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<Niketkumardheery> > Hello everyone, I think I went through all the proposals so far that you shared as a google doc. Perhaps I missed some, in which case just ping me and I'll take a look.
<Niketkumardheery> sir, I am working on xgboost implementation,could I send a proposal to you for review
<zoq[m]> > <@niketkumardheeryan-62304a3d6da03739849255da:gitter.im> > Hello everyone, I think I went through all the proposals so far that you shared as a google doc. Perhaps I missed some, in which case just ping me and I'll take a look.
<zoq[m]> > sir, I am working on xgboost implementation,could I send a proposal to you for review
<zoq[m]> >
<zoq[m]> Sure thing.