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< TD> mlpack is built. I am now receiving an error LKN 1104 unable to open libboost_serialization-vc140-mt-sgd-1_60
< TD> I have been through all the tutorials online and still no solution
< TD> I googled the error and added additional dependencies etc but it still doesnt resolve my issue
< TD> My environment is VS2015 x64
< TD> Windows 10
< TD> I receive the error when I am trying to build my custom solution. mlpack has built as instructed
< TD> I apologize. I hate windows but the data feed that I need is not stable in Linux
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< zoq> TD: Does the same error occur if you open one of the mlpack executables?
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1018 (master - a0b31ab : Ryan Curtin): The build was broken.
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< mohith> hey guyz
< mohith> Im a begginer
< zoq> mohith: Hello, if you're looking for how to get started take a look at:
< mohith> I'm having windows 10
< mohith> Is it fine?
< zoq> Most of us use Linux, however, you can definitely build mlpack on windows ... we are trying to make sure the master branch builds on windows and Linux, so yes it's fine.
< mohith> thank you
< mohith> so i've downloaded CMake , armadilo
< mohith> but boostpro website is not working
< zoq> You could follow Keon's great tutorial:
< zoq> Let us know if you need any help.
< mohith> sure and thanks a lot
< mohith> actually i was following some other tutorial and i was facing problems
< mohith> while installing cmake
< mohith> which one should i do
< mohith> is it binary or source code
< zoq> Can you post the link of the tutorial? maybe it's outdated ... Keon's tutorial is up to date.
< mohith> im doing it on keon's tutorial only
< mohith> Link you gave
< mohith> Yeah I got it.
< zoq> I guess you need to adjust the boost_math_c99-vc140. path ("Now copy and paste everything [...]") since the latest version should be 1.61.0 by now.
< mohith> how to check if i have visual studio 2015 on my pc?
< zoq> I guess, you could open visual studio and check the version, not sure.
< zoq> If not, it's free at least the Community version.
< mohith> community version is enough rite ?
< zoq> yes
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< mohith> oh it's not working
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< mohith> setup blocked
< mohith> please suggest me a link for visual studio download
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< zoq> What do you mean by "setup blocked"?
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< sumedhghaisas> @rcurtin Hey Ryan... what is your view on adding boost variant to CMake system... ?
< rcurtin> sunedhghaisas: I think Marcos is righr, I don't think it is necessary
< rcurtin> *right
< sumedhghaisas> rcurtin: but we still need to look for the header files right??
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< rcurtin> sumedhghaisas: yeah, but CMake already does that; I think if we find boost/version.hpp (which is what FindBoost.cmake does), I think that is sufficient
< rcurtin> since there are no major distributions shipping individual components of Boost
< rcurtin> if someone eventually complains that CMake configured mlpack right for them but then compilation failed because they did not actually have, e.g., boost variant, I think then we can do something more complex, but I am not sure that that situation will ever happen
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< TD> mohith: If you have any questions regarding mlpack using VS2015 in a windows 10 environment let me know
< TD> I am in the process of building mlpack and coding a solution
< TD> download the Community version
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