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< rcurtin> marcosirc: I have been thinking about the ticket you opened, I hope to have a comprehensive response soon
< rcurtin> I still need to think through a few things, but I think that you are right that the 2(\lambda(N_q) - \lambda(N_c)) can subtract too much, but I am not sure the proposed alternative is right
< rcurtin> but it is possible that as I think about it more I will come to a completely different conclusion :)
< marcosirc> Haha ok! Thanks for your feedback!
< mentekid> rcurtin: I will start with multiprobe on the upstream/master version of lsh_search_impl.hpp, meaning unique won't be part of my code when I submit it
< marcosirc> If you agree, I could modify the code according to my proposal, and make some test...
< mentekid> since we haven't reached a conclusion about which version we should keep
< mentekid> and when we decide I'll merge those changes, what do you think?
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< nilay_> zoq: can you suggest how to implement copyMakeBorder and resize functions of opencv? The code for these looks bulky.
< zoq> nilay_: Sure, let me take a look.
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< zoq> nilay_: so I think we could do something like this: The for loop to create the border is'not completely finished, but I hope you get the gist.
< zoq> nilay_: Tham has written a basic bilinear interpolation function that we could use: for the resize function. The interpolation strategy shouldn't really matter in our case.
< zoq> nilay_: I think we could also use the DownwardReSampling function from the GlimpseLayer class, we could test which function is faster. However, in that case we have to modify the DownwardReSampling.
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< rcurtin> marcosirc: you can try implementing it if you like, but even the version we have now is bug-free because there are no trees we implement that can cause the prune to be too tight, I think
< rcurtin> so even if you did make a new version, I don't know if it would show a bug even if there was one
< rcurtin> mentekid: I think, based on the data we had, that the unique() approach was just about always fastest, with only a few cases where find() was faster
< rcurtin> so I think I'll leave this up to you: if you want to keep the code simple, we can use unique()
< rcurtin> if you don't mind a little extra complexity (and documenting why the complexity is there), then we can use the hybrid approach probably with cutoff between 0.01 and 0.1
< rcurtin> it seemed like it would not make a huge difference whatever was chosen there
< marcosirc> Ok, yes I agree in that it is hard to find an example where we see a difference.
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< rcurtin> marcosirc: one way to do it might be to create a "random" treetype for the sake of testing, where points are chosen randomly in such a way that satisfies the definition of space tree
< rcurtin> I think there is a ticket open for this but I've certainly never gotten around to it :)
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< nilay_> zoq: wouldn't inputPadded.col(padSize - i - 1) = input.col(i); give a inconsistent dimension error
< marcosirc> This sounds interesting! I will look for that ticket.
< rcurtin> let me see if I can find it...
< rcurtin> but definitely don't feel obligated to do it unless you want to! I'm still undecided on whether or not it would be something that's really helpful
< marcosirc> Ok. I will take a look.
< marcosirc> Thanks
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#825 (master - f55427d : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< zoq> nilay: ah, you are right, better to use inputPadded.col(padSize - i - 1) = inputPadded.col(i); or submat(...)
< lozhnikov> rcurtin: Why does the DescentType::ChooseDescentNode method depend on const arma::vec& point ? All points belong to a dataset since RectangleTree::InsertPoint(const size_t point) depends on the order number. Why don't we use the order number of a point in the dataset instead? (I want to avoid repeated calculation of the hilbert value in case of the discrete
< lozhnikov> approach).
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< rcurtin> lozhnikov: originally the idea was that the RectangleTree would have Insert() and Delete() methods for adding and removing points
< rcurtin> since that is what the R-trees are made for
< rcurtin> so if that support was available, each node in the tree would have to hold its own (small) dataset
< lozhnikov> should these points be added to the global dataset?
< rcurtin> (since join_cols(), which is what we would use for adding points, takes a long time with big datasets but doesn't take a long time with small datasets)
< rcurtin> anyway that support is not currently present in the RectangleTree and you should not worry about it unless you want to, I am just trying to point out why it is like that
< rcurtin> but, as I think about it more, I think we could modify DescentType::ChooseDescentNode() accordingly
< rcurtin> like you could have DescentType hold a reference to the tree node (so it can get the tree's dataset)
< rcurtin> and have ChooseDescentNode() take the index of the point (which you then use the reference to the tree to get the dataset)
< rcurtin> I guess, that for the Hilbert tree, you coudl have DescentType calculate the Hilbert values of each of the points in the constructor
< rcurtin> is that what you were thinking?
< lozhnikov> Yes, you're right. But this should not work for new points which are not present in the dataset.
< rcurtin> I agree, but perhaps we can consider that some other time
< rcurtin> one possible workaround would be like this:
< rcurtin> each RectangleTree node holds its own local dataset
< rcurtin> when I add a point, I add it to the local dataset with join_cols(), then call ChooseDescentNode() with the new index
< rcurtin> or... hmm... I am not sure if that would work
< lozhnikov> There is a problem. This is function is recursive so the node will change.
< lozhnikov> And i have another question. I should modify CondenseTree() and InsertPoint() since the Hilbert tree requires adding new points according to their Hilbert values. And I should adjust the largest Hilbert value in CondenseTree().
< lozhnikov> I do not want to include the Hilbert tree specific code into the RectangleTree. So i want to add insertion of a point into a leaf node into the DescentType.
< lozhnikov> And want to adjust the largest Hilbert value in the SplitType
< rcurtin> sorry for the slow response, I was caught talking to someone else
< rcurtin> let me read CondenseTree() to refresh my memory...
< rcurtin> okay... so my understanding is that in each node, you are caching the maximum Hilbert value of points contained in it
< rcurtin> but when CondenseTree() is called, you potentially need to update this maximum Hilbert value
< rcurtin> let me know if that is not the correct problem
< lozhnikov> yes, you're right
< rcurtin> it seems to me that CondenseTree() calls InsertPoint() with points that need to be reinserted
< rcurtin> and at that point you could update the maximum Hilbert value
< rcurtin> since InsertPoint() calls DescentType and I think your plan is to have DescentType cache Hilbert values and the maximum Hilbert value
< rcurtin> is there something I've overlooked? I *think* that will work but I am not 100% certain
< lozhnikov> I use SplitType instead
< rcurtin> you could access the SplitType using RectangleTree::SplitType()
< lozhnikov> It seems this should work
< rcurtin> I don't think it is necessarily pretty to do it like that, since I think ideally SplitType and DescentType should not have dependencies on each other, but I am not sure I see an alternative here
< rcurtin> since both need access to the Hilbert values of the points
< lozhnikov> And another issue. CondenseTree() should shrink the bound after DeletePoint(). I should adjust the largest Hilbert value for the Hilbert tree. What is the best way to do?
< rcurtin> it seems like DeletePoint() does not call anything in SplitType or DescentType
< rcurtin> I wonder, if maybe it would be better to refactor the RectangleTree and add another template parameter, "AuxiliaryInformationType", which gets called after insertions and deletions to update any auxiliary information
< rcurtin> so for the Hilbert tree this auxiliary information could be Hilbert values and maximum Hilbert values
< rcurtin> for the X tree this could be normalModeMaxNumChildren
< rcurtin> I am not sure if that is the best idea, let me know what you think
< rcurtin> the other option is to make some extra function in SplitType or DescentType that is called when a point is deleted, but that seems kind of kludgey
< rcurtin> I have to go for now, I'll be back later tonight
< lozhnikov> As for me this approach (with auxiliary information) is much better. I think the X tree need not this since normalModeMaxNumChildren is used only in the SplitType. Thanks.
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