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< marcosirc> rcurtin: Thanks for that comment about Argentina. I hope we win the game tomorrow! :)
< marcosirc> zoq: Are benchmarks updated somewhere?
< marcosirc> I mean, is the benchmark system regularly executed?
< marcosirc> I can see some messages in IRC.
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< rcurtin> marcosirc: I hope to be able to watch the game tomorrow; I saw the third placeatch (or some of it) today. the US did better against colombia than argentina but not good enough for a win I suppose :)
< rcurtin> *third place match
< nilay> zoq: ok, i am fixing these now.
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< nilay> how do we ensure whether FullConvolution or NaiveConvolution is performed?
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< zoq> nilay: I think you mean, ValidConvolution and FullConvolution: NaiveConvolution<ValidConvolution>::Convolution(...) or NaiveConvolution<FullConvolution>::Convolution(...)
< nilay> yes i don't know why it doesn't work for me
< zoq> nilay: do you get some error?
< nilay> i am writing this: mlpack::ann::NaiveConvolution::Convolution<FullConvolution>(InImage, k_mat, Output);
< nilay> and the previous one that you wrote
< nilay> mlpack::ann::NaiveConvolution<FullConvolution>::Convolution(InImage, k_mat, Output);
< nilay> do we need any other include other than naive_convolution.hpp
< zoq> #include <mlpack/methods/ann/convolution_rules/border_modes.hpp>
< zoq> That's where FullConvolution and ValidConvolution is defined.
< nilay> do i need anything else also?
< zoq> no, that's it
< nilay> i get some weird linking error now
< nilay> why do we have to include border_modes.hpp when its already included in naive_convolution.hpp
< zoq> oh, you are right, it's already included in naive_convolution.hpp
< zoq> maybe you can show me the error?
< nilay> i am writing this new function to test time:
< nilay> haven't changed anything else much
< zoq> hm, do you need mlpack::ann::... or does ann::... work? Also does it work if you remove the two lines?
< nilay> hm, it doesn't work after removing them too, this is weird
< nilay> i am checking it, i should be able to figure it out.
< nilay> thanks for your help.
< zoq> sure, here to help
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< zoq> marcosirc: Sorry for the slow response, it takes weeks, to run the complete benchmark suite. So, we usually do this once there is a new release. The results you see in the channel, are from the commit benchmark, which runs a benchmark on a smaller subset. I guess, what we could do, is to integrate the results into the nighly benchmark which take about 13 hours, that could be interesting.
< zoq> ... what do you think?
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< zoq> ah, wait for NumTree = 1, let's see how it looks like for NumTree=8
< nilay> did you do any major changes?
< zoq> no, just fixed the errors mentioned in the PR, let's see how we can increase the performance
< nilay> naiveconvolution and sobel filters?
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< zoq> I wasn't able to run the executable, before I fixed the errors; about 10 seconds just for the PCA step ... hm
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< nilay> these links show all the files
< zoq> oh, okay ... can you see the last comment, about 2 hours ago?
< nilay> only the comments that you made
< nilay> yes ok
< zoq> the one about -DBL_MAX and rowvec
< nilay> ok
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< marcosirc> zoq: Thanks for your reply.
< marcosirc> Ok, but I am not sure if it would be useful, because I can see that nighly benchmark only consider small datasets for allknn
< marcosirc> it includes: isolet, corel-histogram, covtype and cloud.
< marcosirc> which are the same I included in my comparison.
< marcosirc> I think it would be useful to compare with bigger datasets, and also, running flann and ann too.
< marcosirc> I can do it in my computer, and then upload it to I think it would take some days...
< marcosirc> What do you think is the best option?
< zoq> marcosirc: I could just run the neighbor search benchmarks and update the results by using UPDATE=True, instead of running the complete benchmark. I think that's the best option.
< zoq> That would save us a lot of time.
< marcosirc> zoq: yeah. That would be great!
< marcosirc> Is it possible to run flann and ann too ?
< marcosirc> You should recompile their command line tools.
< zoq> yes, I'll do that tomorrow
< marcosirc> Ok, perfect. Thanks.
< zoq> looks like using ann::FullConvolution instead of FullConvolution would solve the issue
< nilay> yes ok thanks
< nilay> its better to use namespace i guess
< zoq> yeah
< nilay> zoq: in the ConvTriangle function, using submat is faster than using NaiveConvolution
< nilay> here are the times i got:
< nilay> here are the 2 functions, one using naiveconvolution, and one not:
< nilay> i haven't done submat after doing fullconvolution
< nilay> should i use the sepFilter2D function for sobel filter too?
< zoq> hm, could you start the timer before the actual NaiveConvolution function, because we could use a pregenerated kernel matrix
< nilay> i was generating the kernel in the sepfilter2d also, so i did to equate them.
< zoq> ah, okay
< nilay> anyways i don't think that would take more than 0.01 s
< nilay> what does armadillo do, so that this is coming fast?
< zoq> it uses template meta-programming techniques:
< zoq> if your ConvTriangle is faster, I don't see a reason to use the conv method
< nilay> do you think same vectorized code could be written in naiveconvolution
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< nilay> also, when we write a vectorized step, how is it implemented internally
< zoq> if, the SepFilter2D turns out to be faster, I think it's a good idea to change the naive convolution implementation. We should run more test with larger kernels, to see if it's always faster.
< zoq> I guess, in that case you have to take a look at the armadillo code.
< nilay> ok
< zoq> nilay: Can you also test FFTConvolution?
< zoq> I'm just curious :)
< nilay> ok yes
< zoq> thanks :)
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< nilay> oops, FFTConvolution takes a ridiculous amount of time
< zoq> yeah, it should be faster when using a larger kernel
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< zoq> okay, thanks for the results ... so using SepFilter2D sounds like a good idea, right?
< nilay> yes, i think so
< zoq> okay, good
< nilay> maybe i should change the name of this function
< zoq> good idea
< nilay> should i name it Convolution
< zoq> Convolution sounds good to me
< nilay> :)
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