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<greenbagels> so modules are implicitly defined by .ml source files, right
<greenbagels> so if im making a library that fits in say, 1 module, then there's no need to explicitly make something like "module Mymodule ..." in a file named
<d_bot> <Et7f3 (@me on reply)> You are right
<greenbagels> ok, if i ever want this to *not* happen, would it be possible?
<greenbagels> or is this implicit outer module unavoidable
<greenbagels> (not saying i want to, just curious)
<d_bot> <Jektrix> whats the lowest power device people have run OCaml well on?
<d_bot> <mbacarella> There's a mirage web server running on something pretty low power, iirc
<d_bot> <leviroth> Is the question what’s the lowest power thing you could run an OCaml program on (so like, minimum system requirements for the runtime) or what’s the minimum for running the compiler etc?
<d_bot> <Jektrix> the former
<d_bot> <NULL> greenbagels: What would it look like ?
<d_bot> <NULL> How do you use another file's function otherwise ?
<greenbagels> @NULL, yeah that's what made me think it was likely to not be possible
<d_bot> <NULL> I guess you could include everything in every file, but you immediately see why it is a bad idea
<d_bot> <NULL> in every subsequent* file, for some definition of subsequent
<greenbagels> right
<d_bot> <inkbottle> `let eval_value (type a) (v : a value) : a = ...`, the returned value is of type `a`, so why isn't the compiler complaining about type escaping?
<d_bot> <NULL> Why would it complain ?
<d_bot> <NULL> The type of your function is `'a. 'a value -> 'a` which is perfectly fine
<d_bot> <NULL> That's partially wrong, you're not actually telling the compiler that your function is polymorphic here
<d_bot> <inkbottle> yes
<d_bot> <inkbottle> `let eval_value : 'a value -> 'a = fun (type a) (v : a value) : a -> match v with Int x -> x | Bool x -> x`, okay, so here, no escaping type. But below, escaping type: `let rec eval : 'a expr -> 'a = fun (type a) (e : a expr) : a -> match e with | Value v -> eval_value v | If (c, t, e) -> if eval c then eval t else eval e | Eq (x, y) -> eval x = eval y | Plus (x, y) -> eval x + eval y`
<d_bot> <inkbottle> Actually I don't understand what really is escaping, and where.
<d_bot> <NULL> Escaping is probably what you have in mind, the thing you don't understand is how to avoid it / what doesn't trigger it
<d_bot> <inkbottle> no, I know how to avoid it
<d_bot> <inkbottle> what I don't understand is what is escaping
<d_bot> <NULL> `a` is escaping when you recursively call `eval`
<d_bot> <inkbottle> okay, I think I got a part of it which is already a lot
<d_bot> <NULL> The standard way to avoid the issue is to make explicit to the compiler the fact that `eval` is polymorphic in `'a`
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<d_bot> <inkbottle> `type any = Any : 'a -> any;; let a = [ Any 3; Any true ];; let foo = function Any x -> x;;`
<d_bot> <inkbottle> `let foo = fun (type a) (x : any) -> match x with | Any true -> true | _ -> false;;`
<d_bot> <inkbottle> `type any = Any : 'a * int -> any;; let foo x = match x with | Any (_, y) -> y ;;` this one is working
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<greenbagels> anyone know if the calendar opam package supports parsing ISO8601 timestamps into a proper data type
<d_bot> <darrenldl> define proper data type : v
<greenbagels> uh, not-a-string
<d_bot> <darrenldl> i think it gives you a float(?)
<greenbagels> i guess i can make a makeshift one if need be...
<d_bot> <darrenldl> if you dont mind deps, try timedesc
<d_bot> <darrenldl> (dont have time to slim down deps atm, but eventually...
<greenbagels> wait, were you talking about something in core earlier?
<d_bot> <darrenldl> dont think so
<d_bot> <darrenldl> as in janestreet core?
<greenbagels> er, sorry, im new to ocaml
<d_bot> <darrenldl> not sure
<greenbagels> i guess i mean stdlib
<d_bot> <darrenldl> oh
<greenbagels> does stdlib have a time submodule?
<d_bot> <darrenldl> not a full blown one you'd see in other langs, no
<d_bot> <darrenldl> (say golang, even though its of dubious make at places
<greenbagels> well, always room in the future to add things, removing bad quality things is harder :)
<greenbagels> timedesc you say though...
<greenbagels> this looks nice
<greenbagels> yeah basically being able to parse and compare dates is all i really need
<d_bot> <darrenldl> there is not much (if any) gotchas in timedesc, other packages for date time i cannot say
<d_bot> <darrenldl> (well outside of ptime, but ptime serves slightly different purpose
<d_bot> <darrenldl> calendar does not support sub hour time zone offset for instance
<d_bot> <darrenldl> (i actually dont remember if ptine does parsing etc, but if it does, its a good choice
<greenbagels> ok ill check it out, thanks for the input
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<d_bot> <mbacarella> what's the rationale for removing Stream from the ocaml stdlib and separating it out into this?
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<d_bot> <mbacarella> oh, found the issue talking about it:
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<hyphen> I've just looked at this after living in my bookmarks for a bunch of weeks:
<hyphen> and my first thought was "hm this may work well for java but I wonder if the allocation patterns of a functional language would also reap its benefits"
<hyphen> supposedly it's a general approach and not java-specific. and they claim with this you can have it both ways (latency and throughput)
<hyphen> cool stuff
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