rcurtin_irc changed the topic of #mlpack to: mlpack: a scalable machine learning library (https://www.mlpack.org/) -- channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/mlpack -- NOTE: messages sent here might not be seen by bridged users on matrix, gitter, or slack
<AnwaarKhalid[m]> Looks like we can't submit a draft proposal ( gdoc link) through GSoC dashboard this year. In this case, should I share the link through the mailing list?
<zoq[m]> AnwaarKhalid[m]: I think you can submit and change a proposal as often as you like. Which basically is the same?
<ShubhamAgrawal[m> zoq[m]: I think there is no link in dashboard
<zoq[m]> ShubhamAgrawal[m: Link in what sense, link to share it?
<AnwaarKhalid[m]> With google doc, it was easier to get reviews from the mentors. You can only upload a pdf now.
<zoq[m]> Ohh, I see.
<zoq[m]> In this case, feel free share the doc with the mentors on whatever channel is the most convenient.
<zoq[m]> Depending on the information, you could send it to the mentors privately as well.
<ShubhamAgrawal[m> zoq[m]: Is mentors assigned already?
<ShubhamAgrawal[m> I'm in dark now.
<ShubhamAgrawal[m> I know only list of potential mentors mentioned in wiki
<AnwaarKhalid[m]> <zoq[m]> "In this case, feel free share..." <- Hmm, let me share the doc through the mailing list. I'll give comment access to you @ rcurtin .
<zoq[m]> rcurtin: can we create a mentor mailing list as well?
<AnwaarKhalid[m]> * to you & @ rcurtin
<AnwaarKhalid[m]> zoq: marcus.edel@fu-berlin.de , this is correct , right?
<zoq[m]> > <@shubhamag:matrix.org> Is mentors assigned already?
<zoq[m]> > I'm in dark now.
<zoq[m]> > I know only list of potential mentors mentioned in wiki
<zoq[m]> Most of the ideas, have at least one mentor who expressed interest, but perhaps we can create a mailing list for all the mentors as well. We will know tomorrow.
<zoq[m]> AnwaarKhalid[m]: yes
<AnwaarKhalid[m]> zoq rcurtin : I've sent the google doc invite. Please let me know in-case you didn't receive it,
<Liu[m]> Hey guys, I want to discuss a GSoC idea in the email list, so I sent a subscribe request to the list, but I didn’t get any response. Then I tried to send the discussion email to <mailto:mlpack@lists.mlpack.org|mlpack@lists.mlpack.org>, but I didn’t see my email in email list archive either. I’m not familiar with email list… Did I do anything wrong?
<AnwaarKhalid[m]> Liu[m]: When you subscribe to the mailing,list you should receive an email to confirm your subscription. Maybe, it ended up in your spam?
<AnwaarKhalid[m]> > <@_slack_mlpack_U038MB7TMMG:matrix.org> Hey guys, I want to discuss a GSoC idea in the email list, so I sent a subscribe request to the list, but I didn’t get any response. Then I tried to send the discussion email to <mailto:mlpack@lists.mlpack.org|mlpack@lists.mlpack.org>, but I didn’t see my email in email list archive either. I’m not familiar with email list… Did I do anything wrong?
<AnwaarKhalid[m]> * When you subscribe to the mailing list, you should receive an email to confirm your subscription. Maybe, it ended up in your spam?
<zoq[m]> <AnwaarKhalid[m]> "zoq rcurtin : I've sent the..." <- Got it, thanks!
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