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< mentekid> rcurtin: I've run some more tests for Corel, Phy, Miniboone and Pokerhand
< mentekid> I've packed all time data here, if you run it with matlab it plots everything so it gives us a better idea
< mentekid> it looks like it's all over the place - in some case there's improvement, in others it's worse
< mentekid> Do you think it might be better to keep this one stashed until I've implemented the tuning algorithm? So we can then check with realistic parameter sets and get more decisive results
< mentekid> I shouldn't say realistic... optimal might be a better word
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< rcurtin> mentekid: you're right, that is not at all like the pattern I expected
< rcurtin> I think that your conclusion might be right... that we should wait until later to see if we can figure out how to apply this
< rcurtin> I'm going to spend a little while trying to think about why we are seeing such unexpected patterns here
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< mentekid> rcurtin: sorry I had trouble with my computer. Yeah I don't understand this either, could it just be my machine?
< mentekid> I ran it at night so I wouldn't be using my computer so the time would be more reliable though, so I don't expect there to be a difference if you run it on a server
< rcurtin> yeah, let me try running the same thing
< rcurtin> did you have a nice script to do it?
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< mentekid> no nothing particular, just added -v and piped everything to grep
< mentekid> "":
< rcurtin> ok, let me give it a shot
< rcurtin> actually it might be a little while, I am in a meeting now and can't set this up right
< rcurtin> so maybe it might be tonight before I can
< mentekid> the "query" files are only the top 10000 lines of each file
< mentekid> sure no hurry... I'll take a look on the vectorization thing we discussed
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