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< ironstark> zoq: rcurtin: The output generated from the R script is of the type
< ironstark> The last line has the timer thing I need
< ironstark> .236 sec elapsed
< ironstark> now for each R script other things will be different depending on the packages being installed
< ironstark> how to write a regex to parse such an output
< ironstark> here is something I have cooked up. It works under the assumption that the very last decimal number parsed is the runtime
< ironstark> does that seem correct?
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< zoq> ironstark: Looks good, I would also include 'sec elapsed', since the pattern '\d+\.\d+' might match multiple times? So something like: "(\d+\.\d+).*sec elapsed"
< zoq> ironstark: might be helpful to test the regex
< Erwan_> Hi there
< Erwan_> rcurtin: do you use something special in your main code for deserializing ?
< Erwan_> From further investigation, it seems that the problem I have come from trying to read the xml into a boost archive
< Erwan_> It expects some tags to be there, like "<count></count>" for arrays
< Erwan_> For every other data structure it's fine
< Erwan_> but for the gmm model, it is replaced by the tag "<gaussians></gaussians>"
< Erwan_> We boost tries to deserialize, it is unable to find the count tag, and thus throw the exception
< Erwan_> If I manually add the tag, it then expect a <item_version> tag and so on
< Erwan_> (btw if we exclude the serialization of the map of gmm, it serialize and deserialize fine)
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< kartik_> hi <zoq> i have completed the blog post and added the vanilla network on thyroid dataset. but it takes 4 mins to converge. Is it okay?
< zoq> kartik_: 4 min on travis? Might be a a little bit long, we should see if we can get the test time down, instead of using the thyroid we could test iris.
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< kartik__> <zoq> no 4 mins on local machine
< zoq> hm, okay, let us test the iris dataset
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< kartik__> <zoq> should i test it on iris and remove thyroid ?
< kartik__> <zoq> about CNE what start pointers would u suggest?
< zoq> we have to check the timings, but I guess we could delete the thyroid dataset
< zoq> you mean NEAT?
< kartik__> <zoq> yes NEAT
< zoq> So I would start with the IsSameSpecies function including Disjoint and WeightDiff.
< zoq> It looks like after some time there is only one species left.
< kartik__> ohkay.
< zoq> Where every Genome is the same ...
< zoq> So my guess, the comparing function isn't correct or doesn't use the correct parameter.
< zoq> As you already said, writting some debug functions might be helpful in the long run :)
< kartik__> ohkay .. ill check that
< kartik__> yes i will .. open a new PR and start with the functions
< zoq> Okay, sounds good, let me know if you need any help.
< kartik__> yes <zoq> i will go for the regular string stream and then saving it in a file
< kartik__> in a specified format
< zoq> You could also use the mlpack serialization feature.
< kartik__> u said before to use serialization library
< kartik__> yes exactly :D
< kartik__> any start pointers for that
< kartik__> ?
< zoq> Let's see if I can find the NEAT seralization code
< kartik__> oh okae.. i will continue for 2-3 days reading the NEAT the papers and sethbling code and then will start with the feature.
< zoq> kartik__: Okay, that gives me some time to find the code :)
< zoq> ah, found it
< zoq> Will push the code later to my fork
< kartik__> on the way.. ill write the tutorial for it as well ..thanks a lot marcus.
< zoq> okay, great
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#3120 (master - c39a45b : Ryan Curtin): The build was broken.
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< zoq> rcurtin: The last commit reminds me of something Kartik noticed a while ago, that some formulas aren't rendered e.g right after: "algorithm which finds". haven't looked into the issue yet...
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#3125 (master - 39f9999 : Ryan Curtin): The build was fixed.
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< rcurtin> zoq: some of the formulas are invalid latex and don't compile; I think I fixed it at some point
< rcurtin> when doxygen encounters the first failing formula, it halts, so other formulas don't get made also
< rcurtin> it's fixed in the master branch, but I guess I need to backport fixes to other versions and rebuild the page
< zoq> rcurtin: ah, I see, thanks
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