rcurtin_irc changed the topic of #mlpack to: mlpack: a scalable machine learning library (https://www.mlpack.org/) -- channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/mlpack -- NOTE: messages sent here might not be seen by bridged users on matrix, gitter, or slack
<ShubhamAgrawal[m> rcurtin: In ANN, why don't we store gradients and forward data in layer itself and store pointer to these allocation in FFN?
<rcurtin[m]> that makes a huge amount of programming overhead for anyone writing a new layer, and increases opportunities for bugs (because there is more code allocating memory in different places)
<ShubhamAgrawal[m> rcurtin[m]: Oh I am thinking about it for my proposal to change it to in-layer.
<ShubhamAgrawal[m> Because now you need to add gradients from different layers to get a gradient for resnet or inception like network
<rcurtin[m]> I would not support the idea of holding the memory in-layer. that's how it used to be, and there were very very many bugs (some never solved) that resulted from the complexity of that design
<rcurtin[m]> those bugs mostly had to do with aliases that went out of date or got deallocated and so forth
<rcurtin[m]> for your situation, I don't think it's too painful in the DAG case to simply allocate a temporary matrix for the gradient, then add it to the final gradient
<ShubhamAgrawal[m> rcurtin[m]: Ok
<ShubhamAgrawal[m> I can leave it as it is and change backprop algo for DAG
<rcurtin[m]> it is true that a copy is suboptimal; but when compared with the cost of the forward and backward passes themselves, I suspect it will not be too painful
<rcurtin[m]> (and if it is, we can find out later with a profiler and tune it as needed)
<ShubhamAgrawal[m> Ok thanks
<rcurtin[m]> I used to feel much more strongly about making code as fast as possible everywhere; upon reflection over the years, sometimes the cost of maintaining clever code is too high---especially if that clever code was not actually solving an empirically demonstrated performance bottleneck
<ShubhamAgrawal[m> rcurtin[m]: Yeah
<ShubhamAgrawal[m> I think too abstract approaches sometimes.
<fieryblade[m]> .
<ShubhamAgrawal[m> zoq: For writing pre-trained models proposal, do I need to write API as API is written in models wiki page?
<ShubhamAgrawal[m> Or should I copy it to proposal too?
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<zoq[m]> > <@shubhamag:matrix.org> zoq: For writing pre-trained models proposal, do I need to write API as API is written in models wiki page?
<zoq[m]> > Or should I copy it to proposal too?
<zoq[m]> If it's the same no need to copy it in again, you can reference; if it differs from the API please point that out.
<zoq[m]> * If it's the same no need to copy it in again, you can add a reference; if it differs from the API please point that out.
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