changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
k1ngsl3y has joined #mlpack
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Saaketh has joined #mlpack
< Saaketh> Hello I am applying gsoc 2017 I would like to know how can I contribute from now itself
< zoq> Saaketh: Hello, one place to start, if you have not already seen it, is:
< zoq> There are a few issues on Github that might be a good place to jump in; we tag them by difficulty, so here are the "easy" tickets:
< zoq> Also, we are always open for interesting new methods and ideas.
k1ngsl3y has joined #mlpack
< k1ngsl3y> hello , please i am new here, how can i start contributing to the existing projects.
< zoq> k1ngsl3y: Hello there, I answered a similar question some hours ago, here is the irc log that might be helpfull:
< zoq> Let us know if we can clarify anything.
< k1ngsl3y> thank you very much zoq
< k1ngsl3y> i am very grateful, i will let you know once i have any problem.
< zoq> k1ngsl3y: Sounds good.
< k1ngsl3y> ok
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kingsl3y has joined #mlpack
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