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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1629 (master - 86689aa : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< radens> Hello, does MLPack impement AdaBoost+Random forest? I have a python sci-kit learn script which I need to port to C++ and I'm evaluating libraries.
< rcurtin> radens: do you mean AdaBoost with random forests as the weak learners?
< radens> rcurtin: I believe so, but my knowledge of machine learning is weak.
< radens> Yes, that sounds right.
< rcurtin> mlpack does implement AdaBoost but not random forests (there is some experimental code for streaming random forests, but I doubt that will be useful)
< radens> In your opinion can I change the weak learners for Adaboost, or should I keep looking at other libraries?
< rcurtin> ok, so, for what it's worth, the whole idea of AdaBoost is that it does boosting with a bunch of weak learners, so it doesn't really make sense to use a strong learner instead
< rcurtin> (hang on, phone)
< radens> Yeah, I get that, but that's what the guy in research used, and I'd like to follow his lead. Take your time, I'll be around.
< rcurtin> ok, sorry for the delay, I'm back now
< rcurtin> typically _either_ adaboost or random forests are used, so it is strange to me that you would use both together
< radens> :)
< radens> I'm just the engineer with a monkey wrench.
< rcurtin> :)
< radens> Do you think I could use them together with this library, or is dlib a better option, or something else?
< rcurtin> I don't think that dlib has adaboost, but it may have random forests
< rcurtin> basically, the mlpack adaboost implementation allows you to specify, as a template class, the weak learner
< rcurtin> if you definitely need random forests to be used as your weak learner, then you would need to implement random forests in mlpack (semi-difficult and could be time consuming, I dunno what your timeframe is)
< rcurtin> and then you could plug them in like 'AdaBoost<RandomForest>' and the AdaBoost algorithm should work fine
< radens> So MLPack doesn't implement random forests? Or do they just not fulfill the weak learner interface?
< rcurtin> unfortunately there aren't random forests in mlpack at the moment
< rcurtin> what we do have (which was actually written specifically to be an adaboost weak learner) are 'decision stumps'
< rcurtin> which are... part of the way to random forests but not very much :)
< radens> heh
< rcurtin> you could take the existing decision stump code and adapt it into a decision tree (I think someone has worked on this before but I don't think the code was ever finished), then writing random forests on top of that is not so hard
< radens> Are there other libraries I should look at first?
< rcurtin> looking at dlib, it doesn't seem to have either adaboost or random forests
< rcurtin> there's shogun, but I don't think it has either of those algorithms either (not 100% sure)
< rcurtin> there's also Ross Quinlan's C5.0 package, which is open source and implements a C5.0 decision tree and random forests
< rcurtin> if you were clever you could use the C5.0 decision trees from there, wrap an mlpack weak learner interface around it, and then use them together
< rcurtin> to be honest I think that might be your best bet
< rcurtin> probably C5.0 is a different type of decision tree than what your researcher used, but there are a lot of similarities so it should give comparable results
< rcurtin> I suspect that even if you did use adaboost with a weak learner (like decision stumps or perceptrons, which are already in mlpack ready to go), you'd get comparable performance to adaboost which uses random forests as weak learners
< rcurtin> but I only mention that again because it could be a nice way to save a lot of potential work :)
< radens> rcurtin: thank you, I appreciate your help. I'll go run through a couple tutorials for both libraries and see about trying that.
< radens> I may just start with the stumps.
< radens> Oh, is C5.0 LGPL?
< rcurtin> sure, feel free to come ask for help if you have any problems
< rcurtin> well, that's the other issue, the license is weird for C5.0
< rcurtin> C5.0 is GPL only, so if you're in a company that's almost certainly a non-starter
< radens> Dang.
< radens> I mean, I'm a dyed in the wool open source head, but that will go over like a lead balloon here.
< rcurtin> I know exactly what you mean
< rcurtin> I'm at Symantec and we've done some experiments with C5.0 here before but whenever the word "GPL" comes out everyone runs
< radens> I'll focus on the weak learner for now and see how performance compares. Thanks!
< rcurtin> it took no small amount of paperwork just to get them to be ok with me contributing to mlpack too :)
< rcurtin> sounds good---like I said, feel free to ping with questions if you have any
< radens> See that's the nice thing about startups, you don't have to worry about that sort of paperwork.
< radens> Thanks!
< rcurtin> :)
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< radens> rcurtin: Hey, I just installed mlpack and armadillo from homebrew (because the work box runs OS X) and tried to compile it like this and got a whole bunch of linker errors:
< rcurtin> did you link with mlpack? -lmlpack
< radens> yup and -larmadillo too
< radens> Oh wait, figured it out.
< rcurtin> oh, sorry, now I see the command at the top of the page
< rcurtin> what was the issue?
< radens> g++ didn't know where the libraries live, but clang++ does.
< rcurtin> ok, I figured it was a path issue like that or something
< rcurtin> it looks like the page you found is from 1.0.12 documentation, but homebrew has 2.1.0 so this may be more accurate:
< radens> Thanks
< rcurtin> sure; I have to go get dinner now, but I'll be back later, and I (and others) check the logs here so if you leave a question it'll be answered eventually
< radens> Thanks
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