rcurtin_irc changed the topic of #mlpack to: mlpack: a scalable machine learning library (https://www.mlpack.org/) -- channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/mlpack -- NOTE: messages sent here might not be seen by bridged users on matrix, gitter, or slack
<rcurtin[m]> ok---I'm done with #2777. I passed through the code yesterday and today, addressed any issues I found, and so whenever folks want to review it, I will respond and we can get it merged :)
<zoq[m]> <rcurtin[m]> "ok---I'm done with #2777. I..." <- I'll set it on my list for tomorrow.
<rcurtin[m]> it may take more than one day 😄 it's like 40 million lines of code or something like that in the diff
<zoq[m]> <rcurtin[m]> "it may take more than one day..." <- wow
<rcurtin[m]> I might be exaggerating 😄
<zoq[m]> rcurtin[m]: +15561/-22597 not quite 40 million but wow
<rcurtin[m]> much of it can be ignored, and many of the files have just been moved for now, but yeah, it is a huge amount of code that had to change
kristjansson has quit [*.net *.split]
kristjansson has joined #mlpack
<NabanitaDash[m]> I am getting an error :
<NabanitaDash[m]> ```
<NabanitaDash[m]> while running the README.md file for `gym_tcp_api`
<NabanitaDash[m]> This might be of interest: https://github.com/openai/gym/issues/2674
heisenbuugGopiMT has quit [Quit: You have been kicked for being idle]
_slack_mlpack_37 has joined #mlpack
<EshaanAgarwal[m]> I was working on my pr #3164 for size checks.... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/2bd3b18d652528bdf41b1e1349bdca882e128331)
<EshaanAgarwal[m]> * I was working on my pr #3164 for size checks.... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/7a2695201c3fe1e6fef9be90cbb465d0e5e0397f)
<EshaanAgarwal[m]> * I was working on my pr #3164 for size checks.... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/10c76859ab2ddd87257dac4658817b57e6b36831)
<rcurtin[m]> yeah, there is no way around this in C++, just pass the default value for b
<rcurtin[m]> it would be nice if there were keyword arguments or something, but all the solutions I've seen in C++ are more tedious than they're worth
<rcurtin[m]> so, we have to think carefully about the order that we put our default arguments in... we should try and make them ordered such that the most common ones come first, and the least common ones come last
<EshaanAgarwal[m]> rcurtin[m]: Agreed ! Python already handles it using that.
<rcurtin[m]> the other way we work around this issue---and it's not a complete solution---is that when you create an mlpack machine learning model object (like, say, `KMeans<>` or something), you can specify no values (i.e. construct it with all defaults)
<rcurtin[m]> but then after constructing, you can use accessor functions to modify only the members of `KMeans<>` that you want
<EshaanAgarwal[m]> rcurtin[m]: Understood ! Thanks
<EshaanAgarwal[m]> rcurtin[m]: Sure ! `isTranspose` will cover one of those very rare cases so passing default should be fine.
<jonpsy[m]> how do i host the images to put them in proposal?
<jonpsy[m]> could you upload them on server?
<jonpsy[m]> zoq:
<zoq[m]> <jonpsy[m]> "zoq:..." <- Sure, what you can also do is put them into an issue and use that link in the wiki.