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<d_bot> <darrenldl> oh hey my uni : v
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<greenbagels> is there a straightforward way to generate documentation for opam packages
<greenbagels> seemed to have documentation in the past, but not anymore
<greenbagels> but the source files seem to still have ocamldoc annotations?
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<sim642> Looks like it still publishes the docs here, but just doesn't link to it anywhere (?):
<sim642> Anyway, it's a dune project do `dune build @doc` would generate it
<sim642> Or more generally you can see the with-doc commands in the opam file
<sim642> You can even opam install --with-doc I think, but I'm not sure where that goes
<sim642> And the new site also builds documentation for all opam packages, so you don't even have to hunt for individual github pages deployments:
<greenbagels> sim642: oh that is very nice to know! thanks
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<d_bot> <denis631> Hi everybody,
<d_bot> <denis631> Crosspost from beginners channel 😅
<d_bot> <denis631> I want to bind some C library functions to OCaml functions and call them from OCaml.
<d_bot> <denis631> However, I have some difficulties with types. Does anybody know how I can fix this?
<d_bot> <denis631>
<d_bot> <denis631> Here is my sample code:
<d_bot> <denis631>
<d_bot> <denis631> Here is the error message:
<d_bot> <denis631> ```
<d_bot> <denis631> 63 4 error This expression has type
<d_bot> <denis631> connection_t structure Ctypes_static.ptr =
<d_bot> <denis631> (connection_t structure, [ `C ]) pointer
<d_bot> <denis631> but an expression was expected of type
<d_bot> <denis631> connection_t ptr = (connection_t, [ `C ]) pointer
<d_bot> <denis631> Type connection_t structure = (connection_t, [ `Struct ]) structured
<d_bot> <denis631> is not compatible with type connection_t (ocaml-merlin)
<d_bot> <denis631>
<d_bot> <denis631> 63 7 error This expression has type
<d_bot> <denis631> session_t structure ptr = (session_t structure, [ `C ]) pointer
<d_bot> <denis631> but an expression was expected of type
<d_bot> <denis631> session_t ptr = (session_t, [ `C ]) pointer
<d_bot> <denis631> Type session_t structure = (session_t, [ `Struct ]) structured
<d_bot> <denis631> is not compatible with type session_t (ocaml-merlin)
<d_bot> <denis631> ```
<d_bot> <denis631>
<d_bot> <denis631> I made it work by adjusting the `type t` to be `type t = ((C_Bindings.WiredTiger.connection_t structure, [ C ]) pointer) * ((C_Bindings.WiredTiger.session_t structure, [ C ]) pointer)`, but it feels like a workaround to me
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<d_bot> <Patate> Hi @denis631 , did you figured it out?
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<d_bot> <denis631> Now, I didn't @Patate
<d_bot> <denis631> Just basically the "workaround" that I posted
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<amk> should it be expected that when i `opam build` after adding a library to a dune file that it automatically downloads it? as it stands i have to manually opam install ... for libraries to become available
<d_bot> <NULL> opam build should only work locally and only report missing libraries, not call opam directly
<d_bot> <NULL> Not everyone uses opam
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<amk> ah okay, i wasnt sure what the expected work flow was, thanks
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<sim642> TIL `opam build` was a thing at some point
<d_bot> <NULL> Oh wait, I confused opam and dune (for the first part only)
<d_bot> <NULL> So while the sentence is weird, I think it still stands (but I'm way less confident than if it were with dune)
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