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< ShahAnwaarKhalid>
I was looking at ann/loss_functions and couldn't find the Triplet Loss function. Would it be okay If I implement it?
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< androi>
< rcurtin[m]1>
hi there Vedanta Jha, thanks for opening the issue. personally, I tend to think "the more the better", so probably a demonstration of alpha matting would be useful---but I'm not particularly familiar with the technique, so I can't really say. maybe someone else has an opinion and will post on the issue :)
< jeffin143[m]>
rcurtin ( why didn't we mention that we changed our serialisation in changelog ??
< rcurtin[m]1>
oh! that is important! It must have gotten overlooked in the PR. do you want to add a note? or maybe shrit does?
< rcurtin[m]1>
thank you for pointing that out 😃
< jeffin143[m]>
Yes ,that was important
< jeffin143[m]>
I was just taking a look at what all are left for mlpack 4
< jeffin143[m]>
It might take a month if I am not wrong
< jeffin143[m]>
But could be soon too
< rcurtin[m]1>
I think that we have not made a firm decision anywhere, but at least personally I'd like to see us manage to remove boost::visitor before mlpack 4. but I'm not sure quite how much work has to happen before we are there, so I don't know if that's a fully realistic goal
< rcurtin[m]1>
we don't have to remove all boost dependencies---that can happen in subsequent releases, and we can probably do that without changing the 'user facing' API, so there's no need for another major version bump
< rcurtin[m]1>
but the boost::visitor refactoring will definitely affect the 'user facing' API for individual neural network layers, and (depending on your definition of 'user facing') the Model classes that used boost::visitor before
< jeffin143[m]>
I would like to wait for the visitor pr to be merged
< jeffin143[m]>
Seeing at the pace I don't think
< jeffin143[m]>
It would take much time , but again not sure
< jeffin143[m]>
Yes I think it would be safe to wait for visitor to be removed
< rcurtin[m]1>
yeah, I haven't been able to keep closely on top of that PR, zoq probably has a better idea of where it stands
< jeffin143[m]>
15 days ago , I saw he quoted it was 70% done
< rcurtin[m]1>
wow, moving right along :)
< jeffin143[m]>
So probably more than that currently
< jeffin143[m]>
Ryan any plan to open bandicoot for gsoc this year , I think conrad is the guy who must give a green signal for that :)
< rcurtin[m]1>
I don't think it would be an issue---it's open source after all :)
< rcurtin[m]1>
we would probably want to do a bandicoot project under the mlpack umbrella, so that we don't have to submit bandicoot as a separate mentoring organization or anything
< jeffin143[m]>
Yes , may be some models or experiments just like kimsangyeon did in 2019 with gausian gmm :)
< rcurtin[m]1>
👍️ yeah
< rcurtin[m]1>
one disadvantage is that bandicoot will be hard for newcomers, since it is in such an early stage of development
< jeffin143[m]>
Yes also we didn't put that in wiki
< jeffin143[m]>
So no body would hav take a look
< jeffin143[m]>
And aldeardy the season has started so it would be too difficult to get accustomed the code base
< rcurtin[m]1>
I wouldn't have an issue adding it to the wiki, but we should make the scope of the project super clear
< rcurtin[m]1>
(of course if a student had a proposal for doing something specific to bandicoot, I would imagine that sounds good too, but I think there would be many people who are looking for guidelines on what exactly is desired, since they are not likely to be familiar with the bandicoot effort and why it's important for mlpack)
< jeffin143[m]>
True , may be next year :)
< jeffin143[m]>
We will start well ahead
< rcurtin[m]1>
< zoq>
Personally I wouldn't really mention Bandicoot right now, since it's in such an "early" state. The getting familiar with the codebase part would be difficult since there is not much documentation we can refere to.
< jeffin143[m]>
> Personally I wouldn't really mention Bandicoot right now, since it's in such an "early" state. The getting familiar with the codebase part would be difficult since there is not much documentation we can refere to.
< jeffin143[m]>
< rcurtin[m]1>
if we merged C++ string utility support but never mentioned it in, we definitely should add something 👍️
< zoq>
About the visitor transition out of the 61 layers we need to adjust 52 are ready, so we made some pretty good progress.
< zoq>
There are some extra pieces like the serialization that can take some extra time.
< rcurtin[m]1>
ah, yeah, the serialization issue might be a difficult one to solve
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< VedantaJha[m]>
<rcurtin[m]1 "hi there Vedanta Jha, thanks for"> Hi,
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< shrit[m]>
I think jeffin143 has already open a pull request
< shrit[m]>
is DESTDIR trick necessary even when using apt-get?
< rcurtin[m]1>
oh, not when using apt, I only meant that for if you are manually installing Armadillo
< shrit[m]>
Exactly, my issue now is that the cross compiler toolchain is nowhere to find it,
< rcurtin[m]1>
it looks like the errors you are getting there aren't related to Armadillo but instead the aarch64 compiler can't be found... maybe needs some CMake configuration variables?
< rcurtin[m]1>
or maybe the aarch64 compiler packages need to be installed via apt?
< shrit[m]>
Actually I have already added it
< shrit[m]>
but no where to be found
< rcurtin[m]1>
in Debian at least the `g++-10-aarch64-linux-gnu` package is available but I'm not sure where it gets installed
< rcurtin[m]1>
you could do `dpkg -L g++-10-aarch64-linux-gnu` to see all the installed files in that package; one of those should be `g++` in some directory somewhere
< shrit[m]>
usually under /usr/bin
< rcurtin[m]1>
for the cross-compiler packages it could live somewhere else so it doesn't interfere with the usual g++ toolchain
< shrit[m]>
I will try this one on CI
< rcurtin[m]1>
but I'm not sure
< shrit[m]>
I will open a pull request to remove the old arma
< rcurtin[m]1>
be ready for lots of output from `dpkg -L` 😃 it will list every file
< rcurtin[m]1>
sounds good 👍️
< rcurtin[m]1>
we should stick with the 8.400.0 version, not the apt version though---it's better to test against the oldest supported version
< shrit[m]>
< shrit[m]>
Also in the same file, linux plain is building on my machine, but it is not finding boost, do you have any idea?
< shrit[m]>
on the CI
< rcurtin[m]1>
could it be how you are setting `Boost_INCLUDE_DIR` in `CMakeLists.txt`? that might cause CMake to not search for Boost