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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1027 (master - 2da9c5b : Tham): The build was fixed.
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< mentekid> rcurtin: I took another shot at the vectorization, still couldn't get it to be faster than the master branch. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all
< mentekid> I started with openMP yesterday, I've finished the parallel query processing part and the corresponding unit tests. I can see good results, speedup of x2-x3 on my machine...
< mentekid> I'll open a PR so you can take a look at the code. I've tried to keep it as simple as I can - just some code to track the number of threads, code to control the maximum number of threads LSHSearch is allowed to use, and of course the loop parallelization
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< rcurtin> mentekid: sounds good, I will take a look tomorrow
< rcurtin> I should also say, I am traveling from Tuesday night until Monday morning, so I will find time each day to be responsive and answer questions, but the hours will be weird
< keonkim> Hello, I have a military training (commute) during 21, 22, 23. I can still be online and work on the project, but my responses can be delayed.
< nilay> zoq: Hello, I have a doubt in the discretize function, after applying pca why do we have to do this: lbls += (zs[:, i] < 0).astype(N.int32) * 2 ** i
< nilay> From the paper: we quantize z based on the top log 2 (k) PCA dimensions, assigning z a discrete label c according to the orthant (generalization of quadrant) into which z falls.
< nilay> so here k = 2, so we take only the top PCA dimension.
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< mentekid> rcurtin: It's ok - I'll be working on the parallelization so I'll notify you if I have any questions/doubts
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1031 (master - a7e8d3b : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< zoq> nilay: hmm, good point, in case you have more than 2 classes, you shift everything into the same quadrant, so you don't end up with the same binary label ... however, I can't think of a situation where we end up with more than 2 classes, so why should we implement that transition, can you think of any situation?
< nilay> no i can't see why more than 2 classes are needed... we only see for a pair of pixels whether segments are same or they are not.
< zoq> okay, I guess, if we can't think of any situation, we don't need to implement that transition.
< nilay> but does that line of code make any sense, what does it do
< zoq> shifts any value into the same quadrant
< zoq> but only if k > 2
< nilay> i am talking about lbls += (zs[:, i] < 0).astype(N.int32) * 2 ** i
< zoq> yes
< nilay> so if zs < 0 we multiply by 2 and square. and otherwise we let the label be 0 only?
< mentekid> rcurtin: does PR #701 affect the entire project or just that certain class? Should I change core.hpp to include openMP if present?
< nilay> and then we find unique lbls? the zs > 0, which have value 0 would all be gone
< rcurtin> mentekid: that affects the whole project, so yeah, I guess it is relevant to you too :)
< rcurtin> I think that you should be able to do most to all of the parallelization just using openmp #pragmas, for which omp.h should not be necessary
< zoq> nilay: That's another line we don't need because we use k = 2, if we have more than two labels, we take the most representative label over all dimensions (unique).
< zoq> nilay: Nice side effect, we could speed thing up, good catch :)
< zoq> *things
< zoq> nilay: So I would propose to avoid the for loop and the unique operation.
< nilay> zoq: so after applying pca, we only have 2 classes, one with val > 0 and one with val < 0 ?
< nilay> can you explain me the case where say we had 4 classes, how will we have divided into quadrants using that line of code?
< zoq> nilay: that's right
< zoq> I guess it would become more clear with a simple example and a plot, I can write that tonight (probably) and send it to you.
< nilay> ok no, i think i get the quadrant thing now
< nilay> but why would we want to do N.unique then?
< nilay> the labels can only have 4 possible values (for a quadrant) right?
< zoq> let's say we have k = 3 so, we use the first 2 components (PCA), each component is a potential label which could be something like this [0.2 0.4 -0.1 ...] after we converted each component into a binary representation, we end up with e.g: [0 0 1], [0 0 1], [0 1 1], since we like to get a unique label over all components, we use unique
< zoq> The output data has nothing to do with the number of quadrants:
< nilay> zoq: thanks, i think i understand now, after so long :)
< nilay> we don't need unique because we only use one component
< zoq> yes, right
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