OCaml's Discord instead?
<olle> Might get better answers there
<gio123> olle? beginners? so, you think threads are for beginners :)?
<gio123> very funny...
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<d_bot> <toots> Hey there! Sorry if this has been covered before but I'm trying to compile some code using `unix` with ocaml 5 and `dune` and I keep getting this:
<d_bot> <toots> ```
<d_bot> <toots> Error: Library "unix" in /home/ubuntu/.opam/5.0.0+trunk/lib/ocaml is hidden
<d_bot> <toots> (unsatisfied 'exist_if').
<d_bot> <toots> ```
<d_bot> <toots> I haven't been able to find any details about this online.
<d_bot> <octachron> You need to update dune to the version in the alpha repository
<d_bot> <toots> That worked thanks
<gio123> octachron : may I ask one more quuestion?
<octachron> Don't ask to ask, ask.
<gio123> in every event we can push single function or more...
<octachron> You push values to channel. Not events.
<gio123> send c (f b) here f b is computed and sent to c?
<octachron> Yes
<gio123> since we had
<gio123>  create (fun () -> sync (send c (f b))) ()
<gio123> i thought fun ()
<gio123> was making it lazy...
<octachron> Yes, but `Thread.create` evals the function on the created thread.
<gio123> vut, look
<gio123> but, look
<gio123> val send : 'a channel -> 'a -> unit event
<gio123> send returns event
<octachron> What what is the issue with that?
<gio123> u said, send pushs value to the chanell
<gio123> but as you see send returns event
<gio123> so, send is sending event to the chanell. Agree?
<octachron> No.
<gio123> send : 'a channel -> 'a -> unit event
<gio123> return type of it is event
<octachron> The function `send` send values to the channel, but the communication does not succeed immediately
<octachron> The event returned by send is "the value was sent to the channel"
<octachron> Before you synchronize this event, the status of the associated `send` is unknown.
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<gio123> "the value was sent to the channel" this looks to me kind of side effect
<octachron> It is a side effect.
<gio123> sync the event should give me value and send does not return value
<octachron> Send returns a value, the event to sync to ascertain that the value was sent. And syncing the event returns a value, unit, aka "some effect was computed".
<gio123> aha
<gio123> btw what will happen without sync?
<gio123> (f b) will  not be send to chanell?
<octachron> Whatever the scheduler want. For example, the communication might not be sent before the end of the program.
<gio123> create (fun () -> send c (f b)) () in
<gio123>     c
<gio123> here (f b) might not be sent in c
<gio123> no?
<octachron> So the communication will start, but you have no guarantee it will really happen before the end of the thread/program.
<gio123> so, sync forces  send c (f b)) to finish action before other action starts?
<octachron> On the current thread yes (but nothing happen after `sync` in the worker thread in your code example).
<companion_cube> Afaik nobody uses the Event module
<gio123> in my understanding, synchronization is important to avoid useing from several user  same function
<gio123> in my example, since we generate each thread for each function, it is nto clear where synchronization is needed
<octachron> That's not the purpose of synchronisation. Synchronisation is here to synchronize the time of events and programs.
<gio123> aha, in Java synchronization of methods seems is smt else
<octachron> But companion_cube is right, you might be better served by listening to the Domain tutorial for OCaml 5? (
<gio123> anyway, for the input par_unary (fun x -> x + 1) [8;1;1] it will reduce to the call [worker 8; worker1; worker1]
<gio123> each woork n creats a chanel
<gio123> and then sends  (fun x -> x + 1)  n to chanell
<octachron> synchronisation methods in Java are a mixture of critical sections and some ordering constraints. They are not similar to Event.sync.
<gio123> so, at some point we will have [channel 9; channel 2; channell 2]
<gio123> (fun d -> sync (receive d))  [channel 9; channel 2; channell 2]
<gio123> retunrs
<gio123>  [sync (receive channel 9)); sync (receive channel 2)); sync (receive channel 2))] which reduces [9;2;2]
<gio123> ok?
<octachron> Yes
<gio123> headache :)
<gio123> very last question. We know that threads are comunicating using chanels
<gio123> I do not see in my example this comunications... does my threeds comunicate at all?
<octachron> Each worker thread communicate with the main thread through the channel created for each elements of the list. There is no communication between worker threads
<gio123> for this concrete input we get three worker thread. Is not?
<octachron> Yes, there is three worker thread in your example
<gio123> and one main thread?
<gio123> which one is main thread for my example? could you write it for me please?
<octachron> The main thread is the one that run your program.
<gio123> ok, clear
<gio123> thx
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