[microservice/mlpack-3.1.1/build/include/mlpack/prereqs.hpp:74:10: fatal error: boost/serialization/serialization.hpp: No such file or directory
jonpsy[m]: in HER i am storing all the transitions in a vector
share me the type of transition
what exactly is `transition`
jonpsy[m]: its a struct of state next state isEnd goal etc
i have solved it. I actually passed the arguments in wrong order
just got a new one 🫠 Let me look at that one
haha, send that pastebin then
basically your constructor was failing
for `transition`
jonpsy[m]: nope i was pushing back the tuple of transition in wrong order. For ex {nextState, state} or {state, nextState}
jonpsy[m]: yup one minute
EshaanAgarwal[m]: looks like i managed that one too. Phew
EshaanAgarwal[m]: yes, which is why it couldn't "construct" your object during `push_back`. Since the real ctor expected a different order of inputs
EshaanAgarwal[m]: test got compiled successfully finally.
jonpsy[m]: yup you are right
onwards to testing them, do it rn. LEmme know th results
jonpsy[m]: yes ! just doing it in a minute. Will keep you posted
For adding to testsuite, bitflipping is fine. But for actually checking its workin, we need to go for a beter env.
jonpsy[m]: sure ! what do you propose for that ?
jonpsy[m]: Not much. I have heard about the debugger though
EshaanAgarwal[m]: How have you been debugging till now?
jonpsy[m]: I have set a private variable called length for the length of binary vector
jonpsy[m]: Pretty much without that 😅
how exactly?
VSC right?
jonpsy[m]: Yes
you do realize VSC uses GDB internally?
jonpsy[m]: I did not know
I mean it just gives you in a prettier format, bt that doens't change the fact
basially a wrapper around gdb
jonpsy[m]: Ok ! I actually did not face much issues related to matrices. In the PPO one we used the C++ program and printed everything
Coming back to the issue. I am not sure if I get the issue correctly ? I do understand it's related to the dimension and length
that error was runtime, i presume?
jonpsy[m]: Yeah I ran the test
ofc, so when its matrix multiplying. The end and start dimension should match
jonpsy[m]: Yes !
not all the test in that file. Just this single test
<jonpsy[m]> "> <@jonpsy:matrix.org> sent an..." <- So I change this variable right ?
can you run `BitFlippingWithNStepHindsightDQN` just this test
jonpsy[m]: I ran only this and just gave you the error I got
EshaanAgarwal[m]: uh, so it should be 10 ig?
try replacin with 10 and re-runnin
jonpsy[m]: But we are making it a variable right ?
jonpsy[m]: Ok ! Give me a minute
jonpsy[m]: It's compiling ! Taking a little bit time.
yup looks like issue with buffer size. justa a hunch
jonpsy[m]: yup ! i will see what i can dig till then
That's fine, but we should never get `segmentation faults` . Once you find your error, put appropriate `asserts` so that its caught in compile time
jonpsy[m]: understood
can't stress the "never" enough. It creates bad image
jonpsy[m]: i understand 😢
will look in it then ! will post if i get something
Hi rcurtin this is my cmakelist.txt file . i added boost library inside my project folder. but still i am getting [ Could NOT find Boost (missing: Boost_INCLUDE_DIR serialization] this error.
As our project already build in mlpack 3.1.1., so it is very difficult for us to go for newer version of mlpack.
I think most things are reverse compatible from 3.4.2 to 3.1.1, so it may be easier than you think to upgrade, but okay
if CMake is not finding Boost successfully, make sure it's installed on the machine, and if you installed it to a custom directory you might try specifying the `BOOST_ROOT` option to CMake