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< nilay> zoq: i will have to implement 1 x 1 convolution separately, right?
< nilay> because we need to accumulate depth here unlike 3 x 3 or 5 x 5 convolutions (for which we can use NaiveConvolution)
< nilay> and also then backprop would be different for 1x1.
< zoq> yes, it's probably a good idea to implement 1x1 separately
< nilay> yeah so we should implement 1x1 layer right?
< nilay> separate forward and backward pass
< zoq> You can also implement the 1x1 conv inside the inception layer
< nilay> but then if we want to use just 1x1 conv separately, then we would not be able to
< zoq> Good point, I guess, you are right a 1x1 conv layer is the way to go.
< nilay> ok thanks
< nilay> zoq: do you get what is being said here:
< nilay> how fully connected layers are just 1x1 convolution
< nilay> i'll be back in 10 minutes.
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< zoq> You can express a fully-connected layer using a 1x1 convolution, Right now, I can't remember what paper proofs this. I think it was connected with Yann's binary conv network.
< zoq> But, I'm not sure they are the same.
< nilay> ok can we do the reverse?
< nilay> express 1x1 convolution as a fully-connected layer
< zoq> you mean instead of implementing a 1x1 conv layer we could just use the fully-connected layer?
< nilay> yes, i can think how we could do the forward pass
< nilay> i am thinking about the backward pass
< nilay> ok it would take much more time, its better to implement it as separate
< zoq> nilay: Hold on, why do you think we can't use the ConvLayer to do 1x1 convolution?
< nilay> no, because i couldn't find a method that does (arma::cube input, arma::mat filter, arma::mat output)
< nilay> sorry can't use NaiveConvolution
< zoq> I think we could just use the ConvLayer inside the inception layer.
< nilay> how
< nilay> can't even do the convolution operation
< zoq> ConvLayer<> convLayer0(1, 8, 1, 1);
< zoq> convLayer0.Forward(input, output)
< zoq> does a 1x1 convolution on the input data.
< zoq> ConvLayer<> convLayer0(10, 2, 1, 1); is probably is a better example, because you like to reduce the input data
< zoq> The last example takes an cube with 10 slices as input and outputs the results of 2 (1x1) convolutions.
< zoq> so let's say the input is arma::cube(100, 100, 10) the output would be of size arma::cube(100, 100, 2)
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< rcurtin> mentekid: are you done with the multiprobe LSH PR? I think it is ready to merge, but I dunno if you were waiting to do anything else
< mentekid> No I think it's ready
< mentekid> I've started working on parallel find() and unique() code but things don't look good... especially find(), there's too much lock contention
< mentekid> so it ends up being way slower tha arma::find()
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1135 (master - a50784d : Ryan Curtin): The build was fixed.
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< zoq> Karl_: Just realized you were talking about kpca, if you get the kernel right, It's probably a good idea to test the nystroem method.