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<greenbagels> im reading the ocaml manual and it says writing .ml and .mli files is basically equivalent to writing `module foo: sig <insert mli here> end = struct <insert ml here> end
<greenbagels> so then how does writing interfaces for nested modules work? do i have to write out the module type and module definitions out explicitly?
<greenbagels> both in the .mli, i mean?
<greenbagels> like say i have files and foo.mli with a submodule Foo.Bar; how should i write the interface for Bar?
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<williewillus> greenbagels: `module Bar : sig <signature> end`
<williewillus> in foo.mli
<williewillus> doesn't have to be an inline signature either can be a reference to a `module type X` located elsewhere
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<greenbagels> gotcha
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<Anarchos> hello
<olle> \o
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<d_bot> <Patate> Hi, how can one bind to a C struct with bit fields using **ctypes**? I saw people just write wrapping functions in C, but is there a ctypes/cstubs only trick?
<d_bot> <Patate> It's when you have something like
<d_bot> <Patate> struct s { int a:1 /* 1 bit */; int b:2; ... };
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<olle> There's no OCaml operator to unpack an option to its value, given a default?
<olle> I know of the Option.value function
<olle> Something like
<olle> let opt = Some "moo"
<olle> let val = opt OR "default moo"
<olle> Where "OR" is the unpacking operator
<sim642> You can define your own operator, e.g. |?
<d_bot> <NULL> There are few operators defined in the Stdlib, so ^
<olle> sim642: sure, but is it idiomatic?
<sim642> That's the operator in Batteries at least, not sure about other stdlib extensions
<olle> Oh!
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<olle> Thanks :)
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<companion_cube> is the opam-ci pipeline clogged?
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<d_bot> <Faun> Hi guys,
<d_bot> <Faun> _I'm apologies if I'm in the wrong channel._
<d_bot> <Faun> I looking for someone who's have a good known about open-source licenses. In terms of enforcement law. I don't know how to find the one that should fit with my mind, project or even on my political side.
<d_bot> <Faun>
<d_bot> <Faun> Someone could give me some tips, information or just a beginner's journey to know everything on this topic ?
<d_bot> <Faun> Thanks 🙂
<grobe0ba> ask google.
<grobe0ba> its a very, very large topic.
<grobe0ba> also talk to a lawyer if its that big of a deal.
<grobe0ba> if all you want is a general purpose license that allows your code to be used basically everywhere, the ISC or BSD licenses will work perfectly for that.
<d_bot> <octachron> More constructively, you can start with the GPL or MIT licenses, and see on which points you disagree to refine your search.
<grobe0ba> otherwise, your choice of (IMO) not actually open-source licenses like the GPL, or Apache license, which are really corporate viral contracts in disguise abound everywhere.
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<d_bot> <Faun> Thanks for that, I've some fear about some licenses.
<d_bot> <Faun>
<d_bot> <Faun> An old teacher told me that some licenses was dangerous. If I've a good memory, he said that with MIT licenses some peoples could pay royalties just because they opened some PR on these projects...
<d_bot> <Faun> I'm not really attract about enforcement law. But if it could provide me some troubles I want to do something correct at the begin
<Corbin> Maybe would be useful.
<companion_cube> that seems like FUD
<Corbin> grobe0ba: GPL and Apache 2 are accepted by OSI; don't worry about it.
<companion_cube> who has ever had to pay royalties because of MIT licensed stuff??
<d_bot> <Faun> I don't know, but my old teacher told me that.... :x
<grobe0ba> Corbin: couldn't care less what OSI says.
<grobe0ba> i read the license. GPL and apache are viral contracts, not licenses for open-source, _in my opinion_, which is what was asked for. not actually interested in arguing about it. i use the ISC license for my stuff.
<grobe0ba> Faun, then your teacher is a dumbshit who can't actually read.
<d_bot> <Faun> It could be my english skill that are bad too :x
<d_bot> <Faun> but I found this topics about someone who's ask about the ability to collect patents royalties
<d_bot> <Faun>
<grobe0ba> a license is not a patent
<grobe0ba> they are very distinctly different things
* Anarchos finds it funny he just wrote his own licence (in french though)
<grobe0ba> a copyright != patent
<grobe0ba> the MIT/ISC/BSD license has nothing to do with patents.
<grobe0ba> if you're patenting something, you probably aren't releasing it under an open source license. if you end up in that situation, you need a lawyer, not IRC.
<d_bot> <hockletock> it's not like the copyright holder and patent holder need to be the same entity
<d_bot> <Faun> Hmm I should describe what I want :
<d_bot> <Faun> * Share with community
<d_bot> <Faun> * Just my name linked to the project (There is a French law about that)
<d_bot> <Faun> * No troubles
<d_bot> <Faun> * Just wanna code with no loudly thinking about law :c
<d_bot> <Faun>
<d_bot> <Faun> That's it :x
<grobe0ba> yeah, and even you release the reference implementation of a patent as open-source, the license can grant a royalty-free distribution of the source but not allow modification without paying the royalty
<grobe0ba> so people can see how, and distribute that how, but still pay fees for modifications or new implementations.
<grobe0ba> faun: ISC license then
<grobe0ba> minimal footprint, easy to understand, can be upheld in any reasonable country (anywhere not russia, north korea, etc. shit like that)
<d_bot> <Faun> Really thank you
<Corbin> grobe0ba: It sounds like you're offering legal advice on IRC. Are you sure?
<grobe0ba> its what OpenBSD uses for OpenBSD, OpenSSH, OpenSMTPd, OpenBGPd, etc.
<grobe0ba> Corbin: no, i'm offering opinions
<grobe0ba> if he wants legal advice, he should talk to a lawyer
<d_bot> <Faun> That just an entire world to understand about these licenses and their meaningful
<Corbin> grobe0ba: We should destroy copyright.
<grobe0ba> faun: yeah, there is. seriously, if you need help understanding, there are websites out there, but lawyers are you best bet.
<grobe0ba> and i could be wrong anything and everything.
<grobe0ba> Corbin: go ahead, change the world. i'll wait for you to make a meaningful contribution, just like you have here.
<grobe0ba> oh, wait. you haven't. nm.
<d_bot> <Faun> I will talk about that with my lawers friend so :x
<grobe0ba> in particular, you mentioned France. i am not even vaguely familiar with french law, or french law in regard to E.U. law.
<Corbin> grobe0ba: Another opinion: You should get up from the keyboard and take a walk. Maybe get a snack.
<d_bot> <Faun> Don't fight cause of me guys that could make me blushing 🤭
<grobe0ba> the ISC license is meant to be basically universal and enforceable anywhere that isn't a dictatorship, but.... *shrug*
<grobe0ba> Faun: oh, i just like feeding trolls. it gives me something to do.
<grobe0ba> or maybe i'm the troll. not really sure at this point.
* grobe0ba shrugs
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<d_bot> <Faun> you make me laughing :p
<grobe0ba> :)
<Anarchos> Faun did you look at my licence ?
<d_bot> <Faun> It give me a 404 not found :x
<d_bot> <RegularSpatula> Sometimes I think I'm trying to push the type system too hard...what I mean is trying to encode too much "stuff" in the types...I'm in the middle of a project where I figured I would try and jam as many tricky previous bugs into type errors as's cool, but it can quickly get really tedious
<d_bot> <RegularSpatula> Might end up just reverting most of the changes, we will see
<sleepydog> RegularSpatula: I feel like that is an easy trap to fall into. But there are worse vices :)
<d_bot> <Faun> lmao, it is valuable in terms of law ? 😮 I find it really funny 😮
<d_bot> <Faun> (My question should be could I write my own license like that ?)
<d_bot> <octachron> Note that if you are the author, you are the one being protected (maybe too much) by copyright (and the French law on authorship). At worse, you can just end up not giving enough rights to the users of your code.
<d_bot> <Faun> So I should find a license that provide more rights on my users
<d_bot> <RegularSpatula> sleepydog: yeah i feel like the balancing of it is the trick
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<dh`> do not write your own license
<dh`> that is not legal advice, that's practical advice
<dh`> otherwise, please take this rubbish to gnu.misc.discuss
* dh` hides
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