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< uzipaz> tham: I checked your blog post, unfortunately I couldn't find that bit where we specify path, anyways, I can specify the path manually when using cmake and it works, but now, I am getting linking errors when compiling, you can see the error here,
< rcurtin> uzipaz: if you have time, could you try with mlpack-2.0.1 instead of the mlpack git master branch?
< uzipaz> tham: I've been told that its probably because of multiple boost installation and I should install boost with static libs, i will try that soon and see how that works
< rcurtin> we made some changes to how the windows build works recently; I am wondering if that could be part of your issue
< uzipaz> rcurtin: certainly, ill let you know how that works out :)
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< tham> uzipaz : You can find out how to setup the path of boost in step 10 of my blog
< tham> I put the file on pastebin(
< tham> start from line 66~87 as my blog said
< tham> From the error log, it looks like you do not link to the boost libraries
< tham> If you specify the boost path correct
< tham> CMake should link to boost lib automatic
< tham> In the worst case, you need to specify which boost lib you need to link
< tham> you can start from absolute path first, after it work, change them to dependent path if you like
< tham> you can link to specific boost lib like this
< tham> target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} c:/lib/boost/boost_1_60_0/x64/libboost_date_time${BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX})
< uzipaz> tham: Thanks, ill try it and let you know
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< tham> uzipaz : you are welcome, hope you success
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< zoq> tham: I don't think there is any need to specify the boost/armadillo path inside the CMake file. You can just use BOOST_INCLUDEDIR and BOOST_LIBRARYDIR, as uzipaz did.
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< tham> zoq : Do you mean the installer?
< tham> But without setting the path, like BOOST_INCLUDEDIR, BOOST_ROOT and others
< tham> cmake cannot find those libs, unless they are place at the path CMakeLists.txt specify
< tham> You prefer user input the value from command line?
< tham> I suggest change absolute path to dependent path because
< tham> users may not want to install their libs in c drive(like me)
< tham> However, make the path become dependent or not is not a big deal
< tham> The problem need to solve are the links of the dependencies
< tham> Will they always the same?If not, we need someway to tell the installer, where could it find the new link
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< zoq> tham: Actually I meant uzipaz's problem, which isn't that cmake can't find boost.
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< tham> zoq : you are right, my bad, It is not about the problem of cannot find boost
< tham> uzipaz : sorry, I misunderstand your problem, it is not about you did not link to boost, but
< tham> maybe your libs are not compile with same options, different arch, stack overflow has a post discuss about this issue(
< tham> uzipaz is offline, maybe he would check the log
< rcurtin> yeah, I think uzipaz checks the logs, he's said so before
< tham> zoq : Study selective search and edgeBoxes
< tham> I think selective search is easier to implement than edgeBoxes
< tham> But edgeBoxes run faster, and has similar performance compare with selective search
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< zoq> tham: I agree, selective search is easier to implement. However, since we could use the Hoeffding tree or parts of the implementation it shouldn't be too hard to implement edgeBoxes as well. Anyway, let's see what Nilay likes to implement.
< zoq> tham: I hope, if uzipaz rebuilds boost with '--build-type=complete' we can get rid of all the errors.
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