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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1046 (master - 4129a7c : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1047 (master - bee9567 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1048 (master - a9f5622 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< rcurtin> wow! now there is some speedup
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< marcosirc> Hi @rcurtin
< marcosirc> About the PR implementing approximate neighbor search.
< rcurtin> maecosirc: I think the game went very well for Argentina :)
< marcosirc> Thanks! Yes! I have to say thanks to Messi :)
< rcurtin> if you'd like to rebase the PR feel free, it will make it easier to merge
< marcosirc> Ok. I will do it. Thanks
< rcurtin> yeah, I figure Sumedh will merge it when he is happy with everything
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< marcosirc> rcurtin: I can see in many sides of the code that Accessors/Mutators are implemented using references. Accessor return a const reference.
< marcosirc> Does it make sense to have both? Maybe, the mutator is enough, as ir can be used to access/modify the member's value.
< rcurtin> if you are writing a const method, then the const accessor is required
< marcosirc> Yeah, I understand. Ok.
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< marcosirc> Hi @sumedh
< marcosirc> sumedhghaisas: I have fixed the conflicts in the PR on approximate knn.
< sumedhghaisas> @marcosirc Hey Marcos... It was on my agenda for tonight but thank you :)
< sumedhghaisas> I will merge it then...
< marcosirc> Ok. Thanks!
< sumedhghaisas> @marcosirc How are your graphs going?? Any interesting results yet??
< sumedhghaisas> I will merge as soon as the test tests are done...
< marcosirc> Hi, yes. If you give me 5 minutes I can upload it to so you can see them.
< sumedhghaisas> Sure... I would love to look at them...
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< marcosirc> sumedhghaisas: Thanks. It is available in
< marcosirc> you have to select the view: "Metric analysis with multiple parameters for an algorithm/dataset combination"
< sumedhghaisas> @marcosirc So base cases are decreasing as we predicted...
< marcosirc> Yes
< marcosirc> You can also see the runtime with:
< marcosirc> method: ALLKNN
< marcosirc> dataset: isolet
< marcosirc> option: e
< marcosirc> params: k:3 seed:42
< marcosirc> metric: Runtime
< marcosirc> it will show runtime for flann and ann too.
< marcosirc> Of course we should do benchmarking with bigger datasets!
< sumedhghaisas> yeah... I started with cloud dataset... mlpack is slowest there...
< marcosirc> isolet and corel-histogram are the biggest there..
< sumedhghaisas> mlpack seems to perform better as the dataset size grows :)
< sumedhghaisas> which is a very good thing
< sumedhghaisas> I mean perform relatively better...
< marcosirc> Yes, I agree.
< marcosirc> Maybe, we should do some test with bigger datasets...
< sumedhghaisas> Also the graph for isolet dataset... I cannot see a unit for the y-axis... where as for cloud it states minutes...
< sumedhghaisas> is minutes common??
< marcosirc> I think you are confussing the basecases metric with the runtime metric...
< marcosirc> Ahh no sorry, I see what you mean
< marcosirc> I don't think m means "minutes". I will check the javascript code to see how it sets the units.
< marcosirc> I am working updating that view. Now you have to set the same parameters for all libraries. I was planning to modify it.
< marcosirc> I was planning to use a similar approach to : "Dataset metric plots for any algorithm/parameter combination"
< marcosirc> where you can add as much cases as you want with different parameters.
< marcosirc> so we could compare, for example, "mlpack-knn ... -k 3 --seed 42 -t cover" against "mlpack-knn ... -k 3 --seed 42 -t spill" etc
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< marcosirc> Would you agree?
< sumedhghaisas> ohh you mean comparing against trees...
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< marcosirc> I mean, the objeive of this new view is: "show the metric progress for a specific method configuration, with different values for a specific parameter"
< marcosirc> Now, we compare, for example, the runtime for ALLKNN with the same configuration for different libraries, and different values for the "-e" parameter.
< marcosirc> I would like to modify the view, so we can set different parameters and see what happen, in each case, when we only change a specific parameter, like "-e".
< marcosirc> Once we implemented spill trees. We will want to compare, not only mlpack against flann and ann, but also "mlpack -t kd" against "mlpack -t spill".
< marcosirc> Do you see what I mean?
< sumedhghaisas> I like the idea... but I think it will get complicated in this process....
< sumedhghaisas> do you think we should implement it in the same view??
< sumedhghaisas> or create another view??
< sumedhghaisas> let me think...
< marcosirc> I was implemented this in the same view...
< sumedhghaisas> hmm... I don't see any other way to compare this though...
< marcosirc> This is the general idea:
< marcosirc> Initially you choose: a method, a dataset, and an option. (For example: ALKNN, isolet, "-e")
< marcosirc> Then you can start adding combinations of: parameters, library. As many as you want.
< marcosirc> For example:
< marcosirc> "-k 3 -seed 42 -t spill", mlpack
< marcosirc> "-k 3 -seed 42 -t kd", mlpack
< marcosirc> "-k 3 -seed 42", flann
< marcosirc> "-k 3 -seed 42", ann
< marcosirc> when you click "Redraw graph", all of this cases are shown in the graphic, for different values of "-e".
< sumedhghaisas> So first parameter then library then combinations.... then add...
< sumedhghaisas> I mean...
< sumedhghaisas> in "Dataset metric plots for any algorithm/parameter combination"...
< sumedhghaisas> we first select method then combination then library...
< sumedhghaisas> but I don't think tree option will be valid for library...
< sumedhghaisas> so we can do library first then populate the combinations...
< sumedhghaisas> what do you think??
< marcosirc> Yes, I agree.
< marcosirc> Now, in "Dataset metric plots for any algorithm/parameter combination", when you select parameters, it updates the list of libraries available.
< marcosirc> So, when you select parameters like: "-k 3 -seed 42 -t spill", only mlpack will appear as a possible library.
< marcosirc> But, we can move the library to be chosen first, as you suggested. It looks more intuitive...
< sumedhghaisas> yeah... I think its more intuitive... So if I understand correctly... we will select the method first... then comparison parameter then library... then combination... correct??
< marcosirc> We could have fixed options: method, dataset, metric, option (For example ALLKNN, isolet, Runtime, -e)
< marcosirc> Then, users can add as many (library,parameters) combinations as they want.
< nilay> zoq: Hi, how are you?
< nilay> I had a small doubt, when doing 1 x 1 convolution we simply ignore some cells of the input tensor?
< sumedhghaisas> But if we are comparing for different parameter values... shouldn't we keep the method constant??
< sumedhghaisas> I mean both method and comparison parameter....?
< sumedhghaisas> ohh you mean the same...
< marcosirc> Yeah :)
< sumedhghaisas> sorry :)
< sumedhghaisas> I think thats a good plan...
< marcosirc> Great. Thanks! I am working on this. I think I will finish it in the next days.
< zoq> nilay: Hello, I can't complain, how are you? I'm not sure why do you think we ignore cells of the input tensor? The 1x1 convolution is used to reduce the filter size.
< zoq> nilay: that's a nice explanation
< nilay> I am good :)
< nilay> yeah i am looking at the same link
< nilay> convolution is applying a filter on an input tensor.
< nilay> so 1 x 1 convolution reduces filter size, what does this mean?
< nilay> should i read the network in network paper too?
< zoq> nilay: yeah, that would be helpful
< zoq> nilay: the 1x1 convolution is a really neat trick, and it's so simple, "For example, an image of 200 x 200 with 50 features on convolution with 20 filters of 1x1 would result in size of 200 x 200 x 20."
< zoq> nilay: so if you do convolution with a 3x3 kernel you don't have to do it on the 200x200x50 input matrix, just on the 200x200x20 matrix
< nilay> so in a sense, we are applying this kernel of size 20 x 20 (20 filters of 1 x 1) on the input image which is 200 x 200 x 50
< nilay> i think i am wrong
< zoq> no, you are right you do convolution wit a kernel size of 1x1
< nilay> from where does then 20 filters come? ( a convolution with kernel size 1 x 1 would just be multiplying the image with a scalar)
< nilay> we implemented the ConvTriangle function, that is convolution right, with a kernel of size k x k
< nilay> (while doing the feature extraction part)
< nilay> ok so now i understand i think, we take a tensor at each location which is of size 50, and map it to a tensor of size 20
< nilay> using some kernell
< nilay> kernel*
< zoq> So if you start with an image of size 200x200x20 and you do convolution with a 1x1 filter the output is 200x200 because you accumulate the result over the dimensions of the input.
< zoq> so, someting like image[0] * kernel + image[1] * kernel ...
< nilay> yeah, ok. so we only consider the location (i, j) when quoting the convolution size, the tensor at that location is of any arbitrary length
< zoq> yes, the output of the convolution is defined by the number of kernels
< nilay> the animation on the link, is not representative then, it seems we are ignoring some values in that link
< nilay> so we have 20 kernels of size 1 x 1?
< zoq> yeah, it's not accurate
< zoq> yes, right
< zoq> on top of that you do a 3x3 convolution and a 5x5 convolution
< nilay> yes ok.
< nilay> also for doing backprop for CNNs we don't have to do anything different than in a normal net?
< zoq> nilay: no, simple backprop
< zoq> is also a nice paper
< zoq> that's how the backward and gradient function of the convolution layer looks like
< nilay> yeah, i have to look at that paper.
< nilay> also the inception layer a - e should be made as separate layers?
< nilay> (a) layer means 1 x 1 convolution, (b) means a 3 x 3 on top of 1 x 1 and so on, right?
< zoq> just as a single layer
< zoq> no need to implement the naive version
< zoq> unless, you like to do that
< nilay> is my understanding of what (a) (b) .. mean w.r.t to inception layer correct?
< nilay> because i don't think it is
< zoq> I'm lloking at page 5 from the going deeper with convolutions paper
< nilay> yeah
< nilay> so they talk about 4a to 4d modules
< nilay> what is 4a?
< zoq> let's see
< nilay> inception (4a)
< zoq> ah, 4a is a different auxiliary network attached to the overall network
< nilay> so the inception layer is one unit, and there are auxillary classifiers attached over it in (a - e)
< zoq> the inception layer is what you see in figure b on page 5, but the overall inception network has some auxillary classifier attached to it
< nilay> yeah , ok
< zoq> page 7 figure 3 shows the complete inception network, with two auxillary classifiers attached to it
< zoq> the output of each, classifier is a softmax activation layer
< nilay> i wonder why we have a - e when we only attach a softmax classifier at the filter concatenation stage in that figure
Lenish is now known as Rodya
< zoq> The table on page 6 isn't what figure 3 shows
< zoq> if you add another inception layer, you probably also add another auxillary classifier
< zoq> out for dinner, back later
< nilay> ok
< sumedhghaisas> @rcurtin: Hey Ryan...
< sumedhghaisas> our tests are solid... we should boast our coverage... :P
< sumedhghaisas> I mean on the github readme...
< rcurtin> okay, if you want to modify the readme do it :)
< sumedhghaisas> @rcurtin we will need to add --coverage to gcc while compiling... I can try adding a cmake build for it and generate a graphical view using icov ... what do you think?
< sumedhghaisas> hmm... this seems better...
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1051 (master - 37fda23 : sumedhghaisas): The build passed.
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