<EshaanAgarwal[m]> "jonpsy: zoq fieryblade https://..." <- can we reschedule this to tomorrow at same time 10:00 PM IST ? Meanwhile, i will take another look at HER with gdb. I also intend to update the progress repository so that we also get started with wrapping up the documentation and report.
not sure i can make it monday
Eshaan Agarwal: have you written this code entirely from scratch or have taken help from a resource?
<jonpsy[m]> "not sure i can make it monday" <- When can we do it then ?
<jonpsy[m]> "Eshaan Agarwal: have you..." <- I have used the psuedocode in paper and implementation done in Intel Coach Labs as reference. I have mentioned that in PR. But since the mlpack library had a different structure, I implemented in accordance it.
flipped the bit in n length binary vector ! here agent will provide index as the action ! that index will be filpped and then produced vector will be next state
> What exactly are we trying to achieve here.
EshaanAgarwal[m]: that will give 1 for 0 at that index and 0 when its 1 at that index
jonpsy[m]: Modified state is a col vec right ?
In which we stored our present state
is it?
<EshaanAgarwal[m]> "> <@jonpsy:matrix.org> `..." <- If `modifiedState(action.action)` is 0, what happens? It becomes -1?
jonpsy[m]: it will become 1 right ? 1-0 is 1 which will get stored at that place
assuming the above code is correct, we could've just done `nextState.Data() = 1 - state.Data()` ? Why create unnecessary copies
* - state.Data()(action.action)` ?
jonpsy[m]: we have to flip that index right ? nextState is empty as of now
Hi Team , any suggestion what should i use to deploy Mlpack C++ based model ? like flask and Django use for python based Machine learning model .
EshaanAgarwal[m]: i think what you mean to say is this `nextState.Data()= state.Data(); nextState.Data()(action.action) = 1 - state.Data()(action.action);`
or you could just `std::move` the last part
but yes, avoid copies
jonpsy[m]: sure i will make that change.