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< partobs-mdp> I finally understood why we have never got good results on Add and Sort: the RNN model from mlpack is not seq2seq!
< partobs-mdp> I mean, it processes sequence this way: read 1 input vector -> do calculations -> emit 1 output vector
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< zoq> partobs-mdp: For the Add task you don't need an encoder/decoder RNN, since the input and output size could be fixed. On a higher level you could use a seq2seq model, sure, but not necessarily.
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< kris1> lozhnikov: I made some commits to ssRBM PR and also tested it out on the cifar dataset.
< kris1> I am not able to run the full cifar-10 dataset. My laptop just hang’s some that’s why tested it on only a small part.
< lozhnikov> kris1: I have just read your comment. sounds good
< kris1> Sorry i wasn’t able yesterday i was travelling.
< lozhnikov> no problem
< lozhnikov> how do you think, is there any sense in non-scalar slabPenalty?
< kris1> well i used a scalar slabPenalty for my experiments. And also the paper uses the values that are scalar.
< lozhnikov> In such a way I suggest to replace replace the slabPenalty matrix by a scalar. Maybe that will improve the performance, how do you think?
< kris1> I have done that in the latest commit.
< kris1> I use double for slabPenalty now.
< lozhnikov> ah, I see
< kris1> Also i mentioned that we can also convert the mu-ssrbm to ssRbm a while back. Actually i cited the wrong paper. This is the relevant paper
< lozhnikov> I know, I have read that
< kris1> Ahh okay.
< lozhnikov> Actually, I thought about that, I started the implementation of the mu-ssRBM. I'll finish soon and I am going to try your test
< kris1> Okay. I will try to see where my GAN implmentation was going wrong tonight. If you don’t have any comments on ssRBM.
< lozhnikov> I'll look in detail in the evening
< kris1> Sure
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< partobs-mdp> rcurtin: About DiscreteDistribution: I can't figure out how to use it for 1-dim discrete distribution. The unit test is not so helpful because it initializes probabilities from strings, which is clearly an overkill :)
< partobs-mdp> By the way, I got disconnected after my RNN comment. Was it responded? (Logs at don't help)
< zoq> partobs-mdp: Yes,
< zoq> partobs-mdp: For the Add task you don't need an encoder/decoder RNN, since the input and output size could be fixed. On a higher level you could use a seq2seq model, sure, but not necessarily.
< partobs-mdp> zoq: No, I mean that mlpack RNN implementation emits the next sequence element right after it read the corresponding input sequence element (hence the input/output equal sequence lengths)
< partobs-mdp> True, input size is fixed, but the way RNN class processes its input doesn't allow it to do addition - but it allows copying (because for copying it's enough to use whatever part of sequence is already in)
< zoq> The output of the Add task isn't delayed, as you did for the Copy task?
< zoq> I thought it's delayed, so the current model wout predict the input only after it has seen the complete sequence.
< partobs-mdp> zoq: Yes, that's my point - the model is asked to emit LSB of the sum after it has seen LSB of the first addend (and only it!)
< partobs-mdp> Of course, it can't be better than random guessing
< partobs-mdp> In AddTask case it could be worked around in a *horribly* ad-hoc way: feed n-th bit of *both* addends (2-dim vector) on n-th timestep.
< partobs-mdp> However, it's very ad-hoc - there should be a way to load the sequence as a whole and only then do the predictions.
< zoq> What I can think of right now, is to pad with zeros, as we did for the copy task and for the predictions we only look at the end of the sequence.
< zoq> I can do this in the next days and post the results here; I think we don't have to modify the Task classes, and we should probably move on with the model implementation. What do you think?
< partobs-mdp> Yes, I also like the idea. Also, I've read the HAM paper once again and decided that you're right about the differentiable HAM. I think I'm going to implement it, and not the hard-stochastic version.
< partobs-mdp> zoq: You mean doing this way: [0 1 0.5 1 0 0.5 0 0] -> [0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1]?
< zoq> yes
< zoq> About the differentiable HAM model, your decision; I'm fine with both ideas
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< kris1> parallel sgd is failing on my local machine.
< kris1> Do i need to install open mp or some other functions for making it work
< kris1> Figured it out….i used g++7 option with cmake.
< kris1> the system dies after 40% the full build is not succesfull.