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<neiluj> Hi, trying to serialize a tuple containing an array and get this error: . Do you have an idea what went wrong?
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<octachron> Neither the tuple nor the array is causing this error. The marshaller is complaining that you are trying to marshall a custom block (aka a type with its own C-side primitive) which doesn't have a marshall primitive.
<octachron> Also why are you serializing a bytes containing the serialized representation of a value?
<neiluj> ah yeah to_channel suffices, thanks!
<neiluj> thanks, so some type contained in the one that is serialized doesn't have a C serialize function? such function needs to be implemented?
<neiluj> perfect, thanks!
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<d_bot> <darrenldl> do people commit opam files generated by dune?
<d_bot> <leviroth> Personally I do
<d_bot> <leviroth> If I didn't, then I think you'd have to manually install dune in order to pin one of my packages
<d_bot> <leviroth> Which I mean, normally you are going to have dune installed anyway, but in principle it's nice to be able to do `opam switch create...; opam pin...`
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<neiluj> hmm, is it possible to get the length of a file in bytes with Stdio.In_channel?
<neiluj> Stdio.In_channel.length returns the length in terms of characters
<neiluj> basically I try to load all the content of the file in a byte sequence
<vsiles> val input_all : t -> Base.string ?
<vsiles> otherwise a very slow loop around `val input_byte : in_channel -> int
<vsiles> ? :p
<octachron> The number of characters is the number of bytes.
<neiluj> ah! nice! thanks!
<neiluj> yeah input_all is okay but returns a string and converting it back to bytes would cost an extra allocation
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<d_bot> <darrenldl> ahh
<d_bot> <darrenldl> thanks leviroth
<d_bot> <leviroth> Thinking about it more, I guess pin wouldn't work at all without committing the opam files.
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<sleepydog> i'm working with ctypes and trying to model an API (netlink) with "header" structs that are expected to be adjacent in memory to a payload. I'm not sure what is the best way to do that with ctypes
<sleepydog> usually in C you would declare a struct with a final, squishy char[MAXBUF] field and write your payload into that
<sleepydog> but Ctypes.CArray and Bigarrays are uniform
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