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< rcurtin[m]> abernauer: awesome, hope it is going well :) although usually first days are pretty boring...
< abernauer[m]> Yeah going through orientation right now it's nice to learn more about the firm, but very straightforward.
< abernauer[m]> My work laptop has Symantec software on it.
< rcurtin[m]> I might suggest uninstalling it... my employment there did not teach me to have faith in their software :)
< abernauer[m]> Yeah, I can't actually install software myself given the regulatory environment which will take some getting used to..
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< Saikia_> I was interested to work on reinforcement learning
< Saikia_> can anyone help me here???
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< zoq> Saikia_: I would recommend to get familiar with the RL codebase, maybe you can think about some extension you like to add.
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< AyushSingh[m]> Can someone please review <>. Thanks!
< iamarchit123Gitt> Hi zoq is the current implementation for RL good enough that I can make a self playing mario out of it? Anyone has tried that
< zoq> iamarchit123Gitt: That should be possible, we already have a NEAT PR open that we like to test on super mario world as well.
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