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< mehulkc[m]>
<shrit[m] "How much RAM do you have?"> 3GB
< shrit[m]>
I think you have to increase your swap to 10GB and use make -j1
< mehulkc[m]>
i have increase ram togb
< mehulkc[m]>
< mehulkc[m]>
j1 works fine ?
< mrityunjay[m]>
zoq: Okk...I just saw the changes you made to #2777. I was not aware you are working on the same problem :). I just wanted to utilize the existing code..hehe
< zoq>
mrityunjay[m]: Yeah, same idea here, at the same time I use the opportunity to simplify the code.
< mrityunjay[m]>
Agree... zoq
< zoq>
mrityunjay[m]: Before I change any more layers I like to finish the FFN class first, copy and move constructor remaining.
< mrityunjay[m]>
zoq: Nice...There are not much layers remaining. Reset is one other thing to handle to appropriately initialize the network for testing.
< zoq>
mrityunjay[m]: Reset should be done now.
< mrityunjay[m]>
zoq: The network initializer is still remaining...Module containers such as `Sequential` are not initialized appropriately.
< mehulkc[m]>
using 2 cores (-j2) works fine ?
< zoq>
mrityunjay[m]: I'll push the changes later.
< mrityunjay[m]>
zoq: Let me know if I can do something...
< mrityunjay[m]>
mehulkc: -j2 generally works fine...if not use -j1
< mehulkc[m]>
ok, I have make -j2
< mehulkc[m]>
mrityunjay: how much time does this command takes ? mine process is going on from last one hour now
ImQ009 has joined #mlpack
< mehulkc[m]>
I am getting this error even with make make -j1 command
< mehulkc[m]>
I have use make -j1 command still I got the same error
< mrityunjay[m]>
mehulkc : I think you are building each can turn off some of them.
< mehulkc[m]>
oh, Like
Axthe has joined #mlpack
< Axthe>
Hello everyone
< mehulkc[m]>
mrityunjay: how can i remove the extra bindings ?
< Axthe>
I'm a ML enthusiast and after learning ML I wanted to start some open-source contribution. But I'm new to it so I wanted some guidance how to contribute to mlpack
< NippunSharmaGitt>
Hi @Axthe you can start by building mlpack from source, you can refer [here]( After you are able to do that you can pick some good first issue to work on.
< AyushSingh[m]>
Can someone please help me in the following doubt, been stuck on it since few days.
< AyushSingh[m]>
Can we not read a text file into a vector<std::string> using data::load? Need to load the BERT vocab file. Added a snippet from the file.
< AyushSingh[m]>
Thank you.
< rcurtin[m]>
Ayush Singh: you can load that with the version of `data::Load()` that takes a `DatasetInfo`. The results will be loaded into an `arma::mat` and that `DatasetInfo` object, not a `vector<wstring>` or similar.
< AyushSingh[m]>
Thanks, then I would be able to get the result as a vector<string> using the DatasetInfo object?
< rcurtin[m]>
you'd have to do a little work on your end---you can use the values in the `arma::mat` combined with `datasetInfo.UnmapString()` to recover the string, and like that you could assemble a `vector<string>`
< rcurtin[m]>
our string support is not perfect---I'd love to see it improve. one of the problems is that Armadillo matrices (and basically all machine learning algorithms) depend on all elements being numeric. so we can't store strings directly in an Armadillo object, and this makes dealing with strings a little bit awkward
< AyushSingh[m]>
Okay, thanks for the giving a start, will look into it.
< rcurtin[m]>
there are some PRs open that have to do with string support, so for better understanding of where things currently stand it may be worth taking a look at that
< rcurtin[m]>
but at least for just what you are trying to do to get a `vector<string>`, the `data::Load()` and `DatasetInfo` support should be sufficient (albeit a little clumsy) 👍️
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