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<d_bot> <mbacarella> speaking of memo
<d_bot> <mbacarella> is there a way to memoize a multi argument function without allocating a tuple on every call?
<d_bot> <NULL> How would you store enough information if not through a tuple ?
<d_bot> <mbacarella> dunno!
<d_bot> <mbacarella> I meant without allocating a tuple to a lookup
<d_bot> <mbacarella> obviously you need to allocate to store
<d_bot> <mbacarella> I guess this could work as a ppx
<d_bot> <NULL> If your memoization structure is a map of maps, you could get away without allocating a tuple. Not sure it's better in the end though
<d_bot> <NULL> Also, if you're not afraid of collisions, you could use a hash function
<d_bot> <NULL> In any case, the first question is which map structure you want to use for that memoization
<d_bot> <mbacarella> getting a nice interface that was low cost is the part I'm most curious about
<d_bot> <mbacarella> if you have `val foo : a -> b -> c -> d` you can get low visual burden memoization with Memo.general from core. `let memo_foo = Memo.general (fun (a, b, c) -> foo a b c)`
<d_bot> <mbacarella> but then you have to call it with a tuple
<d_bot> <mbacarella> for lower memory overhead you can instead manually construct a map of map of maps and write out the logic for each lookup
<d_bot> <mbacarella> I suppose n map lookups for n arg functions is crappy
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<d_bot> <RegularSpatula> Does anyone have a good but simple intro to metaocaml? (ideally simpler than one of these, or ...but maybe those are the best place to start?)
<d_bot> <Ambika E.> Did you have an opinion on this?
<d_bot> <nave01314> Nvm this doesn’t work the way I misremembered it working
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<greenbagels> hmm
<greenbagels> question about lwt: reading Lwt_unix.sleep, it says "sleep d is a thread that remains suspended for d seconds and then terminates."
<greenbagels> so im writing a networked application that needs to send keepalives at a fixed time interval, so i'm thinking some kind of promise chaining of a function with itself might work
<greenbagels> hm actually i dont think i even understand what im trying to do enough to even asked a properly formed question haha
<greenbagels> let me just work out a simple example with just stdin/stdout
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<d_bot> <mbacarella> is there a reasonably famous paper somewhere arguing that you should always use `match b with true -> a | false -> b` on booleans instead of `if b then a else b`?
<d_bot> <mbacarella> (that came out weird. assume that last `b` is a `c`, nothing ore special than that going on)
<williewillus> greenbagels: something like Lwt_engine.on_timer might be what you want?
<williewillus> idk if that's public api though
<greenbagels> hm
<greenbagels> doesnt look like it
<greenbagels> i think working on a more simple example is making lwt make more sense in my mind though
<companion_cube> @mbacarella: "boolean blindness" maybe?
<gopiandcode> mbacarella: why would the choice matter? it seems purely stylistic to choose between the two - at least for OCaml
<gopiandcode> in Coq, you could make a case that matching is strictly more powerful:
<gopiandcode> Definition conditional (b: bool) : (if b then bool -> bool else nat) := match b with | true => fun x => x | false => 0 end.
<gopiandcode> wouldn't work with if
<gopiandcode> but afaik no such argument would work for OCaml's type system
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<d_bot> <darrenldl> greenbagels: reads like you want `select` from the unix side or `choose` from lwt
<d_bot> <darrenldl> i.e. an event loop or sorts
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<gopiandcode> anyone had any experience integrating postgres with OCaml - in particular, automating deployment + testing etc.?
<gopiandcode> is it worthwhile setting up a docker (or should it be docker-compose?) with the postgres server
<gopiandcode> also if that is done, how can tests be done in an automatic way?
<gopiandcode> should I setup a custom OCaml test runner to spin up a docker environment and then run the tests inside it?
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<d_bot> <gantsev.denis> Your application code doesn't need to spin up docker. You have it backward : your docker must prepare environnement, and invoke a script which launches your test suit
<d_bot> <gantsev.denis>
<d_bot> <gantsev.denis> Ocaml has no idea it runs inside a container
<d_bot> <gantsev.denis> You don't need docker composé if you only have 1 container to start
<gopiandcode> gantsev.denis: no I wasn't suggesting my application code spin up a docker container
<gopiandcode> yes indeed it should be agnostic to whether it is running in a container or not
<gopiandcode> I'm speaking specifically about tests
<gopiandcode> for example, maybe using a custom test runner to spin up a docker container that has a fresh untouched postgres database
<gopiandcode> purely for testing
<d_bot> <gantsev.denis> No
<d_bot> <gantsev.denis> My answer remains the same
<d_bot> <gantsev.denis>
<d_bot> <gantsev.denis> This is doing it backwards
<d_bot> <gantsev.denis> Your CI CD runner must start up environment, including postgres
<gopiandcode> ah fair point
<gopiandcode> that makes sense
<gopiandcode> when considering CI, then it becomes obvious that the docker container should be the outermost action
<gopiandcode> what about automating deployment + local setup?
<gopiandcode> I've been prototyping with a sqlite db, and am now reaching the point where I need concurrent accesses to the database, and SQLITE is starting to give me busy errors, so I'm migrating to postgres
<gopiandcode> but my schema is still in a bit of flux
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<d_bot> <gantsev.denis> My local setup is already inside a docker container, because i have incompatible lib requirements
<d_bot> <gantsev.denis>
<d_bot> <gantsev.denis> Sqlite can give busy errors when you aren't closing connection properly from the same application
<gopiandcode> I'm getting BUSY errors because I have overlapping requests in Lwt presumably
<d_bot> <gantsev.denis> Hm ok don't know about that
<gopiandcode> using dream, I can associate each request with a SQL connection, but I also need a separate SQL connection outside of the request which is causing the issue
<d_bot> <gantsev.denis> I don't think sqlite is a problem.. But since i haven't tried using with Lwt, i don't know
<d_bot> <gantsev.denis>
<d_bot> <gantsev.denis> Use the minimum setup to reproduce the same with postgres, but i bet your application is causing issues, not database
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<d_bot> <Continuation Calculus> what's the easiest way to do a single execution, of a function, in parallel, in ocaml?
<d_bot> <Continuation Calculus> added constraint is that it has access to the memory of the main program
<d_bot> <Continuation Calculus> it doesn't need to directly return anything, effects are enough
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<Anarchos> Is there somebody from janestreet ?
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<d_bot> <octachron> @Continuation Calculus in parallel or concurrently? For the first one, access to the whole memory excludes processes (or fork), and thus the simplest option is probably OCaml 5. For concurrency, a thread (from the Thread module in the threads module) should be enough.
<d_bot> <Continuation Calculus> in parallel
<d_bot> <Continuation Calculus> as in, separate core
<d_bot> <Continuation Calculus> by access to the memory though, i meant to designated pieces of memory
<d_bot> <Continuation Calculus> not sure what you mean by _whole_ memory
<d_bot> <octachron> Ah, that is the important distinction: if only have shared piece of memory is sufficient, you can use Bigarray to mmap a piece of memory and use that shared area to communicate between processes.
<d_bot> <octachron> Threads are indeed implemented using time-sharing of the sequential execution of the program between threads (aka concurrency without parallelism)
<d_bot> <Continuation Calculus> is there a lib that wraps this neatly by anychance?
<d_bot> <Continuation Calculus> typically, spawn a new function that has access to a shared ref / bigarray
<d_bot> <octachron> I am not sure that there are library that stops that exposes this kind of low-level primitives. Typically, implements a map/reduce api.
<d_bot> <octachron> (ocamlnet had something similar in my memory)
<d_bot> <Continuation Calculus> ye, i had a look at them, but seems too high level
<d_bot> <Continuation Calculus> like, they have a notion of "returning results" and so on already
<d_bot> <Continuation Calculus> > I am not sure that there are library that stops
<d_bot> <Continuation Calculus> wdym? the goal is for the thing to be non stopping
<d_bot> <octachron> I meant that people (or at least many OCaml programmers) don't like working with raw piece of memory exposed as bigarrays, so they build a higher-level API and hides the lower-level implementation details.
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<d_bot> <Continuation Calculus> hmmmm, i see, makes sense
<d_bot> <Continuation Calculus> so likely i should use the C API directly?
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<d_bot> <octachron> Using the C API is another option (or nearly the same thing, mmap-ing bigarray is very close to writing C in OCaml).
<d_bot> <Continuation Calculus> oh, you were talking about ? didn't know that one
<d_bot> <octachron> Yes, sorry for the confusion.
<d_bot> <Continuation Calculus> this looks super cool, thx
<d_bot> <Continuation Calculus> so the workflow is, you create a file, `map_file` it, put it as non-shared (so that things are not flushed back to the file, throttling everything), `fork` and have both sub processes have access to the big array?
<d_bot> <octachron> You want the shared mode to have the changes visible between processes. After verification, I was thinking of using the `MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_SHARED` variant to have a piece of memory not backed by a file but this not exposed in OCaml (
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<d_bot> <Continuation Calculus> ah, sad
<d_bot> <Continuation Calculus> so likely C bindings then?
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<d_bot> <octachron> Yes, but it might be that the smallest binding would be to write a `map_anonymous` function by adapting the C primitive used by `map_file` .
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<d_bot> <aaaaaaaaa> anyone with some knowledge in ocaml that has a few minutes to spare to help me out with switching from unit to int type?
<jtm> aaaaaaaaa: go ahead and ask your question and someone may have an answer, no need to ask permission
<d_bot> <ryyppy> hey! I am currently looking into ways to build OCaml binaries for m1 macs via github actions. So far GH doesn't really support M1 hardware, so I guess one needs to either host a M1 cloud server, or provide their own server with a github runner. How does the OCaml project do it? I guess there's some internal infrastructure for running M1 builds at ocamllabs. Would be interesting how they did it
<d_bot> <octachron> For the compiler itself, we have a Jenkins CI at Inria with a handful of "exotic" hardwares and OS (or an ssh access to exotic hardwares for the s390x port).
<d_bot> <ryyppy> @octachron so you are hosting the hardware yourself?
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<d_bot> <octachron> For the compiler itself, yes. (well except for IBM mainframe).
<d_bot> <octachron> That works for the compiler since it is not a really change intensive project. We may have two or three dozen of CI runs on a very busy day?
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<d_bot> <ryyppy> right
<d_bot> <ryyppy> i am a little hesitant on hosting our own server due to security concerns on public github repos
<d_bot> <octachron> Ah yes, we are only checking merged commits and exposing a service to check PRs that might be architecture/OS sensitive to internal contributors. So security concerns are delegated to github.
<d_bot> <octachron> The opam-repository have a much more extensive CI setup at ocamllabs but I don't know the details.
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<d_bot> <mbacarella> i don't know. what's why i'm curious to read the paper!
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> We have esy running on M1 for a while
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> like on github actions, you can run the runner in rosetta, wrap the binary with `arch` and then it runs as arm64
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> currently I use
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<d_bot> <ryyppy> right, so then we'd just need to get ourselves a server first
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<Anarchos> what is the opam gtk plugin ?
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