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< rishabh> hello
< rishabh> i compiled standard cov computation code in c++
< rishabh> or rather tried to
< rishabh> it failed miserably with a number of warnings/errors of which i cant make any head and tail
< rishabh> it is most probably my stupidity somewhere... it would be awesome if u could help me out a bit
< rishabh> i compiled it using command $g++ -std=x++11 test.cpp -I/usr/include/libxml2 -lxml2
< rishabh> oh sorry that is -std=x++11 there
< rishabh> i used -std=c++11
< rishabh> this is the error i got
< rishabh> some g++ version info -
< zoq> rishabh: Hello, you need to link against the mlpack library.
< zoq> rishabh: Something like: g++ -I/usr/include/libxml2/ -lxml2 -L/path/to/build/lib/ -lmlpack
< zoq> rishabh: Hopefully this is helpful. Feel free to respond if you are still having issues.
< rishabh> ouch... yes that helped
< rishabh> i am getting a different error now
< rishabh> do i need to do the same for armadillo too??
< zoq> Try to link against -llapack
< zoq> g++ -I/usr/include/libxml2/ -lxml2 -L/path/to/build/lib/ -lmlpack -llapack
< zoq> g++ -I/usr/include/libxml2/ -lxml2 -L/path/to/build/lib/ -lmlpack -llapack -lblas
< zoq> or you can directly link against the armadillo library with -larmadillo
< rishabh> -larmadillo worked
< rishabh> the rest two didnt
< rishabh> thanks a lot :)
< zoq> okay, good to know :)