rcurtin_irc changed the topic of #mlpack to: mlpack: a scalable machine learning library (https://www.mlpack.org/) -- channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/mlpack -- NOTE: messages sent here might not be seen by bridged users on matrix, gitter, or slack
<zoq[m]> No, we wanted to use it as part of the sos kernel, but ended up with another solution.
pbsds has quit [Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat]
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<rcurtin[m]> ah, sounds good---I'll go ahead and remove it then. I am testing some final fixes now, should have a PR open in just a little while
<rcurtin[m]> once that's done I'll be able to adjust it slightly to use mlpack git master, then I can adapt all the C++ notebooks
<zoq[m]> I’m super busy this week, but I can take a look at it over the weekend.
<rcurtin[m]> no worries! that would be great if you could do that when you had the time
<rcurtin[m]> the notebook refactoring, plus [the models refactoring](https://github.com/mlpack/models/pull/81), are the last two things on my list before an mlpack 4 release
<rcurtin[m]> (unless there is something I missed)
<rcurtin[m]> I found also that binder instances running on OVH systems simply don't connect to datasets.mlpack.org, which is a problem... I sent OVH an email so we'll see where that goes. the "workaround" is simply to use a non-OVH binder instance, e.g., by using https://notebooks.gesis.org/binder/ instead
<rcurtin[m]> https://github.com/mlpack/examples/pull/207 fixes the cling notebook kernel 👍️
Guest_ak has joined #mlpack
<Guest_ak> Hi
rcurtin_matrixor has joined #mlpack
<Guest_ak>  #include "mlpack/core.hpp"
<Guest_ak>           ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
<Guest_ak> compilation terminated.
<Guest_ak> make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/mlpack_sample.dir/Main.cpp.o] Error 1
<Guest_ak> make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/mlpack_sample.dir/all] Error 2
<Guest_ak> make: *** [all] Error 2
<Guest_ak>  #include "mlpack/core.hpp"
<Guest_ak>           ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
<Guest_ak> compilation terminated.
<Guest_ak> make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/mlpack_sample.dir/Main.cpp.o] Error 1
<Guest_ak> make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/mlpack_sample.dir/all] Error 2
<Guest_ak> make: *** [all] Error 2
<Guest_ak> I am getting this error
<Guest_ak> could any one help me on that
<Guest_ak> i installed mlpack on ec2 instance
<rcurtin[m]> you haven't pasted what the actual error is
<rcurtin[m]> however, my guess is that you don't have your include directories set up right
<Guest_ak> fatal error: mlpack/core.hpp: No such file or directory
<Guest_ak>  #include <mlpack/core.hpp>
<Guest_ak>           ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
<Guest_ak> compilation terminated.
<Guest_ak> make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/mlpack_sample.dir/Main.cpp.o] Error 1
<Guest_ak> make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/mlpack_sample.dir/all] Error 2
<Guest_ak> Hi can we have a call pls, if possible
<Guest_ak> Hi
<rcurtin[m]> I can't hop on a call to help you with this. You haven't got your include directories set correctly; make sure your compiler configuration is correct
<Guest_ak> find_library(MLPACK_LIBRARY
<Guest_ak>  NAMES mlpack
<Guest_ak>  PATHS "" ""
<Guest_ak> )
<Guest_ak> find_path(MLPACK_INCLUDE_DIR
<Guest_ak>  NAMES mlpack/core.hpp mlpack/prereqs.hpp
<Guest_ak>  PATHS ""
<Guest_ak> )
<Guest_ak> in findmlpack.cmake file
<Guest_ak> what path i need to give
<Guest_ak> #.rst:
<Guest_ak> # FindMLPACK
<Guest_ak> # -------------
<Guest_ak> #
<Guest_ak> # Find MLPACK
<Guest_ak> #
<Guest_ak> # Find the MLPACK C++ library
<Guest_ak> #
<Guest_ak> # Using MLPACK::
<Guest_ak> #
<Guest_ak> # find_package(MLPACK REQUIRED)
<Guest_ak> # include_directories(${MLPACK_INCLUDE_DIRS})
<Guest_ak> # add_executable(foo foo.cc)
<Guest_ak> # target_link_libraries(foo ${MLPACK_LIBRARIES})
<Guest_ak> #
<Guest_ak> # This module sets the following variables::
<Guest_ak> #
<Guest_ak> # MLPACK_FOUND - set to true if the library is found
<Guest_ak> endif()
<Guest_ak> # Hide internal variables
<Guest_ak> mark_as_advanced(
<Guest_ak> )
<Guest_ak> This is my findmlpack.cmake file
<Guest_ak> I think i did mistake at  [ find_library ,find_path] location
<Guest_ak> could you please confirm which path location i need to give for [ [ find_library ,find_path]
<Guest_ak> and this is my
<Guest_ak> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8)
<Guest_ak> set (CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14)
<Guest_ak> project(MlpackSample)
<Guest_ak> find_package(MLPACK REQUIRED)
<Guest_ak> add_executable(mlpack_sample main.cpp)
<Guest_ak> target_link_libraries(mlpack_sample ${MLPACK_LIBRARY})
<Guest_ak> CMakeLists.txt file
Guest_ak has quit [Quit: Client closed]
<rcurtin[m]> Don't forget `include_directores(${MLPACK_INCLUDE_DIR})`