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< partobs-mdp> zoq: rcurtin: Finally got the non-zero parameters in HAM, but the unit test is still messed up. It seems like I've done some armadillo magic wrong, but could you take a look into the issue?
< partobs-mdp> The code in the latest commit
< partobs-mdp> One of the problems is that the JOIN doesn't get valid parameters and emits some negative values (despite having weight matrix consisting of positive elements)
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< kris__> Hi lozhnikov could you run this file for me.
< kris__> These are the parameters ./gan_keras.o -i ./train4.txt -o ./output.txt -m 1000 -e 1000 -r 0.001 -b 100 -g 2 -N 100 -G 1024 -D 1024 -t -1 -s -v
< lozhnikov> kris__: I have to do another work right now, I'll run your code in an hour.
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< Guest75930> hi. i have just working on open-source projects.
< Guest75930> How do i get in touch with this organization
< zoq> Guest75930: Hello there, and are probably helpful.
< zoq> Guest75930: We are always open for new contributions, let us know if we should clarify anything.
< Guest75930> thank you. will do
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< kris1> lozhnikov: I think now the resize layer is fixed. You can have a look.
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< kris1> Lozhnikov: I was think that we should add a parameter for noise size in Gan.hpp.
< kris1> Right now we have only one noise sample. On each batch we train the Gan on batchSize * trainData(0, batchSize) + noise*BatchSize.
< kris1> or we are training on noise very less. So if the batchSize is small this would not be a big matter. But if the batchSize = 100. the diffrence is pretty huge. I think this the reason the gradients are not big in out case.
< kris1> What do you think ?
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< kris1> Also rather than having an extra parameter i was thinking we always set the noiseSize = batchSize so the now the predictor would (trainData.n_rows + batchSize, trainData.n_cols)
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